Hi! Do you

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hi! Do you


Do you wanna know the next big RPG? Okay so here it is:

So we each pick a famous fairy tale cherrie and make his/her son/daughter, and they all meet each other in -- high school! Who wants in? Come on!



Fluffy says: Maxe? Maxine? Max? Who knows?  

submitted by Winter Firefly, Never Ending Forrest
(October 9, 2014 - 11:19 am)

Snow smiled. Another Rebel!

Suddenly she noticed a girl, tripping over a puddle of snow.

Her snow!

She gasped and flung her arm out, accidentally vaporizing the snow but creating a column of ice in the process. Snow dropped the Legacy Book (which she was taking to headmaster Grimm) and ran. 

AAAHH!! Pie said uhoh!!!! REAL WORDS!!! 

submitted by Brooke E.
(October 15, 2014 - 8:41 pm)

When she got home that night, Gerette dashed to her room and cried. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that she was a goodie-two-shoes, and she could never, ever become friends with girls like the ones she had seen that afternoon. They were heroic, and brave. They had a purpose besides sitting around until they were forced to take a stupid vow of silence. Their cousins weren't going to be their only prospects for marriage, unless their parents were the type to still wear gowns and do needlepoint like hers were.

Her room at the top of the tower looked over a lonely street, 14th street. Fourteen days until I turn fifteen, she thought. Fourteen days until my social life ends and my vow of silence begins. Not that I have a social life anyways. Across town, another girl began to weep. 

submitted by Book Wizard
(October 17, 2014 - 3:37 pm)

Sooooo, some people here have read/seen Ever After High?



I trip shooting evil magic every where. Ugggh I can't do anything right.

And then she was gone in a spark and a flash.

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 17, 2014 - 11:31 am)

(raises hand and is attacked by Monster High fans)

Snow stopped behind a pillar to catc her breath. A sharp voice called her....

"Snow Glaciara Queen !"

Snow ran around the bend and clutched her skirts, curtsying.

"Yes, sir?" she asked politely..... 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 18, 2014 - 7:38 am)

Top backwards is pot. I'm backwards.

Pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot, pot! 

submitted by Backwards
(October 20, 2014 - 5:20 pm)

~ Fevene ~

I sighed, sobbing quietly in my sleep. It was happening again- The Wand Incident . 

submitted by Indigo
(October 20, 2014 - 8:13 pm)

Let's see how this goes...

*writes one word*


Sorry, I am alergic to ever-after high school thingy-ma-jing and monster high.

*dies again* 

submitted by Squeak
(October 22, 2014 - 8:22 pm)


Keep postin' peeps! 

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 23, 2014 - 8:37 am)


I walked carelessly down the sidewalk, looking down. No snow in this step, none on this on. Patent leather went step, step. step. After tripping eariler, I felt even more kiddish. Embarrassed. I think it was that one girl... 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, school
(October 23, 2014 - 12:42 pm)

Can I join or is it too late?

Name: Tung-Mei Lan Ying (Mei for short)

Apperaance: Rediculously long black hair, brown eyes. Wears a red Panlong (Chinese Dragon) dress most of the time, wide pants and a T-shirt on gym days. Usally carries around her books in a satchel.

Story: Her grandmother was Rapunzel. She married a prince, and they had a daughter who later moved to China and got married to Tung-Mei's father in China. She's lived there all her life, and doesn't know much English. People make fun of her and call her names because Chinese and her crazy long hair.

Personality: tends to be shy and introverted. (I wonder why) but is a very daring person.

Powers: AIR POWER!! She can blast people with... well... air! and she can create a foggy or misty effect. She can also fly. 

weapons: Her hair, which seems to obey her very nicley.

submitted by Little Sister, age 11, New Hampshire
(October 23, 2014 - 7:31 pm)

*rushes in* Am I too late?? 

Name: Bast Evenheart

Appearance: Long gold hair always tied into a high ponytail, dark gold eyes, and short. Wears whatever feels comfortable to her.

Story: Her grandfather was Puss in Boots, who could turn into a cat at will. She retained a few cat-like traits from him. After her grandfather defeated the giant, he moved to America and married Bast's grandmother. They had Bast's mother and Bast later married and had Bast, but Bast's father died when Bast was eight. Bast's mother has been slightly overprotective of her and only agreed to send Bast to highschool because that's what her husband always wanted. 

Personality:  As said earlier, retains a few cat-like traits like impatience, and can be unfeeling. Always active and ready to go. Loyal to her freinds, but doesn't make them easily. Cold to everybody except freinds and family. Also pretty sarcastic at times. Quick thinker, and a bit paraniod. 

Powers: Can run and jump, like most cats, with inhuman skill. Can also, with a lot of concentration, summon a cats paw in place of her hand. 

Weapons: Perferrs her cat claw if she ahs the time, but a sword will do for her. 

submitted by Katie M
(October 24, 2014 - 5:44 pm)

Join up! Any one at any time can join! Even when we're likely almost done, cuz there were a few RPs I wanted to join but I came to the CB topological late. No 'to o lates' here!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 25, 2014 - 12:29 pm)

Ready....? Set....!? WRITE PEEPS!!!!

submitted by Winter Firefly
(October 28, 2014 - 6:41 pm)

The next morning, Gerette was determined to get a social life so that she would have one to lose when she became mute. Striding down the hallway, she spotted a girl that looked halfway promising for a future BFF.

"Hi!" she blurted out, skidding to a slow stroll next to the girl, who turned to her and narrowed catlike eyes. Gerette gasped. They were beautiful eyes, hypnotic and syrupy. The girl swerved away, silently refusing Gerette's proposal with a flick of her head. Long hair flowed down her back. Gerette stood in the middle of the hall, transfixed, staring at the receding figure. She didn't blink until the girl turned the corner.

That was a goddess, she thought to herself, and then, I never want to get on her bad side. 


submitted by Book Wizard
(October 29, 2014 - 6:01 pm)

Snow walked down the hall, now calm. Suddenly she bumped into a shy-looking girl, something about going mute and swans. She smiled.


submitted by Brookeira
(October 30, 2014 - 7:41 pm)