Week of RPs!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Week of RPs!!!!!!

Week of RPs!!!!!!

This is a random idea I came up with. Every day for a week, starting today (Sunday, Feb. 8), I will post a new RP. This will either be one of my random ideas, or a "restart" of an old RP that I liked with spots reserved for all original charries. This is today's RP:

#1: One Hundred Prophecies RP (Week of RPs)

Centuries ago, on the eve of the Kingdom of Eressia's creation, the Sibyl - the greatest prophetess in the land - made 101 prophecies in a single night. The 101st and final prophecy stated that the previous hundred would be fulfilled in the order they were given, and that when they all were fulfilled, the Kingdom of Eressia would fall. Now, the prophecies are kept in a great Book; only the current Sibyl, the King of Eressia, and his Prince Heir are allowed to read it. The existence of the One Hundred Prophecies is common knowledge, but what they actually say is the greatest of secrets.

Our characters are seemingly-normal people in Kree, the capital city of Eressia. But little do they know that each has a prophecy about them, and that all of them together are the object of the hundredth prophecy:

"Nine shall travel out from Kree, to right a dreadful wrong.

Eight shall cross the River Slithe, led onward by a song.

Seven shall, in cavern deep, awaken Durralor.

Six shall fly on icy wings, to Inverthenni's shore.

Five shall triumph in Morass, with weapons made of sky.

But only four shall journey home; the rest are doomed to die."

submitted by A Curious Dragon, age 14, New Hampshire
(February 8, 2015 - 3:31 pm)

Not to be mean, (I'll talk to you in person if need be) but I think that 1 RP per week is a little too much. It'll push back RPs and threads made by other people, and you'll pretty much take over the Inkwell.

Just my opinion.

submitted by Little Sis, Artist, age CD's sis, no, really!
(February 8, 2015 - 5:06 pm)
submitted by Bottom , age Botton, Bottom of the pack
(March 7, 2015 - 4:33 pm)