So guys, remember

Chatterbox: Inkwell

So guys, remember

So guys, remember Deadlander prison? I will give it one last try, because it was one of my favorite RPs... I think SC started it, so SC, may I have your permission to restart it? Of course, this thread may have died cause no one wanted to use it, but whatever. It's worth a try.

Name: Deadlander prison

Where: Wonderland

Here's my character

Name: Red Riding Hood (Rei for short)

Age: Technically, 4000 years old. Looks about 9

Appearence: Short, blue eyes, short brown hair, red riding hood

Personality: Snobby, angry, hates everyone and is miserable with everyone. She's basically disgusted that she has to sit around with a bunch of other nutty characters.

Crime: She was charged of murder and insanity at one point, going around with severe anger issues and apparently attacking a family. Or did she? 

So, anyone interested? 

submitted by Gigi
(August 23, 2012 - 2:44 pm)

Ooh, yes... I was... Oh yeah


Name: Hans Christian Andersen

Age: in his thirties

Appearance: google him

Personality: Eccentric.  Author-y.  Just wants a pen and paper.

Crime: Killing so many fairy tale characters in his stories. 


submitted by Melody, age 14, A Jolly Holiday
(August 26, 2012 - 10:15 pm)


submitted by top:)
(August 30, 2012 - 11:02 am)

Character: The Little Matchstick Girl

Called Match

Crime: Being a pyromaniac, she hates Andersen

Appearance: Frizzy Red hair, brown eyes, a thin frame, kind of short.

Personality: A bit insecure, and kind of mad

Age: She looks like she's about ten 

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(September 7, 2012 - 9:54 pm)


submitted by TOP!, age TOP! TOP!, The Temple of TOP!
(September 14, 2012 - 6:15 pm)

Name: The Little Mermaid

Called Aecora, or just Cora

Age: Undecided. Last she checked, she was fifteen, but with the whole turning-into-sea-foam thing, she's not sure anymore.

Appearance: Wavy blond hair, blue eyes, and a bluey-greeny-purpley tail. If she had legs again, she would be tallish.

Personality: Usually? Sullen and quiet. Can be very snarky. Generally happy with being ignored. She tries to be that poker-faced, hardened convict that hangs out in the corner, but her emotions are really obvious when she lets down her guard. Which happens to be a lot.

Crime: Consorting with witches, homicide, perjury.

submitted by L
(September 15, 2012 - 7:39 pm)

Can we all please start, and promise not to abandon this thread?

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(September 19, 2012 - 5:55 pm)

I second Listening Daisy!


Try to imagine something for me.

Imagine, if you will, being an innocent, smart little girl cruelly accused of murder, and locked up in a nuthouse with people ten times crazier than you.

Got it?

Feeling bad for that little girl? 

Well, good, cause thats me.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Little Red Riding Hood, better known around here as Rei. I am currently the resident of Cell #33509 at Deadlander Prison, right smack in the middle of Wonderland. I should actually be back at home with my parents and Grannie, but apparently, I committed a murder. I mean seriously! It was self defense! They should be locking HIM up, not me! Of course, they also say that I went a bit crazy for a little bit, and the wolf wasn't dead yet, and my grannie was actually dead, and I killed the wolf and a few other people, like say, the woodsman, but I don't believe them. I had already killed the wolf before I apparently went "Insane".

Anyway, at the current moment, I am sitting in my cell, moodily poking at some gross porridge, listening to the gossip of the nuts in here. In the cell next to me, the Little Match Girl is having fun with some matches, trying desperatly to see her grandma in the flames. See what I mean about phsyco? And to our left, you will see Hans Christian Anderson, trying to write his latest story with his fingernails on a wall. And over there, the Little Mermaid is glaring at Anderson for killing her. She's not the happiest type. What a great group, huh?

Scratch. Scratch. Scratch. I glare at the stupid little pyro-girl, who is staring intensly at the flame.

"Oi! Flame girl! Quit it with the matches, would you? You'll set the whole bloody place on fire!" Actually, that wouldn't be all that bad. Maybe we could get out of here. Of course, we would probably burn to death before that.

Miss Fire-obsessed glares back at me. "Shh! I think I can see Grannie!" I want to go over there and murder her right now, but instead, I kick the wall. Stupid prison! Stupid world!

The main guard, Cinderella's step-sister Gertrude, glares atr me. "Keep it down, Rei. Some people are trying to sleep." When she walks away, I spit in her direction. I hate them all. There's gotta be a way out of here.

But how? 

submitted by Gigi
(September 20, 2012 - 3:20 pm)

Yeah! C'mon, go, la, ALLONSY

Spambert Spamstein says gkei. He thinks I'm geeky for liking Doctor Who. *huff* Well!

submitted by L
(September 20, 2012 - 3:55 pm)


I.  Can.  Do.  This.  I don't care if my fingernails get shredded to little nubs.  I need to write down my new idea and I will.  That kangaroos will get his chance in the sun.  


I take a break to massage my fingers.  When I look up, Cora's glaring at me.  "Cora!"  I say, "You're alive now.  Drop it!"  She makes a 'harumph' noise and turns away.   

submitted by Melody, age 14, Big Thunder Mountain
(September 20, 2012 - 9:24 pm)

(Um. I just kind of reread things, and remembered that Cora can't talk. At all. So my gift to thee is no dialogue of any kind.)

(And I like present tense. Eh hehe.)


I scowl at the wall, and run my fingers over its nubbly surface. An itch burrows itself into my fins, and I scratch it aimlessly.

Gertrude forgot my bucket again.

Where's that stupid witch when I need her? But it's not like I can talk to her. Thanks a lot, Andy.

I turn to glare at my creator, who is scraping at the wall in another cell. He talks to me, but I tune out whatever he says. I don't need pity. I don't need-

Yeah, right.

submitted by L
(September 22, 2012 - 2:38 pm)


I ALMOST had it! I saw her finger, they glowed white, but then, Rei put out my match. I look in my box, there are none left! I start to scream, I beat the stone, Anderson scribbles something about a story, where the girl grew up mute. I throw the empty box at him. Gertrude comes in, a bucket in hand. She dumps it on cora, the bucket is made of wood! I quickly scramble, she drops the bucket. I pick it up and begin to blow on it, when it is dry, I will smash it, then rub the pieces together. I need to escape, life has no meaning without Grannie. 

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(September 24, 2012 - 7:32 pm)


The water hits me, and I shiver. 

That crazy pyro takes a piece of the bucket, desperately trying to start a flame. I want to hiss at her, "Crazy human girl! That bucket had WATER in it! How're ya gonna start a freakin' FIRE?" 

I can't. 

I press my lips together. Dry, cracked lips.

Dabbling my fingers in the spilled water, I run them across my mouth, my cheeks. 

Part of the bucket still has water in it! 

I propel myself, haphazard and awkward, to the bucket. My tail, once emerald-green and graceful, is now only a hunk of meat. To be dragged behind me at all times.

The water is warm and brackish, I suppose. Not being able to taste it, I invent the sense.

But I cannot reinvent the salt.

submitted by L
(September 25, 2012 - 3:53 pm)


A rat walks in with a box of matches, some salt, a photo of a family and a chisel. He tucks it under my feet, its from M he says, and then he disapears. I don't know who M is, but that bucket is dry now. I smash it against the wall, then I set it up like a mini bonfire and set it alight. I can see Grannie, she reaches out for me, and I take her hands. Getrude comes in then, Grannie quickly removes her hands from mine and recedes into the fire, I howl as Gertrude dumps the water for that mermaid on fire. I glare resentfully at Cora as Rei picks up the family photo.

submitted by Listening Daisy, A garden somewhere
(September 26, 2012 - 10:43 am)

I want to join 'cause this sounds really awesome, but somebody's going to have to explain it to me. 


submitted by ~Sam~, age 13
(September 26, 2012 - 4:44 pm)

I don't really get it either, but basically it is fairy-tale characters stuck in prison. And stuff.

submitted by L
(September 26, 2012 - 5:52 pm)