When January Calls,

Chatterbox: Inkwell

When January Calls,

When January Calls, take two. The old one was getting on a bit. Title subject to change with little or no notice.

I'll re-post the last two installments here. 


Poe is waiting for them as they approach Montaview. He stands calmly, his hands on his cane, outside his door. The moonlight lights the snow at his feet and sends up a steady radiance to light his face.

He bows his head as Jack strides up to him with Jenny in tow. "You were right, Jack," he murmurs. "As always. I suppose you want me to come with you?"

"It would certainly speed things along," says Jack cooly.

"I'm old, Jack. I turn ninety in a week. I can't go traipsing about in the middle of the night with a supernatural being and a changeling girl."

"So you'd rather hide in your study with your books and your fire?" asks Jack sharply, a small crease appearing between his eyebrows.

Poe sighs. "An old man needs his comforts."

"And frost elves do not," replies Jack.

"Especially not their prince?"

"Especially not him."

Poe sags, defeated. "Let me get my coat, and the book."



Poe hobbles out of his house a few moments later, one gnarled hand clutching an enormous leather-bound book. The book has no title and the cover is thick with dust.

Jack blinks at it slowly.

"Let's go," he says. "There's a sleigh waiting for us just out of sight of town."

"Ah, good," mutters Poe.

The trio sets off across the snow, their backs to the small town in the valley.  

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(March 30, 2009 - 6:02 pm)

The wreckage is found the following afternoon, after Jack's storm ceases to blow and the new snow lays still upon the ground. It is a gruesome sight, corpses strewn about the broken bits of wood, torn canvas, and wet rope like so many dead flies. The bodies are blessed by a ragged priest and quickly burned.

Felix does not awake until several hours after the bodies of his comrades are nothing but charred bone and ash. When he does he finds himself voracious; the fisherman and his wife are quick to present him with a large plate of eggs and fish. He wolfs the food down, nearly shoveling the eggs into his mouth before starting on the fish.

Jack, meanwhile, leaves Poe with Jenny at the inn and goes to the market square to search for a crew. He finds a few men fit for the job; tall, broad-shouldered, experienced sailors. He wanders down the streets aimlessly after telling the men the location of the ship, and comes to a stop in front of the fisherman's home. Felix is in the yard, looking particularly forlorn and pathetic in the grey light.

"Sir," he says, nodding as Jack passes by.

Jack pauses. "Can you sail, boy?"

"Aye, sir," Felix says. "I was on the ship what got smashed up last night."

"Hardly a promising career," Jack points out.

Felix shakes his head. "No, sir, I told them to put the sails up and lay low 'til the storm blew over. But Cap'n wouldn't listen to a lowly rat like me."

"I'm looking to undertake a voyage to the West," Jack says. "I need another hand."

"Are you offering me a job, sir?"

"If you want it." Jack looks indifferent.

"Would I, sir!" Felix exclaimed. "An we don't plan on headin' North at all, sir," he added.

"No, just West."

"Count me in, then, sir," Felix says happily.

Jack nods shortly. "Be at the Northernmost dock at two hours after noon, then," he said. "We set sail on the hour, and if you're not on the boat, you stay in Balena."

"Aye, sir."

Jack nods and goes on his way. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 22, 2009 - 10:20 pm)


submitted by Eversong♥♫
(June 23, 2009 - 6:32 pm)

What do you mean, what? It's my story! That I am writing for no reason other than that I can! Um...

This links to the first page:



submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(June 24, 2009 - 11:42 am)