Story Contest!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Story Contest!

Story Contest!


I know there are a few contests going on, but I had this idea that I wanted to share.

In this contest, I will write a Charrie sheet. Comment below to tell me you want to enter. Make your own post and fill out the Charrie sheet for the main character (other side characters are optional). Write a short story about anything. Reply to your former comment below with a link to your story. I will read each one and decide which one I like the best. I am taking only TWO other judges that will help me decide which one is the best.

Charrie Sheet for the Main Character(s):

Name: Last name is optional



Appearence: You can also write what hairstyles they like, what clothes they like, etc.

Personality: This includes what they are good at, if you want to write that.

OPTIONAL: Magic: Don't make it OP. If it is OP, I will tell you and you can change it.

Backstory/Other: I suggest that you don't spoil anything in your story.

Friends/Pets: This includes side characters, and animals that they can control/ride.

Enemies: It can be a group of creatures, or a list of creatures


I will decide the deadline after I get a lot of entrees. If you don't want to enter, I won't be offended. I know that Lemon banana has a really popular contest going on right now.


submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 22, 2016 - 11:52 am)

Um, what qualifies as a short story? Because I've started writing a book-sort of thing. Idk if I'll ever finish it, but I could enter some excerpts from it.

submitted by Bluebird
(May 22, 2016 - 3:30 pm)

About four thousand words is the usual number. (I did the math) :p

submitted by Cho Chang
(May 22, 2016 - 5:43 pm)

It can be as long as you want. I just thought that most people would want to make it really short. Excerpis would be great!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 22, 2016 - 5:53 pm)

Here's my charrie, but I'm not entirely sure if I'm entering yet.

Name: Sage Rosenkrantz 

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Appearence: Short but not buzz-cut short black hair, not-pale-but-not-tan skin with freckles over his nose, bright green eyes, graceful fingers, attractive voice, short (5' 2''?) and skinny, wears t-shirts or flannel shirts, jeans, and converse, slightly pointed ears that aren't that noticeable but make him seem cuter in a way.

Personality: Quiet, a loner, but if he cares about you he'll never leave you. He's talented at playing the piano, violin, guitar, drum, a ton of other instruments, and singing. 

OPTIONAL: He can speak any language naturally, including the old language of magic in my story, The Ríonach. He is also incredibly persuasive, and can sometimes influence people with his words and music. If that's OP than he can just speak every language.

Backstory/Other: Not telling! You'll have to find out...

Friends/Pets: Well, he meets some people later on, so I won't tell you about them. He has a little sister, Marissa, whom he loves to death, and a cat named Catastrophe, nicknamed cat (Marissa named him) and a mom and dad who are together, but starting to fight and stuff.

Enemies: His counterpart (You'll find out what that is if I enter)

submitted by Bluebird
(May 22, 2016 - 4:06 pm)

Please enter! These are great ideas!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 22, 2016 - 5:55 pm)


submitted by Bluebird
(May 22, 2016 - 5:31 pm)

I may enter; I may not.

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(May 22, 2016 - 6:25 pm)

Is there a word limit? My stories tend to run fairly long, so l would very much like to know. 

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Unknown, U.S.S. Enterprise
(May 22, 2016 - 7:59 pm)

Oops, l didn't see the other comments before posting that one. Please ignore.

submitted by Shadow Dragon, age Infinity, Edge of Forever
(May 22, 2016 - 8:00 pm)

I'd love to join!

submitted by Bibliophile
(May 23, 2016 - 10:22 am)

I will join

submitted by Vikki, age 10, The South
(May 23, 2016 - 11:21 am)

Heck, I'll enter the book from charrie sheet. All the chapters I would have posted are here:

Name: Ruineth Sharia

Gender: F

Age: 17 in elf, 85 in human.



She's the red headed elf. The black haired one is Evanlyn Tropia, and the red dragon, Norin, has appeared in the book, but not by name. The blue dragon has not appeared yet, but will in the next book.

Personality: She's very moody and angry most of the time, but around Evanlyn, she loosens up a lot.

Magic: She has the ability to use magic, as she's an elf, but she has not been taught the art.

Backstory/Other: I ain't gonna spoil nothin'.

Friends/pets: Evanlyn Tropia

Enemies: Dragons. They *bleep!*


Name: Evanlyn Tropia

Age: 19-21ish, (I haven't decided yet) in elf, 95-105 in human.

Species: Elf

Appearance: Tall and elegant, she carries herself with utter importance as if she has a place to go. Long, silky black hair falls down her back and ripples like a waterfall, her gracefully pointed ears poking out amongst it. Silver eyes accompany her flawless face, and despite smiles being rare, a sense of humor and jovialness surrounds her. Often her long bow is slung across hee back, with a quiver attached to her belt and hanging off the side of her belt. Her gown is usually long and green, blending well with the forest, and she wears similar leggings underneath.

Magic: She speciallizes in protection, attack, and wind magic, but she can use other magic. She doesn't have a lot of manna, but not an extremly tiny amount, either. (How they channel their magic. It's like pixie dust. Except it grows with the person over time.) 

Personality: Although being serious most of the time, her rare laughs top even the trill of a Nightingale singing under the moon. She is loyal, and trustworthy. Always following orders, questioning them is beyond her, unless it in some way brings harm to several people. Occasionally, people are surprised by a sudden joke, or silly pun from her, and it usually startles them so. She speaks only when needed, and her words match that of her stealth, as in she only makes sound when needed.

Background:  Her life was as normal as the average elf, albeoit rather boring. Elven children were rare, so often she had to keep herself occupied. She did so with learning. The stars always fascinated her, and her favorite, the Elven Archer, is what truly inspired her love for fighting. Her mother and father at first were frightened by her odd choice of hobbies, but eventually the idea eased in their minds, and after some further prying, they found a suitable job for their odd elfling. A handmaiden. The rest of her life was spent watching over the younger princess of fifteen years, and they have become inseparable. 

Other: she plays the lute, and has a lovely voice. 


submitted by Cho Chang
(May 23, 2016 - 3:51 pm)

I will join this weekend, I already have a story in mind, I just need more time to write it and weekdays are not a good time for that. 

submitted by Leafpool who loves, To write in the forest
(May 24, 2016 - 8:59 am)

I read your story and all of the other posts. It's amazing! I got a little bit confused about who was talking when, because they weren't in the same paragraphs, but it was like 85% clear. I love the idea!

Thank you for entering.


Pavlavla says 'ebow.' Translation: A bow. Sorry, Pavlavla, I don't have a bow or an arrow. I love archery, though!

submitted by Natalie, age ?, USA
(May 24, 2016 - 5:15 pm)

Toptoptotpotptotptotptotptotptotptotptotp!!!! Top, admins, top!

submitted by Leafpool, The top of the forest
(May 26, 2016 - 7:24 am)