Questions RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Questions RP

Questions RP


So I started a "Questions" thread in Down to Earth and I was thinking it could be turned into an RP, so here it is!


Here are the original questions:


1. Describe your interests, activities, and hobbies. Describe what you do in your spare time. Explain why you’ve gotten interested in these things. (You may include your favorite T.V. programs, magazines, sports, ect.)

2.What do you like to read? Who is your favorite author? If you were on a deserted island, which books would you want to have with you?

3.Describe your passions of learning and how you are currently pursuing them.

4.What do you believe is the most important event, discovery, or development of the last few years and why?

5.Describe any talents you have. How do you demonstrate them?

 I also answered the questions Name, age, and town. Lots of people answered, and there haven't been very many RPs right now. So, I was thinking we could all make a new character or keep our old one. 

submitted by Lexi, age 12, Will in Scarlet--Oct
(June 1, 2013 - 2:46 pm)
submitted by Top
(September 14, 2014 - 8:49 am)
submitted by Top
(September 14, 2014 - 8:49 am)
submitted by Top
(September 14, 2014 - 8:52 am)
submitted by Top
(September 14, 2014 - 8:52 am)

Up up up!

submitted by Top
(September 16, 2014 - 7:47 pm)

Come on! Comment, people!!!

submitted by Top
(September 16, 2014 - 7:49 pm)

To the top!

submitted by Poke
(September 16, 2014 - 7:49 pm)
submitted by Up!!!!
(September 16, 2014 - 7:50 pm)
submitted by Top
(September 16, 2014 - 7:56 pm)

I'M BACK!!!! I'm sorry I was gone for so long but I'm back now so I shall write!

Whitney ~

We drove in silence for another hour. I didn't bother to get into it again with my doppleganger, though I had dozens of thoughts plaguing that kept me distracted. The foremost one was of my precious Aston Martin. When we'd jumped on the train, I'd always figured it would be a temporary getaway, and we would return for the car. Though now, I had no idea where we were, or how we would get away, let alone retrieve the vehicle. Surely if these kidnapping, FBI lunatics could drive a limo onto a train and capture us, they would surely think to retrieve such a perfect machine as my car. They wouldn't just leave it there. Surely. Hopefully. Right?

The other main thought was of Rodriguez. Where the heck was he? I had little to no doubt he was on his way to bust us free. He was a talking cat for pete's sake! But he sure was taking a long while, and slowly, worry began to trickle in. After another half hour, my wrists and ankles began to get sore. The two women sitting in front of us though remained as stoic as ever, hardly moving. Heck, I wondered if they were breathing at times. 

"WHERE. ARE. WE. GOING," I finally groaned out loud, leaning forward and pronouncing each word distinctly. 

As if in answer, the car veered sharply to the left, tired squealing, then slammed on break, jerking to a halt, throwing us back. Well, all except the goth Barbies who still managed to maintain their poker faces. Then in unison they stepped out the doors and held the open in demonstration for us to get out. One by one we filed out. I followed Millard out, the lunatic doppleganger right behind me. I blinked rapidly. Glaring sun shone down on us, which was a drastic change from the dimly lit limosine. The air was humid and warm, and I could hear the bustle of city life. 

"California! We're in Hollywood!" Nikki gasped aloud.


I THINK we said we were headed to Hollywood next, though if I'm wrong, either throw this out or just change the location. I'm cool either way!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(September 19, 2014 - 9:01 pm)

QUESTIONS RP IS BACK UP!!!! *squeals with joy*


I struggled against the handcuffs, trying to get out of them. I could see my bag of ingredients slumped against the driver. If I could just grab them, I could whip up a concotion that when thrown in our enemies faces would cause their eyes to turn red and quite painful. I was just about to hiss Whitney to grab it, who was right next to me, but she said, quite loudly, "WHERE. ARE. WE. GOING" Her face was twisted into an expression of fury and boredom.

At that moment, the car suddenly turned rihgt, throwing me against her. The bag fell down to the floor.  Stupid FBI, I thought, grinning. They probably, being in such a hurry, assumed that it was full of girly stuff. All I had to do now was bend over and grab it...

But there were two problems. First, the stupid seatbelt had locked on me, so I couldn't bend. Second, we were there, clambering out of the car, and Nikki was gulping, "California! We're in Hollywood!" 

I didn't know how she knew that, but judging by the looks of it, she was right. My eyes widened in shock. "Really?" My grin grew wider. Famous cities always had nutty people who collected weird stuff, and most of that stuff I would need for my concotions.  

"Really" Nikki replied. Concoctions my mind reminded me, just as the car door slammed behind me. I spun around, gasping.

"Um, ma'm" I ventured cautiously. This lady had handcuffed the least hand-cuffable of us, Whitney, in about a millisecond, but it was my only chance at getting my bag back.

"Yes?" she said,  raising thin eyebrows.

"Um" I said, twirling a finger noticeably around a ringlet." I forgot... my hair supplies in that bag in the car" I did my best. "I'm just a sweet little girl" expression, which wasn't very good.

She frowned. "We'll be back" 

"But I need it" I whined. I was pushing it, but I needed to have my bag. She shook her head, but seemed a little more cautious. I stamped my foot. "I need it!" I shrieked. 

"Please, ma'am" Whitney said, who had known exactly what I needed. "She goes into fits if she doesn't have it. It's got all her hair supplies in it"


I know that it's a bad ending, but I had no clue what to write. I'm not sure if I got all of the stuff right, and change it if you like.  



submitted by Katie M
(September 20, 2014 - 4:48 pm)


Hair supplies! How could they be thinking about hair supplies at a time like this? Of course, I'd never had to deal with that sort of thing, having incredibly tomboyish sisters. I glanced at Kitty. Strange. The state of her hair certainly didn't reveal a diva personality. But the lady with the tight bun just told one of her assistants to fetch the bag; evidently not taking note of Kitty's not-quite-perfect locks.

Our captors keeping close watch over us, we marched down shady streets and even shadier alleyways. Myra and Marlow stayed near me, and I wished with all my heart that I could comfort them. For some strange reason, Whitney kept flicking lttle secret winks and grins at us. As though help was coming.

About halfway down a particularly long alley, the tight-haired lady stopped in front of a battered-looking metal door. 

"Well. Here's where you shall be spending the night," she said briskly, swinging the door open to reveal a dim, slightly grimy hall.  


submitted by The Chocabookaholic, age 12, Here or there
(October 18, 2014 - 8:48 am)

Sorry y'all, I've just been incredibly busy. But I have some time now! (I hope to also write on the Fairytale RP as well, so those of you writing in it, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HOPE I'M COMING BACK!) My excuse: Two years worth of math in one is killing me. I'm terrible at it.

Brooke ~

"Are you serious?" I demanded, staring at the hallway. After this wild, dadgum, cops and robbers chase, they take us to some dingy old hallway leading to likely equally dingy old cells? 

"Quite," said the lead agency woman, whose name I still did not know. 

Kitty snorted. "Get real, why are we really here?"

"And just how long do you intend to keep us?" Gloria added, notching an eyebrow. 

"And once and for all, would you tell us who you are and why you decided to kidnap us?" Millard summed up.

The woman stood glaring down at us; her henchwomen flanking our back on either side remained as stoic as ever.

Finally, when I thought she was just going to stay there glowering at us forever, she spoke,

"I am Ms. Dehlia Roosevelte. I help out the FBI when they have some unruly and seemingly mentally unstable cases that they need some specialized assitance with."

"Hey!" I shouted, my temper flaring. "First off, I am NOT mentally unstable. None of us are. Second off, who are you calling unruly? You're the ones who drove a limo onto a train."

"We were specially requested to apprehend this group on account of auto theft, harrassment of law enforcement, damage to jail, prison break, bank robbery, breaking into a zoo and releasing wild animals into a residential area, train hopping, and that is just within this week. Not to mention that some of you seem to be lacking in parental guardianship. Need I go on?"

None of us could think of a reply, so without another word, we were marched onward down the hall, the door closing with a deafening bang. Cobweb strewn fluorescent lights blinked eerily against mold-covered walls, giving the feeling of being underground. Water dripped from somewhere, leaving an echoing sound. I'd never been claustrophobic, but this place truly made you feel as if you were never going to leave. 

We made a sharp right turn, and stopped at yet another door. This time when it swung open, we were shocked to see a pristine, white room with nine beds, a sofa, and table. I blinked, not sure what to think.

We were shoved inside, and our handcuffs were undone one by one. One of the henchwomen placed a bag I hadn't noticed her carrying on the floor, and untied the top. Much to my surprise, Rodriguez leaped from the sack, looking thoroughly outdone. 

Without so much as a word, they slammed the cell door shut, and marched off down the hall, the clicking of their heels receeding into the distance.

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule
(October 21, 2014 - 7:28 pm)


"So. Apparently this is the end," Millard said. 

"Well, we may as well make the best of a bad situation," Kitty quipped.

I glanced around the room, taking note of the large basket of candy on the table, as well as the mini fridge. These things enticed me particularly because I was half-starved. The others seemed to see them too, for they ran over and began to gorge themselves. 

"Here's to hoping this isn't poisoned," Marlow said, gulping some chocolate milk straight out of the jug. Meanwhile, Whitney'd found some microwave popcorn, and she and Nikki were having a 'see who can stuff the most pieces in their mouth at once' contest. I discovered a bag of caramels, which were MOST satisfying. After a bit of rummaging, we all found something to our liking.

submitted by The Chocabookholic , age 12
(November 9, 2014 - 4:09 pm)


Whitney ~

This was definitely a far better prison than the last one we'd been in. Which actually hadn't been all that long ago. 

"I've never had microwave popcorn before," I told Nikki as we just about chocked on the amount of popcorn we'd managed to stuff in our mouths. 

"Seriously?" Nikki said surprised.

"Though I like it. I've had popcorn, either from generous vendors or from using... other methods to make it. I want a microwave though. Two, actually. One to make things in, the other to take apart and figure out how it works. Imagine the things we could do with that! We could invent the home atomic bomb!"

I couldn't exactly read Nikki's expression. It was somewhere between abstract horror, disbelief, and fits of laughter.

After awhile, we'd pretty well stuffed ourselves silly.

"Why do you think they gave us all this stuff?" Geordie asked.

"To knock us out," I said simply, popping a caramel in my mouth.

"You say that like you know," Nikki scoffed.

"Oh but I do," I replied. Everyone stopped and stared.

I rolled my eyes. "Did you not notice the slightly off after taste of all this stuff? That slight hint of something in the scent of the food?"

"So I was right?!" Millard shouted, jumping to his feet.

"Of course."

"Then why did you let us eat it?!" Geordie shouted.

I sighed. This really should be obvious. "One, we were starving. Two, they were just going to leave us in here till we either ate it or died. Three, we can't get out, even I know that. Four, whatever the drug is for is inevitable. We're either being taken somewhere we're not allowed to know where, or they're going to kill us. If they're going to kill us, let it be humane and we might as well be unconcious!"

Everybody stared like I truly had gone insane. 

"Best make the best of your potentially last fifteen minutes of your life."

What happened next made my shananigans look like like the acts of a saint.


I left it on a cliffhanger cause we didn't seem to know where to go. Now if y'all want to change that or have an idea, you can ignore that last line and change it. I was honestly just throwing something out there. 

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Prison, I think
(November 9, 2014 - 8:25 pm)