Secret agents! NOT

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Secret agents! NOT

Secret agents! NOT A RP! This is one of those things where you join and I make up the story. Basically you create a code name, give me 'that' much info about yourself,(real or made-up) and i take it from there. For me...

name: Agent Elizabeth

age: 11 

personality: a complete bookworm, slightly sarcastic, loves solving riddles, hates jigsaw puzzles.

Appearance (vague): Short brown hair, always wears jeans (unless I'm asleep), carries a leather pocket-book.

Let's only have 6 secret agents, but we can have 2 or 3 villians. So we can have 9 people total, including villians. Please don't be offended if I make you a bad guy. You may place a request if you would like to be a villian, otherwise I will decide who is who. Please, please only 9 people!  

submitted by agent Elizabeth, age ?, can't say
(November 17, 2015 - 5:09 pm)

File No. 2: Agent S. [Scylla]

Age: Classified

Personality: Dry, sarcastic, depressing, intelligent, logical, likes art

Appearance: Classified

I am kind of like a double agent. I pretend to be on one side, but am really on the other. Or am I? You decide.

File No. 3: Agent H. [Hallia]

Age: No one even knows, so classified

Personality: Sweet, loyal [only to Scylla], timid, bold only when necessary. Protective of friends.

Appearance: Varies, Agent H. is a pocket shape-shifter.

Hallia, speaking of her, says tifn. There's no Tiffany here! [anymore...] 

submitted by Scylla
(November 17, 2015 - 6:44 pm)


NAME: Selina Marumi

AGE: Unknown. Appears about 13

PERSONALITY:  Very suspicious of anyone she meets. Other than that, CLASSIFIED

APPEARANCE: Long black hair, black leggings and combat boots, white tank top under brown jacket


Can't wait to see what you make of her!

Ooo! My computer makes omegas! See! ΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩΩ

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(November 17, 2015 - 9:50 pm)

name: Agent Sydney

age: 13

personality: extremely quirky, kind of socially awkward, fairy tale fangirl (as in, Grimm brothers), kind of bad at sympathizing with people

Appearance (vague): frizzy brown hair, usually wears a headband and a watch, shirt that references a musical or book


Fflewddur says beuu. Be-YOU-ti-ful. That was kind of cliche. But be yourselves, all!

submitted by Sydney C., age 13
(November 17, 2015 - 10:28 pm)

Classified File 7

Name: Agent Destiny (not my real name)

Age: 12

Personality: Agile and fast , smart and kind but doesn't trust anyone she meets untill the know them. Likes outdoor things and sports.  

Apperance: flaming red hair (when it's not dyed; it is usually dyed brown or blonde), bright green eyes, cunning smile, a scattering of freckles. Common outfit  like any other normal girl, with a gre bookbag filled with useful stuff. 

She can be a bad guy or somthing. I don't mind. 

submitted by Agent Destiny
(November 17, 2015 - 10:50 pm)


name: Booksy Owly


personality: a complete bookworm, loves to write, a little shy, a grammar freak and perfectionist, gets scared extremely easily

Appearance (vague): (CB appearence) short, light brown hair, hazel eyes, glasses, always carries a book and notebook

submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 18, 2015 - 12:04 am)

Oh. Wait. Sorry. Code Name. Um... Could it be Booksy? If not, how about... Emily.

submitted by Booksy Owly
(November 18, 2015 - 12:06 am)

File #025

Name:  Gilan O'Neil; Code-name:  Spartacus (Agent #025)

Age: Appears to be about 15 or so

Personality:  Arrogant, charming, and altogether too clever for his own good.  

Appearance:  Choppy surfer style bleach-blonde hair, green eyes.  Usually seen sporting a cheeky grin.  Wears normal clothes, or are they? ;)  Never seen without his leather thong necklace with silver spear charm around his neck. (You can decide what that's about!)

He can be whatever you want him to be, agent, turncoat agent, or mastermind of a villain.

submitted by Merenwe, age Infinite
(November 18, 2015 - 5:42 am)

Name: No one knows, but my online name is SlytherSnake

Appearance: None. I don't need one, I'm a mystery hacker

Personality: You guys hired me to hack for you, but you're not sure if I'm good or bad. 

submitted by Leaf of Love
(November 18, 2015 - 7:30 am)

Or I can be a hacker for the other side and then switch to the good side

submitted by Leaf of Love
(November 18, 2015 - 7:35 am)

Name: Double H

Age: 13

Personality: Sarcastic, tough, total tomboy, and bookworm

Appearance (how's this for vague?): Black hair, Aisian-america

I don't care whether I'm good or bad. 


submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, Episode VII
(November 18, 2015 - 9:12 am)

Name: Christy

Age: 17

Personality: Quiet, loyal, trustworthy, strong

Apperance: Raspberry Chestnut hair (Look it up its really cool; AIO fans will get this =D), tall, icy blue eyes, red lipstick, likes to wear a leather jacket.

Is it ok if I'm a villain? Thanks!! 

submitted by Sweet Tea
(November 18, 2015 - 9:57 am)

Oh, forgot to say, Christy is NOT my real name. =)

submitted by Sweet Tea
(November 18, 2015 - 12:43 pm)

Me me me! I've never been in one of these! Could I pleeeaaase be a villan? This is a great idea!

Name: Agent Anna 

Age: Twelve and a half

Personality: Dark and quiet, shady, good at thinking up sinister plans, keeps animals to do her bidding <-(If a villan);  Funny, shy, hates math but unfortunately is good at it, and normally has to do it, likes animals(especially mice/rats) <-(If a good agent)

Appearance: Grey hoodie, brownish blonde shoulder-length hair, short, has a white rat named Millet she rescued and hand-raised. He is good at following rules; he's been trained to fetch things from small, tight places. Also has a crow that rides on her shoulder. The crow likes cheese. (His name is Barley.)


submitted by Micearenice, age Lightyears, Here
(November 18, 2015 - 12:49 pm)

Name: Agent S. No one, not even him, knows his real name. It's just "S". 

Age:Physically 11, but many suspect his brain has advanced far beyond his years.

Personality: VERY smart, and he's a smug jerk about it. But as for his sanity, no one can vouch for that. With an almost twisted sense of humor, he scares some people.

Appearance: Short, with a pair of glowing blue goggles over his eyes. No one but him knows what they do. Wearing a bright red suit and tie most of the time. 

Extra: S has a massive amount of tech concealed on him at all times. Some of his inventions work, others don't. 

submitted by Hacker Dee
(November 18, 2015 - 2:12 pm)

Hey, I thought I was Agent S.!

submitted by Scylla
(November 18, 2015 - 5:28 pm)