Another story chain!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Another story chain!

Another story chain!

Okay, so a friend and I started writing a story a long time ago, and we thought it'd be cool to see where it went if we posted its beginning on Chatterbox. So here it is. :)

In a cold cold mountain range there lived a girl named Kalina. Her hair was a rare shade of brown that almost seemed shadowed with gray. She had spectacular slate-colored eyes with flecks of ostrich, and her mouth was naturally the shade of bubble gum. Kalina was a quiet girl who blended well with the mountainside. In front of others Kalina was shy and wasn't up to much conversation, but alone, well that's a different story. Kalina loved to climb and was quick on her feet. When she was up above in the hills, she felt as if she was free, and could do anything. Even stay away from all the officials who kept her from the life she'd like to live.

Okay, let's see if we can make this into a really cool story; by the way Kalina is about 15 maybe older. I'm not sure.

submitted by Marina, age 13, Michigan
(February 2, 2013 - 6:43 pm)

To keep the thread going...

We'd been flying for over an hour. My captors passed the time talking and jesting with one another. I passed the time thinking. First, how I was going to escape, second, did anybody miss me yet, and third, where was that ridiculous bird? I sighed. Things were definetely looking bleak. I peered out the window. We were deep in the mountain range. All I could see were grey clouds, and snow capped mountains. Suddenly, the helicopter slowed. At first I feared we were having more rotar trouble, but then I realized we were landing. I tried looking down. We were landing on a large outcropping of the mountain. From what I could see, there was a landing pad there. Finally, the helicopter touched down, and the blades stopped spinning. Tony yanked me out, and forced me walking. It was always cold in the village, but this was bitter icey cold, and I immediatly started shivering, my teeth chatering uncontrollably. He shoved me to start walking, and we headed toward the mountain side. 'What could be here?' I thought to myself. I was tempted to ask, but I figured I wouldn't get an answer. Plus, if I tried to open my mouth to talk, I'd probably bite my own tongue off. As we got nearer, I realized there was a door in the mountain side. Tony pushed it open and shoved me inside. It was by far the weirdest place I'd ever been. Tall racks lined the walls, holding all sorts of merchandise. It ranged from foods, like canned peaches, cereal, and different meats. Then it went on to clothes, then car parts, then things I had idea what they were. We kept walking. After the racks we came to cages. I gasped in horror. Beautiful, exotic, creatures, some I thought extinct, were in cages far to small for them. Their ribs showed through, and many had mange. "How could you do that to them?!" I cried out. Tony just chuckled. He led me through another door. I was now standing in a large office. The walls were a creamy white, and white pillars ribboned with gold lined the walkway. The floors were a white marble, and a desk stood at the end of the hall. It was again white and gold. A thin woman with short brown hair was bending over some papers, scribbling as fast as her hand would go. She wore glasses that were attached to a cord around her neck. She either didn't hear us approach, which was rather doubtful, being as everything echoed in this room, or ignored us, which seemed much more likely. "Ehm,"  Tony said, straightening, trying to look important. The woman sighed, capped her pen and looked up at us with evident boredom. "Yes?" She asked coldly. "I have the new prisoner," Tony said, trying to make his voice husky. "Ah yes," the women said, turning to look at me with sarcastic eyes the color of lint. "Dr. McLore wishes to see her. Take her on back." Tony noddes, then led me around the desk and we passed through the doors. We walked down another hallway with a red carpet stretching to a set of large, double oak doors. Something about this place made me immediately scared. My knees started knocking, and  I could hardly walk. At last, we reached the doors. Tony grinned evily down at me. "Good luck," he said, then turned on heel, and marched down the hall. Suddenly, the oakd doors swung open, and I had no choice but to enter.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(March 3, 2013 - 7:06 pm)