Boarding School

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Boarding School

Boarding School

"Dear Student," the sign on the door says, "You and your entire class are invited to the most highly esteemed boarding school in London. Do not fret, a plane flight has been arranged, and your belongings loaded on the plane. Please proceed to the buses."

Everyone was shocked, and some yelled out. But in the end, they proceeded to the buses, to start a new life.

So, here is how this will work:

Everyone will get to pick one subject they like the most, and that will be the place you live. The subjects are:




Physical Activity

And no trading cards/collectibles are allowed in the school. Music has to be very old, like classical or medieval. Ok, here is the Character sheet;


Age: You have to be under 18

Favorite Subject: listed above



Pet(s); Max. Three

Would you like to be an Assistant Writer? Assistant Writers help me write the story.

Do you want a Social or Academic Plotline?; Social Plotlines are about the events and friends and crushes and that stuff, while Academic Plotlines are about studying, and getting good grades, and being a nerd and that stuff.

Also, at any time, you can change part of you character, and that will have impacts on the story.

Ready to begin? 

submitted by Gared
(July 3, 2016 - 9:52 am)

Yes, garen, it's all good!!! Thanks so much. Hey, Soren, Cleo really wants to make up with you, she never wanted to go with me. Pity, but just thought I'd let you know. Tell her if you still are okay with her, she is frantic. 

submitted by Swummer, aka Charles
(July 6, 2016 - 5:53 pm)

Laughter and shouts echo from the crowded room in front of me, almost drowning out the punk song blaring overhead. I reach once more into my jeans pocket and pull out a crumpled note. Gently unrolling it, I scan the contents.

"Welcome to the school." It reads. "There's a dance today, but I have a feeling you could care less." I smile at that. So true. "Abby and I are having dinner in the Math dorm, during the dance, and I would like to invite you." I look up again as I jam the message into my pocket. The punk song's changed to a popular rock classic, and a lot of people are whirling around the dance floor. I step in, avoiding the chaotic couples, and smiling at people I know. I glimpse a door opposite me before another group blocks my view, and I navigate towards it. It's shockingly simple against the bright outfits and twirling lights, but it makes sense. I turn the smooth handle and step inside, surprised at the number of people. Probably all the Reading class.                                                                                                           "Hello." I say "I'm guessing this is the Math dorm?"                                                         A tall boy stands up, Gared from his outfit.                                                                     "Brooke?" he says "Welcome to the school!"                                                                   I smile, already at ease. "Thanks. I was told there was a dinner party?"                                A girl stands up this time. Abby?                                                                                Oh of course!" she breaks in. "Take a seat!"                                                                  I smile once more at everybody and sit down next to the girl with braids.                              "Having fun?"she asks.                                                                                          "Oh yes." I reply "It's amazing." We chat amiably during the dinner, only stopping once when we hear shouts outside and a thump of a body hitting the wall.                                           "Probably only Thomas." She says to my questioning glance. "He's always starting fights."            I nod, already focusing on my dinner again. I've seen the guy walking around the school before, all intimidating figure and muscle. From what I can tell, he's really a coward at heart. Sure enough, a few minutes later I hear him groan and start protesting to someone. Both me and Cleo smirk at his whining tone. Serves him right if he got punched. 

submitted by Brooke
(July 6, 2016 - 7:04 pm)

Wait, I am DJing punk and rock songs? Maby rock, but never punk.

submitted by Gared
(July 6, 2016 - 8:22 pm)

"let's go see what happened." I said gleefully. He may have been my boss, but I hated Thomas. The stuck up snob! Brooke agrees with a smirk. We walk on the dance floor, scanning the tables and walls for Thomas. I suddenly stop. Then break into a run. "Soren, Soren! Ohmigosh, are you okay? Oh, what did he do to you?" There is blood pouring off his face, he is groaning, and my heart is stopping. Soren sees me bending over him. He struggles to reassure me. "I'm okay, Cleo, really i am. Thomas and I just had a little, er, scuffle. But I'm okay, I probably need to go to the hospital. I wish I could've danced with you once." I pull a handkerchief out of my pocket and try to mop up the blood. "Come on, I will take you to the hospital." He gets slowly to his feet and starts walking beside me. I give him my handkerchief. As we walk, he tells me Thomas got a broken rib and nose. "If I had been there, he would've gotten a lot more than that." I was somewhat joking, but angry at Thomas. Soren took me seriously, though, and stopped. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye. "Don't mess with Thomas, Cleo, please. He is a brute. Just agree with him and don't argue with him. I don't want you getting hurt." "Soren, I can't just duck my head like a coward. I don't like him and can't put up with him. You should be the leader, not him." "Cleo, promise me. Don't fight him. I refuse to go to the hospital until you agree." With his arms crossed and a determined look on his face, I knew he was serious and I was so worried about that I said: "I promise I won't physically fight him or argue pointlessly to his face... But if he challenges me, I will step up to it." Soren agreed, and went to the hospital. 

submitted by Cleo
(July 7, 2016 - 7:23 am)

My hands trace over my cursive writing, one letter at a time. I am writing a letter to my family. Asking them how the world is outside of the Boarding School. Asking them to bring me out of here. I miss my family, I constantly think back to before the Boarding School. The last thing I remember...



and farewells

At least Hunter ended up being accepted here. And at least I have new friends, like Ella - who I try not to think about right now. I finish writing my letter by saying,

Please, get me out of here.



Sealed with a single tear drop, rolling down my face, and landing on the letter.

submitted by Ashlee G.
(July 6, 2016 - 9:21 pm)

This morining, I pull Aslee aside. "Look, I heard you were sad."

"How?" she replied

"I have micropheones everywere. Look, you have to play the game. Stay in the boarding school, you have opportunities. But I am still working on why they suddenly said that you should come here. Abby is as well."

"Ok" was all she replied. 

submitted by Gared
(July 7, 2016 - 10:52 am)

so many posts! I love you guys! Always posting. I looked at the other threads, and if we keep an avrage of about 75 posts a day, within a week we wil, be one of the largest threads on the chatterbox! Not that I am braging, I am just really really proud and telling everyone!

My captcha says "Hd RV" Wait, you broke the RV! 

submitted by Gared
(July 6, 2016 - 10:20 pm)

Please can you top this?

submitted by BoardingSchoolRpRULE, age Mysterious, 215th Comment
(July 6, 2016 - 10:46 pm)

So, today is also the Dance, so contine the drama! I  liked yesterday's drama a lot. Keep it up! I will post later.

submitted by Gared
(July 7, 2016 - 10:29 am)


I hear about Soren. I'm  worried. I sit quietly in the corner. Stratagy is everything. I study my math book. It's best not to resort to violence.  The square root of negative of -1=I. Confuse your enemy. Polaris is the North star and because of it's magnetic force, needles on a compass point to it. Who is my enemy? When you look in a mirror you are seeing a slightly younger version of yourself because of the time light takes to to travel. Tomas.

submitted by UNSUSPCTINGSTRYTLLR, age 11, The Realm Outside Cricket
(July 7, 2016 - 11:02 am)

That is such a good post! You are a great writer!

submitted by Gared
(July 7, 2016 - 12:54 pm)

I wake up in a perfectly pristine white room. I turn my head to see a mirror - and my reflection. I cannot help but laugh. I have little bandages on my head for minor bruises. I try sitting up, but fall back cringing. Apparently, I have a broken rib.

"I see you are awake," a female voice says.

I turn my head to the door where a nurse stands waiting.

"You have visitors."

"Go tell them to die in-"

"You have visitors," she says with a fake smile and clenched teeth.

With this, the nurse walks out of the room and beckons someone in - Cloe.

"Girl, what on earth do you want? Want me to beat you up as well?" I snarl.

Cloe laughs in disagreement but keeps her distance.

"I came to tell you how stupid you are," Cloe says, "For beating up Soren. Do you want to get yourself killed by my hands? Do you want to die in this spot? I can break more ribs for you."

"Woah, don't come crying to me because your boy-" I start.

"Be quiet, Thomas!" Cloe shouts. "I hate you with all my soul."

"Then why are you here?"

"To give you this," Cloe says, tossing me a note and gift box, then storms off. "Stupid boys."

I look at the perfectly white gift box with a lavender bow. The tag read For my boy, Thomas.

I grin, I must have a secret admirer. Maybe even Cloe... Now that would be ironic. My hands hover over the box and note but grab the letter first. Tearing it open, it reads three simple words:

Fear is power

I freeze. That is exactly what the Principal told me when I first came here. After my first fight. I pull open the gift box and stare at the item inside.

The necklace.

Ella's necklace. 

submitted by Thomas
(July 7, 2016 - 11:55 am)

cool. Btw, who is Thomas' creator?

submitted by Elmodaisy/Cleo
(July 7, 2016 - 1:23 pm)

I created him, but someone else is RPing as him. He is the PE NPC.

submitted by Gared
(July 7, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

Err.... *glances away in shame* Me. I am the owner of the cruel creep.

submitted by Ashlee G., Boarding School
(July 7, 2016 - 1:39 pm)