Shadow RPG

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Shadow RPG

Shadow RPG

Hey peeps! I just got this is idea for a rpg (role playing game) that is called Shadows! It is about these people who can control, transform, or even have a pet shadow! You can also be a villager, a person who fears the shadowns, or a loner, who lives in the woods. Shadow people can live in two packs, or be by themselves. One of the packs is evil, and other is good. Just to help you guys, I put a shadow and villager type list.


1. Don't be over powerful. (and if you are low in class, don't make yourself as powerful as the leader) 

2. anyone can join.

3. Don't take a spot that someone already taken.

4.Don't mess with the story. (unless you have a good idea that doesn't change the story much.)

5. Don't copy someone elses idea on this. 

6. I may not let your character in if s/he is over powerful or doesn't follow one of these rules.

7. If someone is being rude, or not following these rules, I will injore your comments. 

Shadow types:

Choose pack(silver or black) or loner

Choose controller, tranformer, or keeper

And choose stats if in pack( captain(one) captan helper(two) fighter(lots of these) healer(two) new(lots of these) and child(lots of these))

Villager types:**

choose village or loner 

Village(either Hallowian or fairen)

Village stats( same as shadows without new, and with blacksmith, knitter, and poor)


My characters:

Name:Thero Backen

gender: Male

age: 19 

Looks: long black hair, very dark brown eyes, torn shirt and pants, high boots

Story/Personaltity: He is powerful, and no one ever messes with him. he is dark and evil, but is clever. If someone is not good, he kicks that person out. Makes sure everyone knows who's boss x). He trusts no one.

How good in fighting(0-10):11 (He is SUPER good. Don't mess with him.) 

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Black

Type: Transformer

stats: captain


Name: Terra Lee

Gender: Female 

Age: 15

Looks: VERY long brown hair, tank top, bare footed, pretty

Story/Personality: Smart, emotion, hardworking, protects her friends, bit bossy, can get tantrums.

How good in fighting(0-10): 6

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Silver

Type: Controller

stats: Fighter 




**You can also be a person in a village who doesn't know s/he has powers.. >:D 



Mushy says kzth. Can zebras trance hooligans? 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, Shadow forest
(August 5, 2014 - 10:49 pm)

Hi! This looked a lot of fun! :D Please tell me if I didn't follow something correctly. If turning into a shadow horse is illegal then please let me know. :)

Name: Duvessa Lo-ain

gender: Female

age: 17

Looks: normal brown hair, silver misty eyes, wears a normal blue t-shirt and stretchy black pants, black converse. 

Story/Personality: Doesn't trust anyone, only trusts those who she gets close to.

How Good In Fighting(0-10): 9

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Loner

Type: Transformer

stats: (Is a loner)

Did I do this right? Again, this looked like a lot of fun. :D 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(August 6, 2014 - 1:02 pm)

Yeah! You did great! Let me explain it a bit more. Shadows are pretty much shadows, but can be shaped like anything, and can morph into other things. For example, Thero can turn into a wolf shadow. And Terra has a pet hawk shadow. I forgot to put that in their information thing. Other people, remember to do that!


We will start when we have 5 peeps. (but that doesn't mean that if we have five people, you can't join!) 

Mushy says iuhb. Unicorns hate bubbles? 

submitted by Daniele P., age 10, California
(August 6, 2014 - 9:14 pm)

Name: Hellack Duskborn

gender: Male

age: 80 

Looks: Like gandalf. In other words, old but awesome.

Story/Personaltity: Wise, strict.

How good in fighting(0-10): 5, he prefers magic.

Shadow or villager: Shadow

Pack or village: Silver

Type: keeper

stats: healer

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer
(August 7, 2014 - 9:57 am)


Gender: Female

Age 16

Looks:Greenish looking hair sea colored eyes and sparkling pearl like teeth.

Personality: Strong quick temper deeply suspicious.

1-10 fighting: 8

Shadow or Villiger: Villiger

Type: Loner


submitted by Forrest
(August 7, 2014 - 10:58 am)

Ethyi Upindale

Gender : Female

Age : 10

Looks : Short, walks with a limp, short blue-black hair, violet eyes, a scar winding up her arm. 

Personality : Clever, likes riddles, spends a lot of time in the woods. 

Fighting : Three, because of her limp. She has somewhat sharp teeth, though... 

Kind : Villager, Poor, works by showing shadow puppets. She has a small pet hand-shadow dove which flew away from her hand one day.

submitted by Indigo Keli, age 10, CB
(August 7, 2014 - 10:17 pm)

Close enough! Let's get started!

Thero Backen~

I held my knife, watching the trees carefully. Like the rest of my pack, we must get food for each other. If we are bad, it doesn't mean we aren't smart, or teamworking. I smiled as a rabbit stepped out of the bushes, tweaking it's ears. I slowly walked toward it, staying behind the trees, when the rabbit was off guard, and grabbed it and killed it fast. When I was done with that, I walked back to camp. After i bring this food back, I can grab a few of my pack mates and go stealing. it's great being a black. And being captain of black. I transformed into a shadow and ran away.

Terra Lee~

I smiled at my pack mates, who were bringing food as I was. I had brought a rather plump dear, which brought alot of "yes!" and "aww yeah!". But I always, I was aluert. Blacks were always in the trees, and going into our tarritory. I knew we must protect the villiages, and so did everyone else here. We had to fight those evil blacks. I sighed and put down the dear in our food pile. Then I went out again, calling out for my wonderful shadow hawk, meellow.

submitted by Danielle, age 10, California
(August 7, 2014 - 6:50 pm)

Let's start!

Thero and a few of his pack mates went out to gather food. It was winter, a rather bothersome season. But, they had to do it. Thero pointed his knife at a rabbit, and killed it. Someone else got a few more rabbits, and one rather plump dear. They went back. Thero told everyone that we would go steal something when we are done. Much agreement settled on that choice. He smiled. 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, California
(August 8, 2014 - 10:06 am)

injore this post!

submitted by oOPS!
(August 8, 2014 - 10:30 am)

Duvessa walked around the forest, glancing at the shadows of the trees. There were packs out here, and Duvessa being a loner could easily be picked off. She grumbled as each of her legs crushed the surface of the snow and fell through. She looked around, making sure no one was watching. She eyed one shadow of a tree in particular, but seeing as how it didn't move, she suddenly transformed. Now that she was bigger as a horse, she easily plowed through the snow. She lifted her head a little, and scented the air. 

A pack! Her ears swiveled, trying to pick up the sounds of the pack. She scented the air again, and realized that it was stale. She had not seen them, but the evidence of the rabbit blood nearby on the snow let her know that they were here. She started to go through the snow again, heading really nowhere. After another few minutes, she recognized this way, and realized it was the way to the village. A branch snapped. Duvessa swung her head to the left, and noticed a shadow of a tree, bigger than the others. Her eyes dilated as the shadow's edges trembled. The shadow suddenly transformed, and without waiting to see its normal form, Duvessa ran. She ran as fast as her shadow horse form could go.


I got a little confused. You say that you could be a transformer right? Does that mean that you only turn into a shadow? Or do you transform into a shadow creature, like a fox, or a horse like my character, or a cougar? If I'm not allowed to transform into a shadow horse, please let me know. :) Love this rp btw!  

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(August 8, 2014 - 10:34 am)

A shadow is pretty much a shadow creature.

submitted by Danielle
(August 8, 2014 - 6:21 pm)

Kyra scrunched herself in the tree waiting for the pack too  pass, she knew she would be killed on sight. As they passed she looked as closely as she dared, the black pack after she got out she followe dclosley behind a little to close, she was spotted ducking she ran into the forest as qyuick as she could leaving a trail of blood.

submitted by Forrest
(August 8, 2014 - 11:45 am)

Thero growled as the loner ran away. The shadow transformer could have been a nice pack fighter, he thought. (Yes, black sometimes steals other shadows. Does it a lot with loner.) Thero called for his pack, and they appeared at his side. They carried on to go stealing, watching for silvers. Then he heard sudden movements. A villager appeared in the bushes, and ran away. He shot after her, and sent a dagger at her leg. The dagger did some damage, leaving some blood behind. Thero chuckled, and followed, his pack watching for more movement.


If you guys are wondering, keeper and controller are different. Keeper keeps one shadow. Controller can control any shadow. So terra is actually a keeper. Sorry for any confusion. 

submitted by Danielle P., age 10, California
(August 8, 2014 - 6:32 pm)

Ethyi limped back and forth nervously. Something was happening in the forest. What? She stopped and stared at the window into the woods. A figure, a girl, she thought. What was she doing? She blinked, and the girl wasn't there: instead, a horse. Ethyi spun, grabbed her cloak and limped, tiptoing, down the stairs. She would find out what was happening, even if she died trying.

Ethyi whistled, and her pet bird-shadow, DarkDove, flew over. Quietly, she opened the door and slipped out into the forest .

She limped along, peering behind every tree, hoping to find the girl or the shadow horse. Perhaps the horse was a shadow-puppet like DarkDove, severed from the hand to which the shadow belonged. But then again, the hand would have to be a huge one. . . .

She stopped abruptly. Behind a tree, in a small clearing, was the shadow-horse, huffing and panting.

"I've got you, shadow-horse," Ethyi whispered. 


submitted by Indigo K., age 10, CB
(August 8, 2014 - 9:21 pm)

Duvessa's whole body froze, as she sensed another being. Her ear swiveled backwards, and she turned her head towards a tree. There was a shape, behind the tree, completely still. Duvessa narrowed her eyes, and peered closer. Yes, the figure was moving slightly, as if it was breathing. The shape stepped forth, and it was a girl. Duvessa stepped backwards, her eyes dilated, wondering whether or not to run, or to stay. 

" Easy girl. I'm not going to hurt you," the girl whispered, coming a little closer. A branch snapped, and Duvessa's head swung towards the sound. The girl froze, and looked as well. A voice chuckled, and suddenly, an arrow slammed into the tree beside Duvessa. The shadow horse reared up, neighing in shock and fear, and leaped around, bounding through the snow. Thoughts were running through Duvessa's head.

Don't turn around, don't turn around, gah! Duvessa swung around, snow flying everywhere. The girl was running from two men. Duvessa rushed towards the girl, whose eyes were wide with fear. She nudged the girl, and she leaped onto her back. Duvessa leaped around again, and ran. Arrows flew by, trying to hit both the girl and Duvessa. Duvessa's eyes widened as a tree was right in their path.

If you shift, she falls! But she also disappears with me. Duvessa narrowed her eyes, as she rushed towards the tree. The girl screamed, as they were about to hit into it, when suddenly, Duvessa shifted into nothing, and reappeared, in human form five yards away. The girl reappeared as well, and was flung into the snow.

" Sorry. You're on your own," Duvessa said to the girl, as she shifted back, and continued to run. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 12
(August 12, 2014 - 12:02 pm)

Can I create a charrie this late in the game?

Name: Lady Aeriel Tessana of Fairen

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Looks: Platinum blonde hair that is often well styled in the morning but messy by dinnertime. Rather tall and thin, with the pale skin and soft hands characteristic of nobility. Piercing black eyes, which is odd for the Fairen ruling family. Wears a spring green dress of low-grade silk with white and silver trim, without full skirts because she absolutely refuses to wear them.

Story/Personality: A shell of calm tactfulness hides her fiery, adventurous center. Incredibly strong-willed; a natural aristocrat. Knows much of life in the upper crust (as well as the many hiding places and secret routes in Ivory Manor), but little or nothing of fighting or surviving on her own.

How Good in Fighting (0-10): 3; Aeriel has no martial education or knowledge of weaponry, but could probably hold her own in a fistfight if the odds weren't stacked too badly. 

Shadow or Villager: Villager

Pack or Village: Fairen

Type: Controller, though she doesn't know it yet.

Stats: Child/Village equivalent of Captain. She is the daughter of the Baron and Baroness of Fairen, and will rule Fairen when they are dead.

Other: Please let me know if this seems too overpowered, but her will is sufficient to command three or four shadows at a time. She loses efficiency and strength of control beyond that; her absolute maximum is ten, the compulsion at that point being easy to resist or shake off.

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(August 12, 2014 - 9:43 am)