I Am Legend

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I Am Legend

I Am Legend RP 


I think it would be fun to do an I Am Legend RP! :D You can join even if you haven't seen the movie. It takes place in the future and most of the people in the world have died/turned into Zombies because of a really bad virus. There's one guy and his dog and he's immune to the virus and he's trying to find a cure. I think I explained it pretty badly... Check out wikipedia. :) 

I think it would be cool if we're a group of survivors and we're looking for some hideout that we've heard about or something. But if you have a better idea just tell me!

Please join!  

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(October 4, 2012 - 7:05 am)

Seems cool! I saw some of the "not scary parts" a few years ago so I somewhat understand what it's about. I like the idea.

submitted by Miki G., The Milky Way
(October 4, 2012 - 6:43 pm)

TOP!!! :D 

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 13, Germany
(October 5, 2012 - 7:16 am)