I was looking

Chatterbox: Inkwell

I was looking

I was looking back on old threads and I found a milion awesome ideas. But one really caught my eye and I want to recreate it. I think it was originally thought of by Will T, but I am not sure because a lot of people recreated it. So, the idea is and RP contest!  A few people form groups and each group creates a RP. The RP's storylines must be finished by a certain deadline. There are also judges and they check in on the RPs once in a while, looking for good writing, creative storylines, ect. 

Please, please join! It will be really fun I promise. 

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(April 22, 2016 - 11:15 am)

I'm joining HSG's team!

submitted by Isabelle K., age 13, Connecticut
(April 25, 2016 - 8:10 am)

I'll be a captain. I think I'll create a thread for my team's RP and link it to all the other threads associated with this contest. I suggest you all do the same to avoid confusion.

submitted by Scylla
(April 25, 2016 - 9:37 am)

Thank you Scylla. 

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(April 25, 2016 - 11:35 am)

Ohh! I want to join! I'd kind of like to be on Cho's team, but if you want to put me somewhere else, that's fine.  

submitted by Mirax T., Thyferra
(April 25, 2016 - 10:46 am)

YAS!! Mirax!!! 

@My team, do you want to do a Dragon Slippers world (Jessica Day George) RP or a Enchanted Forest chronicles world RP? (Patricia Wrede)

I would suggest reading the first book of whatever series we are basing the RP we're doing. Or you can let me decide. Whichever is fine with me. (Mirax, you have a headstart on one, huh?) *winks*

@Scylla, good idea. 

submitted by Cho C.
(April 25, 2016 - 1:30 pm)

Enchanted Forest chronicles!! Although I've heard Dragon Slippers is really good too. My charrie could have so many cats! This is gonna be amazing! *runs off to reread Dealing with Dragons* 

submitted by Mirax T., age !2, The Pulsar Skate
(April 25, 2016 - 7:45 pm)

New update! You will find I really like making updates. @ Mei, do you want to be a Captain? Because I can make a new team for you to be the captain of. 

Team A:

Captain: Cho 

Teammates: Bluebird, lemon banana(once again if I am not a judge.) 

Team B:

Captain: HSG

Teammates: Isabelle K


Team C:

Captain: Scylla

Teammates: None right now.


And if Mei wants,

Team D:

Captian: Mei

Teammates: None  

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(April 25, 2016 - 11:07 am)

Oh, and Mirax is on Cho's team as well. Hmm, that makes three on Cho's team, one on HSG's, and none on the others. Unless, I put Bluebird and I on Scylla or Mei's team. This calls for an update! I will figure this out and then post it later! 

submitted by Lemon banana , age 10 , MT
(April 25, 2016 - 1:08 pm)

Yes! Thank you!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(April 25, 2016 - 2:02 pm)

I joined! i guess i would want to be on Scylla's team if that's ok.

submitted by regina
(April 25, 2016 - 2:07 pm)

I'll be on Team C, I suppose. 

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(April 25, 2016 - 2:31 pm)


submitted by MorePeopleJoinPlease
(April 25, 2016 - 2:03 pm)


submitted by JOIN THIS NOW!!!!!!!
(April 25, 2016 - 2:08 pm)

Oh...I want to join Scylla's and make my own at the same time... LB, can I make one? 

Yours truly, Coco~ 

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 25, 2016 - 3:45 pm)

Oben (Top in German!)

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(April 25, 2016 - 3:50 pm)