New RP! Adventure

Chatterbox: Inkwell

New RP! Adventure

New RP! Adventure story about four kids who get lost in the mountains. I'll start after we have three more people. Here is my character

Name: Lily Shinders

Appearance: She has shoulder length brown hair, tan skin, and bright green eyes

Personality: She's positive, loves the outdoors

Strengths: Athletic, knows how to survive in the wild

Weaknesses: Afraid of heights 

submitted by EarthGirl13, age 11, lost
(July 24, 2014 - 7:31 am)

I'll join!

Name: Zo Calathea

Appearence: Medium height with icy white skin and electric blue eyes. Long straight caramel colored  hair that she wears on one side in an archer's braid.  Medium build, but looks like someone who would be good at running. Athletic.

Personality: Stubborn and fiery, and a little high strung but the bravest person you'll ever meet. Sarcastic, and tends to be a loner. People get on her nerves. She is a true outdoor person and is entirely in love with the mountain that she lives by. 

Strengths/Weaknesses: Bravery and her knowledge of the mountain terrain. She understands the edible plants and generally carries around anything she can use in her backpack. She can also climb like a cat but she is afraid of fast flowing water (rivers) and cannot stand having to trust other people.

Other: she has loved in a tiny town by herself from the age of 12. Her parents were hiking and mountain climbing guides, and they died in an avalanche. Zo is 14.

submitted by Alice, in Wonderland
(July 24, 2014 - 10:46 am)

Cool idea!

Name: Sally Bryner

Appearance: very pretty. Round face, with dainty features. Her eyes are a soft gray, and her hair is auburn. Her hair reaches the end of her shoulder blades and it's always flowing behind her. She's medium height and build. Like I said. VERY pretty.

Personality:She's generally quiet, and like to stay alone. She's unstable about herself and sometimes self-concious. She's very patient and caring, and will do almost anything to help a friend.

Strengths: she's very good with people, and can understand emotions well.

Weaknesses: She's not confident at all.

submitted by Bookbug
(August 7, 2014 - 5:42 pm)

Someone join! I really want to start!

submitted by Bookbug
(August 10, 2014 - 2:21 pm)

Well, I guess I'll join. If somebody posts before me, you can go ahead and forget my character.


Name: Randy McQueen

Appearance: Short jet black hair, kind brown eyes, kinda small

Personality: Is the comic releif of his posse

Strengths: Does sports, is a boy scout

Weaknesses: Hates snakes and spiders

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Randy moon
(August 11, 2014 - 6:24 pm)

Is anybody actually still doing this RP? If not, then Randy is pointless. If somebody is, POST!

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Pointless moon
(August 12, 2014 - 4:56 pm)

The wind sings softly through the trees, but as I sit in my roof, I cannot help but think how menacing the mountain looks. It half frightens me, and half excited me, stirring in my soul like the autumn wind stirs a fallen leaf. I watch for the school bus, and from this high up, I can see it blocks away. I can see the other kids as they get on, mostly people I've never really talked too: Lily Shinders, Sally, Randy, Emmet and a few others. I wish I could have a chance to understand other kids my age, but the mountain has become my identity: cold, distant, and unfeeling. Nevertheless, I watch hopefully as the bus stops on my block, and I slide from my roof, backpack in hand, ready for a new day of school.

submitted by Calypso
(August 12, 2014 - 10:11 pm)

Oops! Just posted as one of my favorite book characters from a story I've been writing. Ignore the Calypso.... This is Zo.

submitted by Zo
(August 12, 2014 - 10:13 pm)


I bolt up. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot today was the field trip. I glanced at my alarm clock. 7:30. I was going to be so late. I got up and got dressed. I wolfed down my breakfast and walked out the door. And just i time. he school bus just pulled onto my street.

I climbed on and sat by myself. I had just gotten to this school 2 months ago, and I still didn't have friends. The air still has some fall chill in it, and I pulled my jacket closer.


I looked up. A girl with the brightest green eyes I've ever seen sat down. "Hi," I said. We sat in silence.

"So..." the girl began, twirling a brown strand of her around her finger. "You're Sally?" I nodded. I was surprised she knew who I was.

"I'm Lilly," she said. "Lilly Shinders."

Another awkward silence. To be honest, I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to be left alone. But I was touched that this girl had noticed me. I decided to trty better.

"You excited aobut the field trip?' I asked.

She nodded excitedly. "I just love the outdoors! And I just can't believe we're going to Mount Hawk. It's so exciting! I've never been on a mountain before!"

I nodded. I was kind of nervous about going. I mean, what if there were mountain lions or something.

"Naw," said Lilly. "There aren't any mountain lions."

I realized I had been talking out loud. My cheeks flushed. I looked out the window and noticed the terraine was getting differernt, rockier.

Little did I know the dangers awaiting me.

submitted by Bookbug
(August 19, 2014 - 2:58 pm)

Oh my gosh guys, I'm so sorry I completely forgot about this RP, stupid me! Anyway, I'll keep writing.


The bus thumped along and soon we reached the bottom of Mount Hawk. The wind stirred the treetops and the trail loomed ahead, winding up to the mountain peak. I was the first one on the trail. We tromped up the mountain, the trees hugging the trail and birds chirped from high above us. Then, I stopped. The trail gave way on the left to a tumbling slope. If I tripped, I would fall and go rolling down. There would be no way to get back up to the other kids. But I shook my head and kept walking. Soon, I looked up. Red tipped wings soared ahead. "Look! A hawk!" I cried. All the kids looked up at the bird circling overhead. I has backing up thoughtlessly to get a better veiw, when there was nothing left to stand on. I'd reaching the slope, and there was no way of staying on. I teetered backwards and slipped. "Lilly!" cried Sally as I went tumbling down for a long, long, ways before stopping many feet below the trail. When I reached the bottom, I just lay there. There was no way I could get back up.

submitted by EarthGirl
(October 18, 2014 - 6:30 am)