Favourite lines from

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Favourite lines from

Favourite lines from your writings...

Kinda self-explanatory, I s'pose. Funny lines, deep lines, random lines that only make sense in context, whatever. If you like it, post it here, but try to keep it to just a sentence or two if possible. The weirder, the better I say. Oh, and don't add any explanatory notes, it's more fun that way.

Here's some of mine, all taken from NaNo '08.

“Silly vampire pumpkin, doom is for the Doom Cauldrons.” 

“A jack-o-lantern, the scariest one on the block,” said Vlad. “The one that actually, you know, eats stuff. And people. And candy!” 

“See what? You broke your finger?” It did look a little bent out of shape after all, and it’s entirely possible, stress fracture, I mean he is always carrying around that little globe thing of his.


Vlad: You don't even /like/ friends. Why do you want more? 

Chaos: I like to torture people, my dear Vlad, and friendship has, through my centuries of existence, proven itself to be a very effective method of torture.


“Vampires are creepy enough as it is, but to add pumpkin DNA to the equation of undeath is to step it up to a whole new level of freakiness.”


Morwenna: Man- eat-  No. No, no, chairs do not eat people.

Bartholomew: That one does, it learned how from the pumpkin.


“Well now you know I’m human, so happy for you. Hooray, congratulations. And such.”  

Hello! Good morning, this is your wake-up call. We’re not living in candyland… We haven’t been for some time now. Sorry. 


"He's praying..." muttered Toby, raising an eyebrow. "He's praying to a shoe." 

"Yes, Toby," I replied mildly, "he's praying to a shoe. People do funny things, eh?" 


And just because, here's one from Broken Dreams:

The skeleton touched the brim of its hat in a jaunty sort of salute. “G’d evening,” it said. 

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(April 13, 2009 - 6:03 pm)

Like the dog... sorry, I'm home sick, and my litte brother's watching Scooby Doo Zombie Island... (which I personally think is way too creepy for a three-year-old, like reading a toddler R. L. Stine... :( ) 

submitted by Mary W., age 11 and one, NJ
(April 23, 2009 - 12:11 pm)

Behold, I liveth! *capers about madly* Yess. I liveth, and I hath been enlightened by the most awesome and excellent movie trilogy evah! *obsesses over LotR for a few minutes* Right. Lemme see... these are all from my novel in progress, Portals of Irlica. You steal, I smite, all clear?



"Glue?" said Mrs. Morgan, raising her eyebrows. "In your room? Over the carpet? Are you sure?"

"Mother. Not a LOT of glue. Stop being paranoid. Can I eat this stuff while I work?"

"I don't know, can you?"

Mariela, halfway out the door, rolled her eyes. "MAY I eat this stuff in my room?"

"Yes, you MAY, if you eat it at your desk and try to use proper English in the future."

"Sure, Mother, thanks!" called Mariela's voice from the stairwell.

(I do believe that is my most brilliant bit of dialogue EVAH. *snort* Obviously, my writing style could use some work if that is indeed the case.)


Breck: "Keep your sword on it, Rykkr, it's - oh. It's only a little shrimpy one. Speak up, shrimp! Do you even speak Zraelish?"


Mariela: "Well, if you kill me right now, before I get questioned, then I won't get questioned. This, if what you already told me is true, will make your King very... grumpy."   


Mariela gaped at Kaelo, who was still muttering darkly to himself. "Ah. So that explains the mind reading and the pointy ears."


"Humph," Gwilan muttered again, grouchily brushing aside a branch overhanging the path, "As Ah was sayin', tha' sneak Ffured's allus stickin' 'is ra'ee li'ul nose in where et don' belong, an' doin' things 'e ain' s'posed t'do, awl sneaky loike. Ah wouldn' be s'prised iff'n et were 'im as done th' murder."


Morwyn: "Once a body's been alive for eight and a half centuries, one tends to dispense with the formalities."


Kaelo turned a few pages as Ellian and Gwilan looked on with interest. "All right then. This paragraph has some interesting blotches on it. 'Green Season the Five Thousand and Seventy-Sixth. Master passed to the Highlands during the border skirmish with the Farshoreans yesterday. He was putting up shields and such when a spellcaster hit him from behind... Now I am the Inkmaster, protector and high magician of this land, and I will exact payment for the death of my Master. The Black Ink lies ready in my quill, and those who block my path shall be removed... forcefully.'"

(I'm proud of that bit.)


Croakr: "I am sleeping it off as we speak, and I heard that, oganach!"


"So they're magic shoes?" Ellian asked in wonder. "Is everything around here magic?"

"No," answered Kaelo, "but a lot of things are."


There was the sound of a dull explosion from the back room. "Oh yes, the food!" Morwyn cried, and dashed back through the curtain, returning less than a second later with a large pan full of something black and bubbly. An odorous cloud of smoke accompanied her, billowing out of the pan. "It's all right, I've put the fire out, t'was only a small fire this time!"


Okay, I'm done now. This post is HUGE. Sorry, Admin!

submitted by Commander Kip, age 16, BackFromTheDead
(April 28, 2009 - 9:09 pm)

Awesome excerpts!

So you don't really live in Zrealand, Irlirca (spelling?), that's just in your story?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.25, NJ
(April 29, 2009 - 3:36 pm)

Of course I live in Zraeland! I am the commanding officer in King Toralt's mighty army. We will crush those pesky Farshoreans!


No. I live in boring old Kansas. But on account of the real world being so very normal and unexciting, I would much prefer to live in MY world. I have a pin that says, "I live in my own little world. It's okay; they know me here." Ha. I CREATED my own little world... which is actually not that little. There's kind of a lot going on there at the moment, what with the war an all... in fact, I'd better get back before Prince Brennan decided to massacre anyone else today... toodles!

submitted by Commander Kip, age 16, Zraeland, Irlic
(May 2, 2009 - 2:23 pm)

I only have corny ones.


She glared at Kazzr, and pocketed the gun.  "I'll kill you later," she said finally.  "I have more important things to do at the moment than commit murder." 
"Well," said Effelle, "One good thing about being dead is that you never have to wash dishes."
She shrugged while Messof fainted.
"Save your breath!" shouted Grwem, "I'm definitely not the Dimmanche Optt, even if wrens sprout wings and fly!"  He blinked.  "No . . . wait . . . wrens . . . I mean--"
She threw down the soggy mess, her temper visibly rising.  "Chop your own purple mushrooms, then!" she yelled.  "I'm sick of these bloody donkeys, anyway."  She marched out of the room, the world turning bright orange as she passed.
"Boys!" whispered Willia fervently, "The pro'em 'w 'em is tha' they think they knowe ever'thin' there is, and yet they do nothing, nothing a'tall!"
Venn raised his eyebrows as Willia continued.  "An' then th' girls," she said, "Well, they just knowe nothing, do they?  No' yet."    
submitted by BellaTrix ✌ ♡
(May 3, 2009 - 9:04 am)

"12," said Stacy. "Ha! A nice start," I replied.


I turned around and realized the one thing I forgot to bring- and it was in enemy hands.


I sat down under a shady green tree, sipping a cup of ice cold
instant-make lemonade. I was about to induldge in a chapter of my book,
when I heard a loud noise from across the street. Assuming it was just
the teenagers playing football AGAIN, I kept reading. But soon, a loud
voice rolled in my ears.


Red Tulips

Those words are engraved on the bathroom
wall in green-gold pen, maybe with a little drawing of a tulip next to
it. Everyone says there’s a little drawing there, yet I’ve never seen
one. Nobody ever knew why the words were there. Kay used to love red
tulips and it was all she talked about or drew. But Kay never did do
graffiti, and Kay never lies.


I watched my brothers play football for an hour, not that you could see them with the laundry landscape I was sitting next to, and knew I would never adjust.

submitted by CJ, age ??????????, Nowhere in part
(May 15, 2010 - 6:48 am)