So, this is

Chatterbox: Inkwell

So, this is

So, this is a poem I wrote long ago. It isn't really a poem poem, because it doesn't rhyme, but it's more of a comparison poem... Thing. ^^ Here it is.


If God is a lion, then Satan is a tiger.
One has black stripes of lies zig-zagging across his pelt,
While the other has a golden coat, as clean and pure as truth.

One hunts through shadows, cold and dark,
While the other hunts in the sun of warmth and color.
The tiger has no one, but himself.

The lion has a group of followers, called his Pride.
One has nothing, but his black stripes of lies to boast about,
While the other has a mane of golden glory and wonder.

The Tiger may be able to narrowly escape
Through a hoop of fire,
But the single mighty roar from the lion reaches all.

We may choose to ignore that roaring call.
But everybody hears it.
Therefore, with that many comparisons, it is very easy to say;

God is a lion.
Satan is a tiger.


( This a second part, and this is where it gets not really a poem. xD) 

Humans are ligers.
We all have a golden orange coat of truth, but yet we also have faint black stripes of lies.
The more closer we get to the tiger prince of lies when he tempts us, the more our stripes grow blacker, and show.
The more we spend time by hunting with the Lion King of Truth,
The more those same black stripes fade.
One day, those stripes of lies will fade, entirely, into our golden coat of truth.
Then, we will be part of God's eternal pride. 

submitted by Noelle C., age 13
(January 5, 2015 - 4:15 pm)

That is so beautiful, Noelle! I can't even describe how much I loved it. 

submitted by Katie M
(January 6, 2015 - 3:18 pm)

Thank you, Katie. ^^

submitted by Noelle C., age 13
(January 6, 2015 - 6:14 pm)

I love it, Noelle! I've never really thought about God and Satan that way, but it makes SO much sense! Did you write this for a school assignment, or just for fun? Either way, it's really beautiful and made me think!

By the way, I do think this is a poem. A while ago, I was researching the difference between poetry and prose. One main difference is the shape. In poems, you usually start a new line or break at a certain spot to give impact. Basically, the shape of poems are not in paragraph form. Prose is mostly in paragraph form. The other main difference is the sound. Poetry is more flowy, full of metaphors and have lots of implicit messages. Prose is more like everyday language; it's more straight forward. Of course, prose has lots of implicit messages too, but there is a difference.  

submitted by Teresa
(January 6, 2015 - 6:09 pm)

Thank you so much, Teresa! :D And I wrote this when I was actually bored. I was at my dad's job, and he was, you know, doing work, so I was down in his little place called the shop, and he had some paper, so I just started to write this poem. And again, thank you. Also, I have taken a few writing classes in my homeschooling group, including one about poetry, but I don't think I have ever heard of Prose. Again, thank you, and also as well as the information about poetry and prose. It was helpful. ^^ Have a wonderful day, Teresa! :D

submitted by Noelle C., age 13
(January 7, 2015 - 9:19 am)

Oh my gosh, Teresa. This. Is. Beautiful.

submitted by Bookbug
(January 7, 2015 - 4:51 pm)

Oh, sorry, I meant Noelle. I accidentally put Teresa instead of Noelle. *wacks head in door*

submitted by Bookbug
(January 8, 2015 - 2:06 pm)

That's so gorgeous! I'm just getting shivers. Makes me think of Aslan in Narnia. Too bad he didn't have a wicked tiger counterpart. :)

submitted by Everinne, age 15, Caer Paravel
(January 7, 2015 - 8:49 pm)

I think you're right, Everinne, it would've been awesome if he had a wicked tiger as his enemy. But thank you Everinne! :D

submitted by Noelle C., age 13
(January 8, 2015 - 10:21 am)

It most certainly is a poem poem, as well as a comparison poem!

submitted by Abigail C., age 12, SC
(January 9, 2015 - 8:47 am)