Story RP!So

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Story RP!So

Story RP!

So this is gonna be a thing where you use a character from a story you wrote or are writing. We won't make up a plot, though you might have your own ideas. We won't tell those ideas, and we'll just see what happens! Here's the form:



Native Book: 

Where they're from:




And here's mine:

Name: Sim (Short for Simmeryn, which nobody calls her. Ever.)

Age: Uhhh... 17?

Native Book: *Series* (Kill City) Canged Forever, (Kill City) Death Day, (Kill City) Champions

Where they're from: Chicago (a.k.a Kill City) in the year 4026

Appearance: Strait black high ponytail hanging to her shoulders, black tank top, camo cargo pants, tall black combat boots, carries around a tiny little pistol. (Everybody in Kill City does, it has the nickname for a reason).

Personality: Tough and sharp, tends to "talk back" and usally takes control of everything (unless Jasper's there, in witch case she's second in command.)  Also, Sim's no girly-girl, that's for sure.

Other: Has three close friends: (until one starts a mass murder AND the apocalypse) Jasper (boy, always takes charge), Glade (also a boy, and a supergenius) and Nira (girl, the one who turns out to be super-evil). Sim has a serious medical condition; she has trouble breathing after exercising for a long period if time (That's Asthma, right?)


Reserving spots for everybody who's over age 1! 


submitted by Little Sister
(December 7, 2014 - 7:00 pm)


submitted by bottom
(December 7, 2014 - 9:43 pm)
submitted by Top
(December 9, 2014 - 10:51 pm)

Come on, top!

submitted by Little Teeny Topper
(December 11, 2014 - 3:53 pm)


submitted by top
(February 15, 2015 - 8:43 am)