Murder RP &

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Murder RP &

Murder RP 


You live in a town called Silverwood. A year ago a girl went missing. Her name was Alexandria. 

The evedance says that she went missing while at a sleepover with her 4-6 (however many people join) friends.  

They found her body yesterday.

Now its a murder mystery.

Your job is to find out who killed her.


You can be a police officer 

A boyfriend of one of the 4-6 friends, but the girl hast to exist already, like someone else's charrie. 

You could be a sister of the 4-6, same rule as the boyfriend's.

Or you can be one of the 4-6 friends.

No one knows who killed her. I will be giving you clues.

Charrie sheet:



Who are you:



What you've been doing since Alex vanished:


submitted by Claaws
(August 28, 2016 - 7:49 pm)

can I have two Charries? If so, I call one of the 4-6 friends AND her boyfriend. 

If not, and I can only have 1 Charrie, I will make a boyfriend for any of the girlfriends.  

submitted by Daisy
(August 28, 2016 - 10:39 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(August 30, 2016 - 1:42 pm)

Can I have two? If yes, I would like one of the friends and a police officer. If no, one of the friends. Either way, here's the friends charrie.


Name: Winnie Mulligan

Age: Was 15 when Alex dissappeared so is now 16

Who are you: A friend that went to the sleepover

Apperance: Long black hair and pale skin. Blue eyes and a few bracelets.

Personality: Well, she's changed a little. When she was 15: Bubbly, caring, cheerful and friendly. But now...: Sarcastic, quiet, brutally honest and shy.

What I've been doing: Not much. XD Just dumping three boyfriends. But this one is a keep. Maybe.

Extra: Always wears a emerald gem necklace. No one knows this, but it was the last thing Alex gave her before she dissappeared. Is extremely distraught and doesn't want to talk to the police. Someone can sign to be her boyfriend, if not, I'll take her. Maybe.. 

submitted by Inktail
(August 30, 2016 - 3:03 pm)

Name: Gared McFlynn

Age: 32

Position: Cheif Detective of Police

Appearance: Grey fedora, trench coat. Tall, with grey eyes and black hair.

Personality: Noir detective. But actualy is fairly nice below the tough face.

What have I been doing? Police detective stuff

submitted by Gared
(August 31, 2016 - 7:24 pm)

OOOH this sounds like the plot to the TV Show Stranger Things!

Name: Liza Darick

Age: idk

Who are you: A friend

Appearance: Long brown hair, silvery-green eyes, pink-skinned.

Personality: A huge nerd, scientific, logical. Loves books and is introverted.

What you've been doing since Alex vanished: Desperately trying to solve the mystery.

Extra:  Loves cats.

submitted by Brookeira
(August 31, 2016 - 8:19 pm)

You can have two charries, and only two charries, but if they end up braking up I'll see what happens. ;)

submitted by Claaws
(August 31, 2016 - 8:38 pm)

Hey guys it's Icicalwhisper!!!!! Long time no see.....This is my first time on Inkwell, and I thought I'd try this thread out! But only one, for now, because I am SUPER BUSSY. Here is my charrie sheet!!! 

Name: Rolna 

Age: 16

Who are you: I'll be a friend of Winnie, oh I know, how about her best friend since Alex died and the others sorta lost touch after she disappeared, but got back together when they found the body? Do you like that idea? 

Appearance: Tan skin, dark brown eyes, sweet demanding smile, has a little Asian look to her face structure and eyes.

Personality: when Alex was around she was the nurdy girl with braces braids and glasses that Alex made clear to not like and stay away from. When Alex went missing Rolna became friends with Winnie and their personalities slowly changed to the queen bees of the school. Stubborn, salty, quick witted, seems yo have no week spot. 

What you've been doing since: you know, shopping with Winnie, boyfriends, usual queen bee stuff. 

submitted by Icicalwhisper
(August 31, 2016 - 9:18 pm)

Yay, Winnie has a friend! XD

submitted by Inktail
(September 5, 2016 - 8:37 pm)

Well, this is not off of Stranger Things, so don't get any ideas. 

*pauses. Looks around. Cheeks turn red. Rolls eyes. Sighs.*

Fine its off of Pretty Little Lires. Great show, *adds softly under breath* waaaaaay better then Stranger Things.......

also we can start once we have in the range of 4-6 friends, people can join once we start, but they have to be new. I will give it 24 hours from when the 4th friend joins and anyone can join up untill I post the first clue. 

Have fun guys! And keep this thread going! 

submitted by Claaws
(September 1, 2016 - 10:56 pm)

This looks intriguing, but I'm not going to join. I'll read it though! :)

Spirit-rain says hhay. Do you have a horse, Spirit-rain? 

submitted by BumbleBuddy, age Ageless, Nowhere
(September 2, 2016 - 7:21 pm)

Charrie sheet:

Name: Charlotte Darick 

Age:Umm 20-21? 

Who are you: Liza Darick's sister (Brook, I hope you don't mind) 

Appearance: Long brown hair, tall (5' 11") , peachy skin, green eyes . . . 

Personality: Extrovert, gets stressed easily, athletic, outgoing

What you've been doing since Alex vanished: College in another state. . . I don't know what state we're in so. . . 

Extra: She's in her junior year, and is just visiting her family for spring break/winter break/summer break. . . She plays college volleyball and is majoring in Physical Education 


submitted by September
(September 2, 2016 - 7:44 pm)
submitted by Please join!!!!!!!
(September 2, 2016 - 9:25 pm)


Name: Cleo Hartsworth

Age: 15

Who are you: one of the 4-6 friends

Appearance: Long, dark brown, wavy hair, green eyes, side bangs, straight white teeth, heavy eyebrows, tall and thin, tan skin. 

Personality: acts tough, but really is sweet and sensitive and utterly devastated by Alexandria. She breaks down into tears quite easily. 

What you've been doing since Alex vanished: pretending it never happened and crying in her room. 

Extra: ummm... Hates police. Like seriously, she hates them. Won't answer any questions they ask her. 



Name: Charles Harstworth (Cleo's older brother) 

Age: 16

Who are you: the boyfriend, hopefully of Winnie

Appearance: pretty much the same as his sisters. 

Personality: brave, energetic, carefree, go with the flow, doesn't really take anything seriously. 

What you've been doing since Alex vanished: moping around because now Winnie isn't 100% concentrated on him. He likes attention! Hates to be ignored. 

Extra: ummmmmmm. 

submitted by Daisy
(September 4, 2016 - 8:02 am)

Lol ok, but she still likes him! ;) XD

submitted by Inktail
(September 5, 2016 - 8:36 pm)

Name: Leonard "Leo" Parker

Age: 17

Who are you: Was Alex's boyfriend. Driven by grief after she died, he joined the police force as a detective-in-training. Was always convinced it was a murder, and has been looking for clues since Alex disappeared.

Appearance: Long brown-blond hair, blue-gray eyes. Idolizes Gared McFlynn, so he also wears a trench coat.

Personality: Hardened, broken, bitterly sarcastic, trying not to show emotion.

What I've been doing: trying to avenge her death and catch a killer.

Extra: ummm 

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(September 5, 2016 - 12:42 pm)