Who will rule

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Who will rule

Who will rule the CB?


Battle for the CB! No guns (Danie and blaster are an exception).

Whoever is the last to post/ does something amazingly awesome is that month's CB ruler and can make one decree that other CBers must follow (nothing too crazy, ruler.)

SO rules:

Ask at the beginning of the month to participate. 

Whoever is the last to post that month wins.

Unless: If someone is voted for the most (like a lot of people say they want a certain person to be the ruler) they win. 

Act kingly/queenly/and stay in character!

Do not insult someone.

Saying "BOW TO ME, IN ALL MY GLORY!" and things similar to that is encouraged.

Let the battle begin! 

submitted by Brookeira
(January 12, 2015 - 2:44 pm)

Like, at the beginning of February ?

I will rule you all, mortals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bow before my awesomeness!!!!!! 

submitted by Alias. S., age Immortal, LandofAbouttoRuleCB
(January 12, 2015 - 3:02 pm)

I think this kind of seems like it's the same thing as the "Last Person To Post Here Wins" thread. Also, don't you think this should be in the Down To Earth Section?


submitted by Anon
(January 12, 2015 - 9:27 pm)

Hello, hello, fellow cbers! It is I, sir Danielle The Great of ChatterCastle! I have even met the knights of the round table!

I will rule wiith power and victory! I will defeat all the annoying internet crashes and at&t phone calls! I WILL RULE THE WORLDDD!!

What was I saying? Oh, never mind.

Why would you want me, you ask? Because I'm much- Sorry. I was saying, I'm much more be- My my! I can't insult you cbers! Nevermind.


*puff pufff*




submitted by Danie
(January 12, 2015 - 11:58 pm)

Um...I don't think this is necessary for the Chatterbox. The whole idea is that we have the freedom to discuss, create, and imagine pretty much anything we want, and if we had a "ruler," it'd kind of defeat the purpose, you know? We don't need anyone to control the site for a month. I think it's a bit inappropriate and unfair to those who use the Chatterbox for fun, not for a bunch of rules that they have to follow for no reason. I understand if you want to use this idea on another site, where people could participate if they want to, but here, I don't think you should be making a decrees "that other CBers must follow" all the time. Let's just keep the Chatterbox a peaceful place to talk about literature.

Well said, Anonymous. I think any "ruler" competition should be kept to one thread, and only those who wish to participate be subject to any of its requests or demands.


submitted by Anonymous
(January 13, 2015 - 12:37 pm)

I, Dryad of the Sleeping Forrest of Time, belive that all you peasants should honor me as your glorified leader for infinity, Thank you.

submitted by Forrest
(January 13, 2015 - 12:40 pm)

No, no, no. I was joking. I should've said JK. This is just a play "competition" and the winner basically just gets to claim that he/she is the ruler.

submitted by Brookeira
(January 13, 2015 - 6:47 pm)

Hello, fellow CBers!!! I am a kind considerate person who would make an amazing leader!!! In fact, I am so nice that I'm telling you about me in two forms!! One if you don't have much time or don't feel like reading much, and one for the readers out there that have lots of time and don't mind reading a lot. Long one:

I can last on CB a long time. I'm only ten, people, and i don't plan to leave until I'm at least 18 or something. You wouldn't want a leader that will only stay for a little, would you?? Well I won't. Also, I'm not boring like some people. I will make fun threads and cool things. Another thing is that I am a half-blood, so i would be a good leader to both mortals and immortals. Whereas if one specific race was ruling over another, I just don't think things would work out. Plus, if I was leader, I would still listen to others' ideas and not get power-crazy. I'm quick-thinking, problem-solving, and A paper-getting, so why not vote for me?? I have absoulutley no idea.

Short one:

I will stay on CB for a long time and will not be boring. Also, as a half-blood, I will be able to rule mortals and immortals. I won't get power-crazy, plus I'm smart, funny, and nice.

Please vote for me!!! I think I will be a great leader!! Wink 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(January 13, 2015 - 6:55 pm)

Is this allowed?

I the PRINCESS of all the Chatterboxers and all the Inkwell reigns decree thet all the Chatterboxers shall come to my castle of ink to witness my uncloaking on the thirty-first of this month. It is my wish that all the people shall vote for me and I shall become the ruler of Chatterbox. So vote for me and you will not regret it. 

Princess Lyra 

submitted by Lyra
(January 13, 2015 - 7:18 pm)

Nominating Danie as she always creates fun threads and is just a nice person in general. VOTE FOR DANIE !!

(January 13, 2015 - 10:47 pm)

I nominate Brookeira and Forrest.

I'll join in March. 

submitted by Rex,T.
(January 14, 2015 - 7:55 am)

Hello! I want to be ruler because...uh...

submitted by Quicksilver
(January 14, 2015 - 4:49 pm)

BEHOLD, Brookeira, the High Druid of Glacia! tremble before me in all my glory!

BOW, MY future subjects, and accept your fate! 

submitted by Brookeira
(January 16, 2015 - 9:03 am)

This. Is. ONNN!!! *throws pies at wanna be rulers*

submitted by Danie
(January 17, 2015 - 11:19 am)

I Sire Blastieous Bazooka Blowninup The BlastofTheBlast, here by nominate myself to be the person who explodes explosive things and rules everyone. Thank you for listening! *shoots bazooka through the roof*

Good little minions. Bow to me in all my explosiveness! NOW!!!!! My good little minions.

submitted by THE BLASTER!!!!!!!!!
(January 17, 2015 - 10:37 pm)

A request from the princess is as follows:

The princess of the ink castle is giving an offer that is to go to all the ink/elven regions. 

All my subjects of ink land have an offer: all the subjects who vote for me shall become my closest advisers. They will receive the following things:

-They shall move to the ink castle.

-They shall be part of the ink council.

-They shall be able to do almost any thing they want.

-They shall... I can't think off any more in this hour of the night. 





(The ink castle shall be an rp thhat I will make if I get chosen.) 

submitted by Lyra
(January 19, 2015 - 12:05 am)