Apocalypse RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Apocalypse RP

Apocalypse RP

December 21, 2012 and all that. I vote aliens have some part in it.

Anybody want to?

submitted by SC, age FOR NARNIA, ALLONS-Y!
(August 18, 2012 - 7:45 pm)

I like SC's idea,but mabey some of us can be the people destroying and the rest of us can be the surviveors

submitted by True S.
(August 21, 2012 - 5:33 pm)

Can I be an Irkan giving you guys supplies sometimes? Please? Pretty please with exra ice cream, a heap of sugar and a cherry on top?

submitted by Annie, age 11, at my computer
(August 21, 2012 - 7:57 pm)

I don't think having Irkens in the RP would work out too well. And also, if you're an alien, wouldn't you be trying to destroy/take over the Earth too?


Spamdragon speaks! He says "vine". :)

submitted by Alexandra, age XIII (13), Never Land
(August 22, 2012 - 10:51 pm)

I want to be an aaalllien. . . . . . . .

So that I can fly a UFO!!


submitted by Zach L.
(August 22, 2012 - 2:12 pm)

Can we start. Pretty please, I wanna do a RP in a futuristic place

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(August 22, 2012 - 6:43 pm)

Definately aliens.  

Here's my character. A human who survived the apocolypse.


Apperance: Tall, apple red hair, pale, freckles, bright green eyes

Age: 16

Personality: brave, inteligent, stubborn, easily angered, picks fights, not trusting, but trustworthy

Weapons (It's the apocolypse, I'm guessing they have weapons): Two guns, and a katana (think ninja sword)

submitted by ~Sam~
(August 22, 2012 - 9:22 pm)

Ooooh, katana.

Name: Kaz Fontenoir

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Personality: Chatty and bright, bubbly. Very loyal, looks out for people she likes.

Appearance: Long, light brown hair and blue eyes. Tallish and wiry, not a whole lot of muscle.

Wears: Black zip-up ankle boots, green leggings, navy blue skirt, white button-down and Farraday goggles. (Think snowboarding goggles, but with night vision, infrared, and zoom spokes on one lens, and sights on the other.)

Weapon: A Very Large Gun.

She is one of the instigators of the apocalypse, somehow.


submitted by L
(August 23, 2012 - 2:22 pm)

Name: Drwg(it means evil in Welsh)

Gender: Male

Appearance: shoulder-length black hair, amber eyes, 7 feet tall, sharp teeth

Age: You want me to give an evil mastermind an age?

Personality: Evil. Malevolent.  Bad.  Malicious.

Weapons: Army of giant man-eating donuts come to life

Other: Leads evil army of donuts. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, A Jolly Holiday
(August 23, 2012 - 4:02 pm)

Name: Sahte (Name of South American god who tried to destroy the world with fire.  I'm assuming it didn't work.)

Gender: Male

Appearance: Average 8-foot Inca, but with an incredibly large nose (think Cyrano de Begerac)

Age: 2800

Personality: Messy.  Evil.  Conniving.  Vegetarian.  Has a weakness for pesto and collecting carnivorous plants.

Weapons: Said carnivorous plants.  And several generously oversized werewolves.  Plus, some balls of fire that freeze things.

Other: Slightly beneath Drwg*, wants to overthrow him and the world.

*Some how reminds me of Dr. Wig.  Are you sure that wasn't a spamalogy? 

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(August 23, 2012 - 4:47 pm)

OK!I am a suvivor!

Name:Jessa Forest



Appearence:Meidiem height,brown hair and eyes.Wears skirts or dresses,nearly always.

Personality: Shy and quiet,easily scared.Seems quiet,but when she feels safe,she is quite active.Works hard when she wants to,can be quite defending.

Weapon: Bow and arrow

Other:Is quite frail when she gets quiet.

submitted by True S.
(August 23, 2012 - 5:48 pm)

Here I am!

Name: Alpha

Race: A a robot that has artificail intelligence. She looks like a human, she acts like one, but she is not.

Age: Very old

Personality: Uncaring, abandoned by her owner, her only wish is to enjoy everyday of life until she shuts down.

Appearance: her skin is very very pale, her eyes fully black, no whites, her hair is white blond.

She wears a blue t-shirt, dark jeans, and running shoes, her hair is in one braid on her back.

Weapon: she can attach things to herself, like a gun, enabling her to get perfect accuracy.

Place when the A. begins, Disneyland 


submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(August 23, 2012 - 7:51 pm)

Yay! I get to make an alien!

Name: Omega Three (Om for short.)

Race: Alien. Is that good enough? I can't come up with good names for alien races, so if someone could help me out . . .

Age: 167. Still young.

Apperance: He's slender and very tall, with brown scales, tiger-like stripes and large, dark eyes. He wears highly technological suits. Highly technological suits are cool.

Weapon: The suit. The suit is awesome. Om is just a random foot soldier, and the suit is standard issue. It can make him invisible/short out surveillance devices/play Angry Birds. Also, he carries around an alien gun. A very large alien gun. The gun is black. And it shoots LASSSERS!! 0.o


I vote aliens come from a massive starship called The Avenging Unicorn.



submitted by Zach L.
(August 24, 2012 - 11:03 am)


No, it came from Google Translate. 

submitted by Melody, age 14, A Jolly Holiday
(August 24, 2012 - 3:14 pm)

I thought so.  

submitted by Gollum, Mooseflower
(August 25, 2012 - 11:41 am)

So, everything just kind of happens.  Chance meetings, etc. Yay for chaos and variables.

My charrie:

Name: Davin Careid

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Position: Survivor

Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, pretty average looking. Is currently wearing a Chicago Bears jersey and jeans. Carries a very big gun, a few pocketknives, ammunition, and a few smaller guns.

Last known location: Chicago

Personality: Has a major attitude problem. Major.

And because he's a survivor who has lost some as-of-yet-unspecified relatives/friends, he's going to try and destroy every single invading thing! MWAHAHAHAHA

submitted by SC, age ALLONS-Y!, FOR NARNIA
(August 24, 2012 - 6:45 pm)