Hogwarts RP!!! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hogwarts RP!!! I

Hogwarts RP!!! I thought it was time to do another of these. This will take place one hundred years after Harry, and he has become nothing, but a legend.

Transfiguration (have to keep): Professor Blankly(male)

Charms(have to keep): Professor Tenebris (female)

Potions (have to keep): Professor Winter Argent (female)

History of Magic(htk): Professor Binns( male)

Defense against the Dark Arts(htk): Professor Igpan (male)

Astronomy (htk): Professor Cane (male)

Herbology (htk): Professor Knotley (male)

Flying (1st years only): Professor Burkley (male)

Second years and up have to take a minimum of two of the below classes.

Arithmancy: Professor Eva Thornheart (female)

Muggle studies: Professor Adonia Murik (female)

Divination: Professor Vosen (male)

Study of ancient runes: Professor Whitmore (female)

Care of Magical creatures: Professor Borges (female)

~~~~Charrie sheet! 

Name: Gwendolyn Delacroix 

Year(1-4 please): 3

Appearance: Curly golden ringlets, fair skin, brown eyes.

Lineage (Muggle, Half-blood, or Pure-blood): Half-blood

House(if years 2-4): Ravenclaw

Crush: need more charries first 

Friends: need more charries 








submitted by Cho Chang, age 12, Episode VII
(November 30, 2015 - 2:34 pm)


I stare nervously out the window. I found a quiet seat with no one in it. I wonder what Hogwarts will be like?


submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(December 26, 2015 - 9:55 am)
Elodie Brook~
Cedric and I sit down at the long Gryffindor table. As I'm waiting for the sorting to begin I chat with Katie White, a Gryffindor chaser and one of my closest friends at Hogwarts. Then the sorting begins. Three first years are sorted before Hannah, Andie DaMore...... Ravenclaw, Debby York.......Hufflepuff, and Allison Smith...…Gryffindor. Then Hannah was sorted. Hannah Wood...... Gryffindor! Cedric and I clap and cheer the loudest out of all the Gryffindors. As Hannah runs over to our table Cedric pats her on her back while I run up and hug her. She looks a bit embarrassed about all the attention, but she has a big smile on her face. As a head boy leads us to our dorms the first years ooh and ah at the moving picture and ghosts. Katie and I talk about last summer, Katie went to Ireland. When it's time for the boys and girls to part, Katie and I go to the right stairway and Cedric and the boys go to the left. Cedric says good night to his sister, and then to me he says, "Thanks for supporting my sister, she really likes you." "I enjoyed it," I say.    
submitted by Horse Spirit Girl, age 13, Neverland (New York)
(December 26, 2015 - 12:15 pm)
Elodie Brook~
I pull my covers up over my head not wanting to get up, but remembering that today is my first day of my 4th year at Hogwarts, and that i'll be starting the morning off with Care of Magical Creatures, one of my favourite classes. I pull off my pajamas, pull on my sweater, skirt, and robe then neatly tie my tie. I run down the stairs quickly, finishing buckling my bag, and collide with Skye Renn. She smiles up at me shyly. "Sorry about that," she says. "No worries. How are you doing?" I ask. "Never better," she says, and waves as she walks out of the common room. 
I entered the great hall, found a seat next to Katie and Cedric and helped myself to all the delicious food waiting to be eaten.  
submitted by Horse Spirit Girl
(December 28, 2015 - 5:57 pm)

Top please! Cho, am I going too far ahead?

submitted by Horse Spirit Girl
(December 28, 2015 - 8:13 pm)

I am withdrawing Lyra. I am too busy. 

submitted by Elvina
(December 28, 2015 - 11:16 pm)

A little, but it's fine. I'm back everyone! I said who was the Heads of the houses on a previous page, and the gamemaster will be . . . Arcken Ranc.

submitted by Cho C.
(December 31, 2015 - 9:13 am)

Screeech. The train comes to a stop with a loud whistle. I struggle off the train. "First years! First years over here!" someone shouts. I follow the person with a lot of first years to the lake. I hop into a boat with 3 other first years. Once everbody was in a boat, the person shouted, "Forward!" And the little fleet shot forward across the lake. I looked up and gasped... my father had described the casle to me many times, but it looks better in person. "Heads down!" the person shouts. I put my head down and feel some ivy brushing my head. Once we got inside we got out of the boat to see a new person there. "My name is Professor Blankly," he says. "Go into that room." He points at the room we are to go in. "And wait for me to come fetch you," he says briskly. We all troop into the room and wait... and wait... and..... wait............................ until "Everybody follow me in a straight line. When we go out, I will call out your name, and you are to come forward and put on the Sorting Hat, to be sorted into your house. Follow me please," Professor Blankly says. I follow him out. "Abvorster, Ginger!" he shouts. I come up and put on the Sorting Hat. "Gryfindor!" the hat shouts. I see some kids at a table shout and start to cheer. I stand up and go to the table.


I stare sleepily at the top of my bed and think of the day. I had a lot of fun... I think I'm going to like Hogwarts. It was only then that I remembered that I had forgotten to tell the Headmaster what I could do.

P.S. Who are the Headmaster/misstress, the Gamekeeper, and the Head of the Houses?   

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(December 29, 2015 - 12:53 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(January 2, 2016 - 6:26 pm)

Top, top, topitty TOP!!!

submitted by Topping Wizard
(January 3, 2016 - 4:13 pm)

Top! Will write tomorrow!

submitted by Horse Spirit Girl
(January 5, 2016 - 8:45 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(January 12, 2016 - 3:23 pm)