Stardust RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Stardust RP!

Stardust RP!

The King of England's daughter is deathly ill, and the wise man has proclaimed that only the touch of a living star will cure her. The King has sent out a message to all the villages, towns, and cities in England, as well as a few of the peaceful neighboring countries: "Hear ye, hear ye! All great adventurers and people of action, I ask you to gather together for a quest to save the King's daughter! Stand firm, be brave, watch the skies for a falling star, and when you see one, go after it and earn eternal glory (and possibly the princess's hand in marriage if you wish...) when you have brought the star back so it may cure the king's daughter!"

One day about a week later, a letter arrives for the King. It is from one boy named Dunstan Thorne, and he lives in the town of Wall. The contents of the letter are as such: "Your Majestic Majesty, one starlit eve not long ago I saw a star fall beyond The Wall. I beseech you, tell the questers to come at once, for stars in the Kingdom Past The Wall are different from ours, and it may not stay by it's landing place for long."

Past The Wall, in a dirty old hovel, one witch named Lamia sees the star fall. She gathers up her knife and the remaining dust from the last star's heart, and sets off into the night to bring back another heart for her and her sisters. Soon the star would be keeping her and her sisters alive and young for another hundred years....

* * * * * * * * * * * 

Come one come all, great adventurers, heed the letter from the young boy, be wary of the witch and other dangers in the Kingdom of Stormhold past The Wall, and bring back the star for glory and a chance to wed the King's daughter! If you find the star and get back to The Wall
without dying, you will have one last challenge to face. A star, once having passed through The Wall onto our side, becomes what we think of a star as; a lump of cold rock. And the wise man said that the star must be alive. Perhaps witches' magic may hold the answer-- or a babylon candle!

This is set in the time of Dunstan Thorne's youth, and also when the witches captured the red-haired star; the star before Yvaine. The princes of Stormhold-- Primus, Secondus, Tertius, Quartus, Quintus, Sextus, and Septimus-- are all alive and slightly younger, but not for long..... They also wish to find the star, because they believe she will help them find their sister, who has just disappeared.
(She ran away and was enslaved by a different old witch)

Characters: You may claim one of the princes or another character from the movie, but make sure they haven't already been taken. Be prepared to die if you are a prince, because they are always trying to find ways to kill each other off....(if a character of yours dies, you may create a new one, and don't kill anyone off without their say-so) CaptainRead will write as the red-haired star, whom she will name and elaborate on, and John F.Q. will create his own character.






Country: (they can come from Stormhold if you wish, but they must have a reason for finding the star.)

Good or Bad: (Do they wish to kill the star or help her? Or do they just want to use her to get their own way?) 


P.S. It doesn't matter if you have never seen the movie of Stardust or read the book (I think there's a book), and we hope there's enough information here if you want to join anyways!

submitted by John F.Q.& Cptn.Reed, DepthsOfInspiration!
(May 16, 2014 - 9:44 am)

((I'm not going to join, since I'm on here too infrequintly to RP, but I just wanted to squeal over how much I loved that movie. I grew up on it. xD Although, now I'm not sure I should have. It has some *cough* inappropriate stuff in it. Not fit for a six-year-old. Anyways. *fangirls*))

submitted by Corina
(May 17, 2014 - 2:58 pm)

Ah well....Yes, some things in it I just ignore, because of the epicness of the rest of it, but anyways... TOP? (I watched Lord of The Rings when I was six, so...) By the way, do you know of any movies in that sort of fantasy-like/steampunky genre? The only other one I've found like it that I like is Princess Bride, (except for the Narnia and LoTR movies, which are classics in my house) and that hasn't even got as much fantasy as I like.

submitted by CaptainReed
(May 17, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

((If you want fantasy, I'd say the best fantasy movies I've ever watched are Ghibli films. Soem are realistic (liek Whisper of the Heart), but most are fantasy. Other then that . . . The Thief Lord is awesome. Uh . . . huh. I dunno, really. I've watched a whole lot of movies, but a lot of them are silly comedy movies like Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I'll think about it some more. :))

submitted by Corina
(May 18, 2014 - 3:03 pm)


submitted by TOP
(May 17, 2014 - 3:15 pm)