Chatterbox: Inkwell



Okay. So a lot of you were enjoying the story I've been writing about all of us, although I only published two parts on the CB. So, I'm SO sorry for the long waiting, but I'm still writing Part Three. I know, I know, it's been A WHILE, but I've been super duper busy. I'll post Part Three as soon as it's finished, I promise! 

Anyway, that's not the whole reason I made this post. I'd like feedback on my writing. If you'd like to answer these, I've created a little set of questions for you to answer. This way, I'll know what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.

1. What would you rate the story so far out of five stars? Why?

2. What have I been doing that made the story more enjoyable?

3. What have I been doing that made the story less enjoyable?
Any tips?

4. Honestly, did you forget about the story until now?

5. What do you like/not like about my writing style?

submitted by Nora the Singer
(July 11, 2014 - 4:15 pm)

1. 3 out of 5. Honestly, not much has happened yet, so I can't really say.

2. I like how you managed to have everyone have a say. And I like your characterizations of some of the CBers.

3. Not posted enough parts!!!

4. Okay, maybe a little, though I don't often check the Inkwell.

5. Nothing really wrong with it, as far as I can see.

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Storyland
(July 11, 2014 - 7:35 pm)

1. Uh... not sure. There hasn't been much of a plot... just some cute exposition.

2. I enjoy your characterization of everyone and the silly moments people have. It's really nice to imagine the CBers meeting each other and having a good time watching fireworks.

3. To be honest, there's hardly any story. I like the little bits you have so far, but it would be nice to have some kind of a plot introduced at some point. Additionally, it's rather hard to write a story about so many people. I know it would be mean to exclude people, but you might have an easier time writing about a smaller number of CBers than the whole kit and kaboodle of us. (I love that phrase, kit and kaboodle. Anyway. Moving on.) Perhaps if you tried talking about smaller groups of CBers at a time, you might be able to provide more characterization for all characters instead of characterizing some and lumping others into groups. For an example, let's say that something happened and the CBers had to split up into three groups to accomplish a goal to move forward. You could then focus on a smaller number at a time, perhaps seven to ten, instead of trying to balance a large group all at once. We have this problem in the early ski lodge bits, when we have over twenty different people. It's hard to make sure everyone has a line to speak or a running gag to be a part of. Another suggestion would be to focus mainly on those who post frequently, as opposed to those who appear for a month and fade into the background, or possibly not use those who have not posted much at all.

4. I forgot you were the one writing it. Does that count?

5. Your writing style is whimsical and amusing. It's very you-centric, which I completely understand. Almost everyone who writes our age does this. I do it. Just don't worry about the way you write and go wild. If you're having fun, it will translate onto the page and everyone else will have fun too. 

submitted by Red, age 15, Elsewhere
(July 11, 2014 - 10:45 pm)

1. What would you rate the story so far out of five stars? Why?

4/5. As said before, we don't know a whole lot about where the story is going to go yet, but I've what you've written so far a lot!

2. What have I been doing that made the story more enjoyable?

I think that the dialogue and commentary is been very well written and quite funny! I like the randomn yet how it all fits together so well. 

3. What have I been doing that made the story less enjoyable?
Any tips?

Hmm, maybe a bit more action and plot development? And also as Everinne said, more parts!!! (Though I completely understand your being busy, as am I.)

4. Honestly, did you forget about the story until now?

Nope! I was actually going to ask you if you were going to write another installment soon! I love it!

5. What do you like/not like about my writing style?

There is honestly nothing really that needs to be changed. I've thoroughly enjoyed somebody's take on us, and how they imagined us in real life! It's quite comical yet intriguing! MORE DEFINITELY!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age unknown, Storyland
(July 12, 2014 - 12:00 am)