Write me a

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Write me a

Write me a story about a ______________________. Make an adventure for a/few characters. I will decide the winner! Make it as long as you want.

submitted by JBH
(May 21, 2016 - 6:41 pm)

Even though this isn't a RP, I have a Charrie sheet for anyone if you want one and can't think of one.

Name: Glimpse Aren

Age: 12

Appearence: Blonde hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Always wears two pairs of gloves and socks and shoes.

Personality: Shy, very careful, and afraid to make friends

Magic (OPTIONAL! But, I love magic/fantasy): Turns everything she touches with her bare hands or feet to gold (except herself).

Backstory/Other: I don't want to spoil the story.

Glimpse Aren was given a curse that she would turn anything that she touches with her bare hands or feet turns to gold (except herself). When she recieved this curse was 10, she hugged her stuffed bunny toy (she had had it since she was a baby, and she still held on top it during scary incidents) to herself in fear. Of course, it turned to gold. Her dad became very greedy. He knew that he would get a lot of money if he melted down the gold. Her mom just walked in the room when Glimpse yelled, "No, don't take Hoppe!" (Hoppe was her stuffed bunny's name.) Her mom ran to hug Glimpse and tell her husband sternly to give Hoppe back. Glimpse's mom turned to gold. Her dad was very sad for five minutes, but he was already so greedy that he didn't really care. The Gold Rush was happening in his own house! He knew that he had to make sure no one stole her.

It was too bad for him, because Glimpse was already on the run. She grabbed a thin pair of long gloves (they turned to gold anyways, so it didn't matter how thin they were), thick leather gloves (they would go on top so they wouldn't turned to gold), put on knee-high socks (now golden socks), and put on shoes (they were her favorite, so she put on the high socks instead of low ones). She ran out the door. 

Glimpse grabbed her bike and rode as fast as she could. It was hard, because her hands were covered with gold. Luckily, she started to get used to it. Some people stopped to stare at this girl biking away from home. Once they saw the gold up her legs and arms, they got suspicous. And greedy. The Glimpse Aren Gold Rush was spreading.

She remembered that the elves would take in anyone with a good heart and soul that wouldn't share their secret.

I will go to the elves. Glimpse thought. 

Glimpse heard feet pounding. She saw people running behind her. She stopped her bike and stepped off. She took off one glove and one golden glove (it slid off smoothly). People gazed in awe at her.

They chanted, "Come now, pretty little girl. Touch my belongings, if I allow. Make me rich, you know how."

It was very creepy. Glimpse nodded, a lie. She went out and shook everyone's hand. With the ungloved one. Everyone was still staring at her face, so they didn't notice each person turning to gold. Once she was finished, she put back on the gold glove, then the leather glove. She got back on her bike and continued on her journey.

Glimpse found the elf kingdom by knocking three times on a tree. She heard whispering in a certain area, so she knocked on each tree. Three seemed like a good number.

When she found the right tree, a knocker appeared after she knocked the first three knocks. She knocked again with the knocker (three knocks).

The trees parted.

A woman with the pointy ears of the elves and a crown on her head was standing there.

"Who are you, coming to my kingdom?" she asked regally.

"I am Glimpse Aren. A curse has been given to me, and I am safe almost nowhere. But, I thought that I would be safe here," Glimpse said.

"What is the curse? If you are truly good, and tell the truth, you will be allowed to stay here. If not, you go," the elf said.

"Whatever I touch with my bare hands and feet will turn to gold," Glimpse said and gestured to her golden gloves and golden knee-high socks. "Greedy people (pretty much everyone) want me to make them rich. I thought that you will take me in." 

"To test your word, take off your gloves and touch this leaf," the elf said and plucked a leaf from a nearby tree. One grew back right away.

Glimpse said as commanded. The leaf turned to gold.

"You may stay here. If you take off your gloves and harm an elf or creature hear, we will send you out. My name is Queen Firest," said the elf.

And Glimpse lives among the elves to this day, among the magic of Nature.


Please don't copy my story, or any of the ideas in this story (except for the Charrie sheet).






submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 22, 2016 - 11:03 am)

We might have a winner!⬆️

submitted by JBH
(June 1, 2016 - 7:58 am)