Questions RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Questions RP

Questions RP


So I started a "Questions" thread in Down to Earth and I was thinking it could be turned into an RP, so here it is!


Here are the original questions:


1. Describe your interests, activities, and hobbies. Describe what you do in your spare time. Explain why you’ve gotten interested in these things. (You may include your favorite T.V. programs, magazines, sports, ect.)

2.What do you like to read? Who is your favorite author? If you were on a deserted island, which books would you want to have with you?

3.Describe your passions of learning and how you are currently pursuing them.

4.What do you believe is the most important event, discovery, or development of the last few years and why?

5.Describe any talents you have. How do you demonstrate them?

 I also answered the questions Name, age, and town. Lots of people answered, and there haven't been very many RPs right now. So, I was thinking we could all make a new character or keep our old one. 

submitted by Lexi, age 12, Will in Scarlet--Oct
(June 1, 2013 - 2:46 pm)

@Everybody, Hi. I have not been on this RP in at least a month. Sorry! I will try to write later today, though, because I think I will have time! Plus, Millard is so fun to write.

submitted by Lexi
(May 31, 2014 - 8:16 am)

I actually thought that Kitty would feed them something that made them understand the cat, but it works either way....

I'll post Rodriguez's point of view when I've got time later. 

submitted by CaptainRead
(May 31, 2014 - 11:10 am)

Please top!

submitted by TOP
(June 13, 2014 - 8:22 pm)

Well expect me to get everything wrong here. I apologize beforehand.


"Hi," the girl said. "I'm Kitty."

"Actually, that's kitty," Whitney said, pointing at Rodriguez.

"Not funny," Rodriguez sighed. "At all."

"It speaks!" Kitty squeal with delight.

"Yes, as we just went over," Rodriguez said, getting more irritated by the minute, "I, a fedora-wearing cat, can, indeed, speak."

"Well," Whitney started. "You lot seem alright! You wouldn't all mind helping us out with our next feat, would you?"

"What are you talking about?" Geordie said precautiously.

"Oh, you've probably heard about us," Gloria said.

I closed my eyes and finished it off. "We're the ones who robbed the bank."

"Robbed the bank! We did more than that! We stole a car, I taught you all to drive, we broke into a zoo and freed the animals!" 

"That's when they met me," Nikki added. "During the zoo animal feat."

"No," Geordie said. "No, no, no. That was YOU GUYS? Get out, get out before I get the police!"

"Aw, come on, Roddie!" one of the sisters (Myra?) said. "That sounds AWESOME! All we ever do is sit around in the barn, with the cat, and, and..."

"...and you know you can't go to the police," the other twin (Marlow?) said quietly. "They'd put us in a foster home in a moment."

Geordie squeezed his eyes shut, like if he wished it hard enough, we'd all go away. Whitney stood up and slapped him on the back. "Geordie! Lighten up! It'll be fun, I promise."

"Go 'way," Geordie muttered. There was a long pause where no one said anything.

I cleared my throat.

"Actually, she's right," I said. "It is, as much as I hate to admit it, kind of fun. I had to escape from the police and fight them off, with a foil!, and I was terrified out of my wits. It was probably also one of the most fun things I ever did. It's not that I wouldn't just go on being a baker in life if this had never happened to me... but I got to do a lot of things I never would've done any other way. Plus... Whitney is pretty convincing and will probably bribe you into doing whatever she wants you to do anyways. And... it's not like you have much of a choice if you're running from the police as well."

No one said anything for a long moment. Then, Whitney broke the silence.

"Yay Millard! Way to give an inspirational speech! Though I don't think that I really bribed you into anything..."

"You bribed me. Well, more of threatened me. Bribed me with my safety?"

Rodriguez yawned. "I do say, that was rather boring. But I suppose if there is to be an adventure, I might have to rethink merely lazing around in this barn."

"Yeah, us too!" one of the twins (Myra?) shouted again. "Roddie, we've gotta join them!"

"Well," Geordie said.

Whitney's face brightened and she exchanged a look with Nikki, who nodded in return. Gloria and I stopped them.

"No," Gloria said.

"You are NOT burning down the barn!" I added.

"Ah!" one of the twins (Marlow?) screamed. "The barn's on fire!"

Gloria, Nikki, and I all turned to Whitney.

"Wasn't me!" she said. "I swear!"

"I'm SOOOOOORRY," Kitty wailed. "I didn't realise it would catch on FIIIIIIIRE!!!"

"This is why you shouldn't give long speeches," Rodriguez said to me. "People get restless. EVERYONE GET OUT!"


Well that was WAAAAY longer than I expected it to be. And I wrote about other people's characters and probably messed them up ENTIRELY. And then I read BHR's small part about Whitney and Rodriguez AFTER I wrote the first few lines but I liked them too much to change them so anything that is unnecessary/incorrect/just shouldn't have happened can be taken out. This whole scene can be thrown away if necessary. Just needed to write something....  

submitted by Lexi, age 13, Villainous this fall
(June 13, 2014 - 9:15 pm)

I like it! 


Everyone raced for the exit, scrambling over each other like typical bumbling humans in their haste to get away from the fire. No one seemed to care that my precious typewriter and my favourite fedora were up in the attic (I was wearing my second-favourite fedora). I hurried to the top of the barn and quickly pushed my favourite fedora and my typewriter into a large case (custom-built for me to be able to carry on my back) already half-filled with outdated FBI warrants and my old mission statements. Slipping my front legs through the straps, I adjusted the case so it sat snugly on my back, then turned to go back down.

I faced a quickly advancing wall of fire. Flaming straw and old floorboards fell from the blaze to the ground floor, and I realized that I would have to jump over the fire to get to the ground. Most people would have been suddenly surged with heroic energy and jumped five feet in the air and ten feet over the blaze in an amazing and altogether-improbable feat of impossibility.

I muttered "Oh mouse-droppings!" and ran for my life towards the flames at a hopeless speed of ten sorry miles per hour. The typewriter was too heavy, but I couldn't imagine life without it, so I pushed myself faster. Amazingly, just as I got to the edge of the flames, they died down so much that I could run right through them and jump off the edge of the attic, and my tail and second-favourite fedora were only slightly singed when I landed with a thump on the ground floor. Piles of fiery straw burned around me, and I raced out of the barn just in time to see the roof cave in. Satisfied that my typewriter and fedoras were safe, I sat down, shrugged off my case, and proceeded to wash my burnt tail.

After things had calmed down a bit, Geordie asked me about my case but I put a protective paw around it and refused to answer his questions, and the topic of conversation shifted to what they were to do then.

"Shall we drive to Hollywood and ransack the place, then get ourselves filmed in the greatest movie of all time?" Whitney asked delightedly.

"But the greatest movie of all time has already been filmed!" One of the ever-annoying young sisters of Geordie said, "Marvel!"

I cut in. "You do know that Hollywood must have had a wood of holly trees nearby once upon a time, to be called "holly wood". I do hope none of you are allergic." 


Captcha says tawn. Yes, I do believe Rodriguez is a tawny coloured cat! Quick fact: Rodriguez is related to the boringly-named Puss in Boots, and in his younger days used to play the fiddle quite well!

John F.Q. has an idea for a villain-ish person (on the side of the law), and he will post his character sometime soon.

If you want to change what happens after the paragraph in which Rodriguez comes out and washes his burnt tail, that's fine.

submitted by CaptainRead, age undecided, BurningBarn
(June 14, 2014 - 10:21 am)

Before I write, I wanted to know what people thought. Should we do Hollywood (which is a cool idea), or should we go with the CIA/kidnapping idea previously thought of? I personally think we could do both. Perhaps get involved with the CIA/kidnapping on the way to Hollywood, or once we got there, then film a movie? I dunno. What does everyone else think?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Doing something nuts
(June 14, 2014 - 7:20 pm)

I vote for both. 

I'm going to be writing again as soon as I catch up on what has been happening, so you'll hear from Gloria soon! 

submitted by Teresa
(June 14, 2014 - 8:12 pm)

BOTH! I definitely think that should happen. And John F.Q.'s character (hopefully posted tomorrow) will make things interesting too.....

submitted by CaptainRead
(June 14, 2014 - 8:13 pm)


Because kidnapping, CIA, and Hollywood all wrapped into one is awesome.p 

submitted by Lexi
(June 14, 2014 - 8:36 pm)

Hi! I hope you like Ms. Dehlia Roosevelte, I've been developing her for quite some time in my head, and will write something from her point of view soon! 

Name: Ms. Dehlia Roosevelte

Age: THAT, my young interveiwer, is a strange, and altogether rude, question to be asking in an interview! Be off with you!

Town: I live in the Happy Times Insane Asylum, because I work there as the Head of Everything. If you should ever wish to visit it, Happy Times Insane Asylum is out in the country and is not near any towns.

1. Describe your interests, activities, and hobbies. Describe what you do in your spare time. Explain why you’ve gotten interested in these things. (You may include your favorite T.V. programs, magazines, sports, ect.) I have absolutely no free time for such preposterous things as "hobbies", although I do spend alot of time tending to the "well being" of all those blithering crazy people in my care. I also tend to "find things to do" for my two associates: Ms. LeStrange and Ms. Delcoure.

2. What do you like to read? Who is your favorite author? If you were on a deserted island, which books would you want to have with you? The Great Encyclopediae Mathematicae by Doctor Thompson, How To Take Care of The Clinically Incapable of Intelligent Two-Way Conversation by Wonko the Sane, How To Be Respectable When You're Not by Mr. Anonymous (I might add that I am very respectable, I only own the book because my great-great-great-aunt gave it to me), and any books on Grammar. My favourite author is Colonel Schwartchzelheimer, thoroughly respectable scientist, physician, and soldier. By the way, I would never be trapped on a desert island, I never travel unless on business trips.

3. Describe your passions of learning and how you are currently pursuing them. I do not believe in continuous learning, I already learned everything I needed to know at the highly esteemed Cambridge University the second.

4. What do you believe is the most important event, discovery, or development of the last few years and why? The black limousine and the straightjacket are, in my mind, the finest improvements to medical care for the Clinically Bonkers in the last century.

5. Describe any talents you have. How do you demonstrate them? I am good with a revolver, meaning that any tranqilizer guns within several feet of me can and will be employed finely in the use of taking down escaped convicts -- I mean, poor run-away crazy people. Shall I show you how it's done? You are beginning to get on my nerves, asking all these questions, my dear interveiwer. And your smiling at the camera is beginning to get on my nerves as well.

submitted by John F.Q., age insane, HappyTimesInsanity
(June 15, 2014 - 4:39 pm)

Okey dokey then!!! This is gonna be fun.

Whitney ~

After some talk, a great deal of convincing, and an explanation from Myra as to what 'Marvel' was, we piled into the Aston Martin. Kitty, showing how her scooter compacted, placed it in the trunk.

"Ready?!" I asked in pure giddiness as I slid the key in the ignition. Millard and Gloria nodded, semi smiling while gripping onto hand holds. Nikki still looked cautious, but nodded in affirment.

"Absolutely!" Kitty said, practically bobbing up and down in her seat in excitement.

"Yes!" Myra and Marlow said in unison.

Rodriguez gave me a "of course" look.

"Nothing crazy or stupid," Geordie said, placing a protective arm over the twins. Gloria, Millard, and Nikki snorted loudly and started chocking in laughter.

"No promises!" I said, and revved the engine. I floored the gas, and we shot out of the yard. 

"California, here we come!" I shouted as we pulled onto the highway.


@ John. F.Q. How do you want us to meet Ms. Dehlia? Also, your location absolutely cracked me up. For some reason, it struck a cord, and I just sat here silently laughing.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Taxidermy warehouse
(June 15, 2014 - 8:50 pm)

I'm glad you liked it! If you read on, I'm sure you'll think of how meeting her will happen....

--Dehlia Roosevelte-- 

I was sitting at my extremely tidy and respectable desk, looking through some alphabetically ordered papers on the removal of some deranged clowns (Named Flipp and Flopp, respectively) from the circus, and their rehabilitation at Happy Times, when the pefectly polished phone rang. Looking at my reflection in the shiny surface of the phone, I picked it up and said briskly, "Happy Times Insane Asylum, at your service. I am Ms. Dehlia Roosevelte, and any complaints, questions, insanity, or other nuisances are to be redirected to office 9Z. Who do I have the unpleasure of talking to?"

A jovial, informal voice answered,"Police Chief Grant 'Icey' Sherbet, here. I need you to pick up some young criminals who have done quite a lot of damage. I think this would be a good job for you because at least one of their number is certain to be quite insane to have done all that against-the-law stuff. Here, I'll pass you on to Bobby, who saw the whole affair." 

The line clicked, and a new voice came on. Bobby sounded very distressed, "Zoo! B-bank robbery! Crazy k-kids, th-they stole my car! In-n-numerable damage t-to private p-property!"

"Do speak plainly, my man. I don't have all day to listen to your ramblings."

"Mailboxes s-smashed! Everywhere! L-lion's mouth! Help! Doctor!" 

The line clicked again, and Chief Sherbet continued, "Evidently Bobby wasn't in any state to help you, sorry about that. Perhaps, once he's all fixed up from the bites the lion's gave him during the zoo attack, you could, erm, take care of him over there at Happy Times?"

"Certainly, but that isn't what you called me about. What's your current information on the children's whereabouts, and do you have any additional information that I can use to identify them?"

"They were last sighted heading away from a burning building and driving towards the nearest highway going east. There isn't much information regarding the young criminals themselves, but one of them is a known criminal, Whitney Parkson. That is another reason we thought you would like this job. Get the father, get the daughter, eh?"

I nodded grimly, my tight gray bun nodding in time."I don't see what our high-security prisoner-- I mean our 'ward', Arthur Parkson could have to do with this young layabout who happens to share his last name, but I suppose I could bring him along just in case. No need to use the tranquilizers if we can use 'gentle' persuasion." 

Putting down the phone, I quickly drew on my blackest pair of black leather gloves, strapped on my gun holster that had been refitted to hold tranquilizer guns, and marched briskly down the hall. I shouted at the doors of my associates as I passed them, "Ms. Delcoure! Ms. LeStrange? With me, please. And bring Arthur Parkson to the extra-black limo with several extra straightjackets just in case." Behind me, two doors flew open and a tall woman with long frizzy hair (that had been a natural firey red until I'd ordered her to die it black to keep with my dress code) came out of the right door, wearing a very expensive black felt fedora pulled down so low over her face that I could barely see her bright red lipstick. Out of the left door came Ms. LeStrange, who was so very strange that the easiest thing to describe about her was her short-cropped white-blond hair.

We marched down to the lowest level, dragged a calmly protesting straight-jacketed Arthur Parkson (who had been having his afternoon tea) out of his cell with its pink wallpaper covered in smiley-face stickers that hid tiny security cameras, and marched back up to the limo, where we strapped Arthur in tight. One strap across his mouth to keep him from driving us crazy with his chatting, one strap for his shoulders, and one strap for his legs. Fully prepared with extra tranquilizers, we set off!


I don't know anything about high-security prisons or insane asylums, just so you know....

As I wrote "Arthur Parkson" the first time, my first thought was, "Whitney, I AM your father!" *deep Darth Vader breathing* Could I suggest that he was once a Holllywood director?

Rodriguez will be sure to love Delcoure's fedora! 

submitted by John F.Q.
(June 17, 2014 - 2:48 pm)

OH. MY. GOSH. I LOVE IT! That is absolutely hilarious! I like the idea of him being a movie director! (If we do that, we should have him do the "I am your father" thing! That would just be too funny!)

I'll wait a bit to see if anyone else writes.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(June 17, 2014 - 5:53 pm)
submitted by top
(June 21, 2014 - 1:34 pm)


I sat on the front dash of the car, blocking at least one person from seeing the road ahead. I didn't really care if that person was the driver or not, because I was carsick. I had forgotten how much I hated the smelly vehicles that moved too fast for their own good. Especially since Whitney seemed too intent on crashing us into various things along the roadside as hard as possible without losing speed. My claws tightened their grip on the dash as we spun around another corner at breakneck speed, and I was certain I was clawing holes in the hard plastic. I had also forgotten how much I disliked plastic. Looking back into the rest of the car in an attempt to distract myself, I suddenly noticed a distinctly black car. Actually, it looked more like a limousine, but from my angle I couldn't be sure. Suddenly nervous, I watched as it followed us through several intersections, and then I collected my scattered wits and addressed Whitney.

"I wouldn't want to disturb your unhealthily horrible driving, but there just so happens to be an extremely classy and extraordinarily black limousine following us, in case you wanted to know. It seems to me that getting you put in jail for driving like the maniac you are might put a bit of a damper on our trip, don't you think?"


Sorry it's a bit short.... 

submitted by CaptainRead
(June 21, 2014 - 9:42 pm)