'Ello! I have

Chatterbox: Inkwell

'Ello! I have

'Ello! I have a update, a rp, and a surprise!

So, let me start with the update. It's almost my birthday! WOO! Oct. 13, is ze date. I am going to turn 11.

Now the surprise. I'm related to Squeak. We are twins, but not identical. (cause you can't have a boy and girl be identical twins.)

Since it's almost Halloween, Squeak and I decided that we would do a Halloween rp. It is about how these people don't believe in ghosts or other Halloween stuff and then are sucked into Hallowian. They are also turned into ghosts, skelly, witches, and other creepy stuff. They try to get out before they are stuck forever.

My character:

Nadia Menmore (nothing to do with my diary girl)

Halloween form (ghost, skelly, witch, etc.): Witch

Personality: Hates Halloween and candy, bossy, creative, a bit creepy at times

Appearance:  short Black hair, brown eyes, never wears a dress

Squeak's character: 

James Anderson

Halloween form: skelly

Personality: Loves to scare people, doesn't believe in anything Halloween, is scared of everthing, very geeky

Apperance: Short blond hair, blue eyes, torn jeans



Please join! It would be a nice birthday present! 

submitted by Danielle
(September 9, 2014 - 6:05 pm)

Ellen Reese

Halloween Form: Witch/Sorceress

Personality: Smart, used to believe in Ghosts and such but lost faith as she got older. Witty.

Dirty blond long hair, pale skin, sea green eyes





This sounds fun!

submitted by Brooke E.
(September 9, 2014 - 8:51 pm)

Top TOP top.



I am the back page topper to rescue the souls lost in its depths and escort them to the front page. 

submitted by Top
(September 12, 2014 - 10:19 am)

Name: Benjamin Scarlet

Halloween form: Chupacabra

Personality: Tends to complain, but is strong and has something of a heroic side, only when the danger is so severe that he can't complain. He thinks that Halloween is the Devil's birthday, but because he doesn't believe in the Devil, he doesn't believe in Halloween either. 

Appearance: Shortish, with brown hair that has a natural white patch in it in the shape of a flying comet. He is fond of somewhat proper looking button- up shirts and corduroy pants.



And happy early Birthday! Do you know what your costume will be for Halloween yet?

( If you like dressing up. I understand if you don't) 

submitted by Book wizard, Spook land
(September 12, 2014 - 2:41 pm)

Oh BTW Ellen was adopted. She's actually the witch queen's daughter and the most powerful witch ever. I'll start.


Ellen walked along the twilit road with her friends. Suddenly......



Btw, Book Wizard, are you using the hairless wolf version of a chupacabra or the goblinish one? 

submitted by Brooke E.
(September 12, 2014 - 5:48 pm)

Well- I think the goblinish one. You know the one that looks like a cross between a hairless cat, and a lizard, and has spikes down it's spine? That one. Now to continue.


Suddenly, Benjamin stopped dead in his tracks.

"I'm tired!" he griped. "This walk is too long!" He plopped down on a strangely smooth black rock. Ellen turned around to fire a few comments back at him but found herself speechless. Without a whisper, Benjamin had disappeared.

submitted by Book Wizard, Spook land
(September 13, 2014 - 12:15 pm)

Where had Ben gone????


"Ben?" she called, "Ben?!?"

She touched the ebony rock and blacked out. Later, she woke up in a black dress.

"Where am I?" 

submitted by Brooke E.
(September 13, 2014 - 2:47 pm)

Chandra Fenniwick

Halloween form: Imp (Brooke, this is on par with the version 4 D&D imp; everyone else, I'll give a description in my starter piece)

Personality: Has lived with her strict, materialistic father since she was six, when her parents divorced; has taken on some of his beliefs (or, as the case may be, disbeliefs). Her mother is quite the opposite, having left her father to continue her private business as a psychic and spiritual medium. Loves both parents, but believes her mother's line of work to be "unproven poppycock." Somewhat sly, tends to take advantage of others, though she often means well. Resents authority, though she's willing to follow someone if it's clear that she can't overcome them or topple them in some other way.

Appearance: Red hair, nondescript brown eyes, quite short. Wears normal clothes for a girl her age (13 going on 14).

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(September 14, 2014 - 7:31 pm)

Sorry guys, we were banned from my computer for a while. We are gonna be sharing posts for a while on this rp.


My legs are killing me. Why do we have to go to the Halloween party every single Halloween! It's not fair!... Wait, what? What's happening? I feel like I-


Where am I? 


Oh, where am I? I was just sitting at home, thinking about how horrible Halloween is, and poof! I'm here. Oh my. Oh my. I truly hate this. 


submitted by Danielle, and Squeak
(September 16, 2014 - 9:50 am)

Ben looked down at himself and sniffed. He reeked! Of goat's blood, a  voice inside him said. He shook himself and looked at the black lump next to him. Was that lump a...dress? There was a groan, and the lump rose on two calloused, horny feet. Ben screamed.

Or should I say, howled.

submitted by Book wizard, Spook land
(September 16, 2014 - 2:26 pm)

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Squeak & Danielle Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Even though I'm early!

Name: Scarlet Forlornsome

Halloween form: Manticore 

Personality: Favorite color is scarlet, always wears it. Lives with her
Uncle Hummel, who doesn't believe in most holidays. Halloween one of
them. They live in a mansion on a hill, most people think it's haunted,
it is. They don't know that. He never told her what happened to her parents, he just said they died. Which they didn't. She now hates holidays.           

Appearance: Short black hair that goes exactly to her ears. Always wares scarlet, skirts and shirts, or dresses.


submitted by Winter Firefly
(September 16, 2014 - 3:30 pm)


I look around. Everything is so creepy. It's giving me the oggles. I shiver. Rather cold too. I hear a howl in the distance. What is that? I walk around, my body rattling. Wait, rattling? I look at my hands and scream. All you can see is bones! I am pure skeleton! I look at my body. It is covered with rags. I see a lake, and draw closer to it. I look at my reflection, my body squealing.My clothes are pretty much here, except there is a few holes. But besides that, I kinda look okay. Ish. Better than I thought I would look like. Another howl breaks the quiet.

submitted by Squeak, and Danielle
(September 16, 2014 - 7:29 pm)

Ellen saw a goblin and a hag near her and screamed. She scooted back, looking at the goblin- no, wait, chupacabra? Ellen was afraid she looked like the hag, but she looked in the compact mirror she kept and saw she looked normal, she just had a black dress and hat on. The hag stumped off and the goblin croaked,

"Ellen? Where are we?" 

Ellen gasped. "Ben? you.........."

"I know, but where are we?"

"I have no clue!!"

Suddenly a skeletal figure stumped out of the fog. Ben screamed and Ellen held out her hand. A burst of icy light exploded from it, knocking the skeleton back. "How did I???" she gasped, looking at her hands.

"Ellen! It's me, James!" 

submitted by Brooke E.
(September 17, 2014 - 2:59 pm)


I was reading my favorite book, cuddling up next to the fire. I pushed my glasses closer to my eyes. Suddenly all around me was pitch black. I screamed, but it came out as a roar! “Noooooooo, no, no, no, no!” I said to myself, and then I was in a small wood, by a pond, and I saw them, from goblins, to skeletons. I was terrified! I hated Halloween most of all! And then I roared again! And I looked in the pond and saw a lion! But it had the tail of a scorpion! MANTICORE!!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(September 17, 2014 - 7:14 pm)


How in the world? For Pete's sake, what just happened?!?! Where am I, anyway? Where's the sidewalk? Where's the fall foliage? Where are my backpack and tenor sax?

I slowly begin to get my bearings. I appear to be in the middle of a field. The grass is the tallest I've ever seen and probably ever will see; each stalk is half again as tall as me! Looking straight up, I see a purple-black, moonless sky, as well as what might be gnarled, bare tree branches if trees grow as tall as the Empire State Building. Suddenly, the stalks are parted by the hugest, most disgusting foot you can imagine, followed by...

I scream as a towering hag, taller even than the grass, shuffles into view. Instinct drives me backward, into the air, struggling to get away from...wait a minute. Into the air?! Did my feet really just leave the ground? That fact becomes evident as I regain the ground, falling flat on my back. And that's when I receive the second major shock of the day: not only has the landscape changed, I have changed. My skin is leathery and red. Both hands and feet have mutated into claws. As I scramble backward awkwardly, doing a sort of crab-walk, I notice an arrowhead-tipped tail in the same shade of scarlet as the rest of my body. I'm wearing nothing but a crude sort of skirt that's apparently made of a rag, but for some reason this fact doesn't make me self-conscious. Maybe I'm too scared for that. Definitely a possibility, since I am fleeing in terror right now...

...But not for long. A warty, gnarled hand blots out the sky, and the next thing I know, I'm held fast in the grip of the monsterous hag. The hand and I soar straight up, dizzyingly fast, above the tops of the grass. And that's when I realize that it's not the hag, the grass, or the tree that have gotten bigger. I've gotten smaller! By my estimate, I now stand about a foot tall, which makes the hag...normal sized. For the love of Pete. What's happening to me?? 

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 13, New Hampshire
(September 17, 2014 - 7:26 pm)

Who's the hag? I'm just gonna say it's a resident of Hallowian.


I peek out of the bushes, where I had heard noises. Huh? Was that a... Hag? And a skeleton! And, and... A witch! Finally, someone like me! I creep out closer. The skelly looks at the hag, and most likely out of instict, grabs the hag and pulls it down. The imp-thing was dropped to the ground, and it began scurrying around crazily. The skeleton looks strangly familar... James!


I look at the witch. Wait, witch? But, but, it's Nadia! Somehow all of us turned into creepy stuff from Halloween. I shiver. I look at the other witch, who was one of my friends. I sigh.

submitted by Squeak, and Danie
(September 17, 2014 - 8:11 pm)