Turned into Animals

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Turned into Animals

Turned into Animals RP


That's it. That's the RP. We're all turned into animals by a witch named Grezila and have to change back. 

This RP takes place in modern day. 

Name: Kelly Greensea

Age: 13 (everyone should be 12-14)

Gender: F

Personality: Nerdy, solitary, suave and a tad sarcastic.

Appearance: Platinum blonde hair, sea green eyes, slim build.

Animal your charrie is turned into: Arctic lynx

Backstory: Ran away from her foster parents, has been sustaining herself by stealing and sneaking into schools.





submitted by Brookeira
(July 25, 2016 - 4:53 pm)

Is it too late to join? I reserve a spot if it's not too late.

submitted by Kestrel
(July 26, 2016 - 9:51 am)

Is there still room?

submitted by Ruineth Sharia, age Cho Chang, I'mTakingNat'sChallenge!
(July 26, 2016 - 8:11 am)
submitted by No more room, Cho
(July 26, 2016 - 11:37 am)

NAME: Willow tide

AGE: 12


PERSONALITY:  well its kind of hard to explain.

ANIMAL:  Barred owl

Back story:  Her mother and father were killed in a car accident along with her younger brother timothy, she was sent to the hospital with a broken leg and a fractured arm.  She hated the city ever since she turned four.  When one of her best friends from preschool was hit by a bus.  

submitted by Windswift, age Something, Here
(July 26, 2016 - 11:59 am)

Name: Flynn Elliot

Age: 14

Gender: male

Personality: Smart, observant. Will often stay quiet for long periods of time. 

Appearance: Average height, pale blond hair, green eyes.

Animal you changed into:  axolotl

Backstory: was trying to get the police to investigate the witch's house. Got turned into a axolotl.  

submitted by Gared
(July 26, 2016 - 9:21 am)

Gared, spots already closed.

Also, Claaws, it has to be a real animal, not a hybrid or mythical creature. 

submitted by Brookeira
(July 26, 2016 - 2:34 pm)

Oh, opps! I forgat to add that she doesnt have any powers and the witch cursed her to b scared of everything. So she is sorrta a hybread and usless. Is that okay?  

submitted by Claaws
(July 26, 2016 - 12:34 pm)

Okay. I probably shouldn't join any RPs now anyways ...

submitted by Ruineth S., age Cho Chang, I'mTakingNat'sChallenge!
(July 26, 2016 - 4:30 pm)

NAME: navy grace 

age: 14

gender f

personality loves water stubborn  loyal to her friends seems rough at first but is very friendly

apperance light blonde hair colbalt blue eyes slim

animal your charrie is turned white tiger

backstory parents were drunks so she ran away  


submitted by emij114
(July 26, 2016 - 6:15 pm)

Oh sorry, didn't realize the spots had closed.  Draw me out, I'm working with another thread;-)  

submitted by Windswift
(July 26, 2016 - 10:04 pm)

I guess I'll make my character?

Name: Ren Windberry

Age: 14

Gender: F

Personality: Silent. Not really shy, just silent. Curious, protective, quick learner. Careful, speedy, becomes a 'deer in the headlights'--Or so afraid that you can't move or speak.

Appearance: Large brown eyes, dusty brown hair in a pixie cut, short in height. Pale skin. Large square black glasses that make her eyes look even more larger. 

Animal: deer

backstory: Lives a pretty average life, slightly teased by the others in her school because of her bookwormish appearance and personality. Loves the outdoors. 


submitted by Danie
(July 26, 2016 - 8:14 pm)

Can you please make a list so we know who's in? I know that I am, at least.

BTW: I love my charrie, so if this does, I'll use her again. XD 

submitted by @Brookiera
(July 26, 2016 - 8:26 pm)


(sorry. This is Brookeira. I specifically said that Claaws would be the last person allowed to join.)

ALSO, CLAAWS: Change your animal to a real animal. No hybrids/mythical creatures. 

submitted by Windswift, Gared, em
(July 26, 2016 - 10:07 pm)

If you still think I'm in this, I'll change my charrie. Would you prefer a guy or girl?

submitted by Scylla
(July 26, 2016 - 10:22 pm)

Okay so it took me a long while of listing random animals when I finally came across one. Or two. Or three. Okay, okay so I really haven't decided yet, but I've gotten down to three.

A Raven

A Jackal

A Coyote

Okay....let me think.....

I will take the coyote out, leaving a raven and a Jackal.

Hum. They are both like scavengers and steal alot, the kind of animals a witch would turn a theift into. I don't know if someone already has a raven, or, I don't think any one is a Jackle. Ugh! This is so hard to decide! Tell me what you guys think! 

Raven or Jackle?  

submitted by Claaws
(July 26, 2016 - 10:19 pm)