32 days RPIt

Chatterbox: Inkwell

32 days RPIt

32 days RP

Its 2220. The world is in a technology crises, they've been using flying cars, jetpacks, phones chips, computers, for 200 years. Now they have gotten word that they have ran out of gassoleen, gold, and all the needed meatles to make our technology age. 

But now we are out. No one remembers how to write, math, read, or anything they needed to survive.

Then word got out that every million years there is an extra day in July, sort of like how there is one more day in February every leap year. 

And on this day, some belive that the children boren will have Powers beyond belief, with ability to save the human race.....

Or destroy it.


13 years have past. There are no documented children boren on 2220, July 32. No documented childern. 

Your class mates think your strange. Usless. Boren a day before special. Atleast, thats what your mothers tells you. 31st. No sooner and defenatly no later. 

But is what she says true?

You've been experienceing strange things. Maybe your friend walked right past you while calling your name. Maybe you floughted a few feet off the ground once. Maybe you made a chemical reaction in chemistry once that made a meatle needed for flying cars. Or maybe you looked in the merior one day and had ears growing from your head. 

The technology crisest is getting worse. and your mother finally decides to tell you who you are.


Charrie sheet:

Name: should be a little extra normal or extrodanaryly different

Age: you should all be 13

Apperance: you should all have a strange facture ex: golden hair, cat like eyes, frosty skin, sharp nails, bright green eyes....


What you think your power is: (it can change)

Where you live: (it all hast to be in basically the same area like in the mountain or on a beach) or you can move to where everyone else is when you hear about the others. 



My charrie:

Name: Blizzard

Age:  13

Apperance: Long feathery blond hair with tips of bright gold. Large ice blue eyes. Tan skin. Long eyelashes. Red lips and always wearing makeup.

Personallity: popular, extravigant but not a dramma queen. Thinks dramm queens are just big brats. Shy when she meets new people but very talkative when she warms up to them.

What you think your power is: she has run very fast before, thought that a certain jump was very long, to long. Made a type of weird sand in chemestry before, and thought that she had ears on her hair one morning. (But it could be a bad hair day). So she really doesn't know.

Lives: In the mountains of Colorado 

Other: plays on a rugby team in her high school (SHS, Scorching High school. Mascot is a white dragon. Collers are gold, teal, and white)  


We can start when we have five or more people. You can still join after. But you have to make it that your moms decided to just tell you. Also if you know you can't participate for long DONT JOIN. 

Have fun guys!!!! 

submitted by Claaws
(September 5, 2016 - 2:27 pm)

Claaws, I don't know what you think my power is, but I can't blow up a bush. That might have been you, or something else altogther. I don't know.


At last. I've found my "me" spot. I'll go here to think thing over, and when I just want to be by myself. I'm sitting in a little clearing, with my back to a tree. To my left is an opening, in front of me is the tree's branches. they've all bent over, forming a wall. To my right is a wall of bushes. It won't be that hard to fill the opening almost all the way up. It's an almost ready-made fort. 

Thunk thunk. Thunk thunk. Thunk thunk.  I look up. What on earth is that noise? It's coming from outside of the bush wall. I push through it. On the other side of the bush is a bunch of people on, are those horses?!?! I step back.

"Who are you" I say. Then the bush behind me explodes. The horses (?) go wild. I jump, grabbing the branch above me and swinging onto it. I look down. Way to double my workload exploding bush. Wait a bit. Exploding bush? Those words should not go together. Did those people just blow a hole in my fort? They were just as startled as I was though. So... whatever it was must have been in the bush. Okay then. I jump out of the tree so I'm facing the late bush.


-End rp- 


So yeah, Claaws, I don't know what blew up the bush, so I have to stop here. Bye!

submitted by Rose B.
(October 4, 2016 - 6:52 pm)

Ok, thanks! I think I'll name the horse Silver. Not very creative, but it's something.  :) Also, I was thinking that maybe the thing that exploded was an old forgotten government grenade?


We are peacefully riding, when I hear something beeping beside me. By the time I turn to look, thee bush has already exploded.

Everyone's horses run around in panic, and I pull Silver's reins. I'm starting to panic, and the magnetic buzz is filling my body. A girl suddenly jumps out of the bushes and faces the burnt remains of the exploding shrubbery. On the ground, several pieces of sharp metal are beginning to shake. My eyes widen. If the girl doesn't move, she's going to get hit with the shards. "Move!" I yell, just as the peices begin to fly through the air. Then, I do something that I've never been able to do before. I control the metal. As it flies through the air, and close my eyes, and am able to move them a fraction of an inch. This is probably what saves the girl's life, as it misses her head by an inch. Then, as the pieces of metal fly through the air, I realize the flaw in my plan. As one of the pieces of metal bury itself in my chest, I make eye contact with the girl who I saved. Her hazel, purple flecked eyes bore into me. And then the pain hits, and I fall limp. 

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 13, Floating on the breeze
(October 5, 2016 - 2:36 pm)

Alright sorry guys. I thought that Rose's power had something to do with exploding stuff because she made a bleach bottle explode. Anyway I like the idea that's its a n old grenade. 


U cling to Tsunami as she races through the undergrowth blindly. Branches and bushes scraped her sodes and I could see blood trailung behind, when i decided to glance back that one time. 

My hands were getting cut by branches and pines of all sorts and one caught me across the cheek. Its still stinging as Tsunami slows down, calming down again. "What was that?" I murrmer alowed. 

And then I see a light ahaid in the dence forest. It looks like a flame. I start, thinking there is somesort of fire ahaid and pull desperately on the younge mare's main. But shes still going a considerable speed and I can't stop her. 

When we emerge into the clearing, now only trotting, I see a girl about my age, with dark hair and olive skin. Maybe she's latino but I can't tell. The only thing that catches my eye is the bright red in the ends of her hair. Oh besides the fire she was holding in her hair.

And I assumed that she is special. As she tore her gaze away from her hands the fire went out. She was probably allerted by the crunching of the bushes. She looked frightened for a moment, realized that she was stronger then I, and said. "Who are you?"  

submitted by Claaws
(October 6, 2016 - 8:23 am)

Okay... so where is my charrie? Can someone else get captured to speed up CHarlotte's side of the story a bit more? Because with the other specials, bushes are exploding, and Charlotte and Flite are kind of sitting around in a room, captured.

submitted by Alexandra
(October 6, 2016 - 2:45 pm)

Now that I think about what Rose is like, she wouldn't go off with a bunch of people she didn't know. So I guess she could stay and then get captured? Would that work?


Also, I'll be gone for then weekend. (Yay! I'm seeing my sister!)  Just so you guys know, my power is acid. I can summon it, move it, and control how strong it is. I also can't get acid burns. It does hurt me to touch bases though. Claaws, the bottle burst because bleach is a base.

submitted by Rose W.
(October 7, 2016 - 12:27 pm)

Hey guys. I'm really sorry about not posting. I just can't find a place to squeeze my Charrie in, and now I think it's too late. :( Too bad, this RP looks fun. 

submitted by Daisy
(October 7, 2016 - 8:17 am)

Its not too late, Daisy! It would be great if you were captared by the gov. With Windswift and Alexandria.

submitted by Claaws
(October 7, 2016 - 2:17 pm)

Daisy, your charrie can be captured by the government with Flite and Charlotte. And they could work together to escape.

submitted by Alexandra
(October 7, 2016 - 3:01 pm)

@Claaws and Alexandra:

thank you! I would love to join. Umm... can you help me get captured, or at least give a brief intro or update on exactly what's happening? I'm a teeny bit confuzzled... 

submitted by Daisy
(October 7, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

So, basically, Goldust and Blizzard and the rest of them are trying to recruit as many specials as possible on horses, so they each get a horse, but three of them, (Flite, Charlotte, and your charrie) have already been captured by the government, and they are planning to escape, along with the help of two boys (just for romantic subplots, I guess), one who's the president's son named Peter, who's more uncooperative and annoying, and another who's really nice named _____ (Haven't decided yet). And right now Flite and Charlotte are together, planning.

submitted by Alexandra
(October 8, 2016 - 7:29 pm)


I escaped three days ago.

I stumble through the underbrush, towards a source of warmth.

A girl stands there, near some stopped horses, her hands covered in fire.

I wave to them and faint. 

submitted by Brookeira
(October 9, 2016 - 7:52 am)

And, also, my charrie is currently lying on a horse with a large piece of metal sticking out of her chest, while Rose. B watches silently. So....... someone could maybe, I don't know, throw me across the back of a horse till you figure out what to do with me or something, because that would be great.   

(Lol, I'm jk. But it might be nice if someone would acknowledge the fact that I'm, you know, mortally injured. XD)

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, The sidewalk
(October 9, 2016 - 7:17 am)

Okay guys sounds goods. And Brookeria how about we go and resque Arc from the prizon? That will make for an exiting battle against both sides of the specials. 

And if you join the other side it would make for a good plot if you belived the goverment was good untill the battle where you can switch sides if you want.  


I stare at her for one long moment. "A special." I simply answer. "Just like you."

The girl with the fire stares at me quizzacly. "Why are you here? And on a, whats that thing called?" 

"A horse. I know, I was just as shicked as you when I first saw it."

Suddenly there is a comotion behind her and she turns to see Obsidain and Dagger leap over a bush. "Who are you," she demands, struggling to summon back her fire. She fails and Dagger slows Obsidain to a trot.

"Come. I'm with her." He guesters to me and she looks at them with an even more mystified exprection.  

Then her eyes go wide in fear as first, Goldilocks comes out of the forest with Firefly, and then a bunch of other horses rush past to skid to a haukt behind Obsidain. "Quickly." He says. "Choose one."

The girl struggles onto the closest one with no pause or question. (You can choose the looks and name of your horse, Riddler.) Then Tsunami neighs and reils. I grab onto her main frantically as she darts off after Obsidain and the others.

I pull up next to Goldilocks and yell, "Have you found the others yet?"

"No!" She says. "We found the meatle-bender's horse. But we haven't found her yet. We have half of the horses." 

"Oh." I grab onto Tsunami as we make a sharp turn and slow down.

"Bandeges!" Dagger yells from ahaid. "Gold D! Get up here quickly!"

"Thats my dad's nickname for me." She says apotogeticly as she nudges Firefly to a trot. 

Tsunami slowly follows her, as if reading my mind. When we pass a large male horse blocking the view my heart stops. The meatle-bending girl is kaying on the ground, clutching her chest. She was breathing heavily and tears were at her eyes. Dagger was bent over her, and pulled out another contraption to pull out the metal. I think Ive seen the item before, it was called 'tweezers' my mom used it once or twice when the shallocks were to small to grab the thing stuck in my skin. 

Blood emidiatly covered her chest as it was removed and she groaned in pain. Goldilocks quickly wipes the blood up and bandages her chest with a white cloth. And thats when I see the girl in the tree.

"Hey!" I call up to her. She looks down at me fearfully and leaps to the ground before darting into the forest. "After her!" I yell to Tsunami, nudging her wth my foot. 

submitted by Claaws
(October 9, 2016 - 2:01 pm)




All I feel is pain.

The piece of metal is razor sharp, and as long as my hand.

And, since I am still magnetized, it is making its way towards my heart.  

When Dagger leans over me and pulls out the metal, I am in so much pain that the only noise I can make is a small groan. Thankfully, Dagger inserts some sort of needle in my arm, and I start to drift off to sleep. Just as I am about to leave consciousness, I hear a voice say "After her!" Then, everything goes blank. 


I've gotta go to bed, but I hope this lives! 

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 13, Turning red and gold
(October 10, 2016 - 8:12 pm)
submitted by Top!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(October 10, 2016 - 10:55 pm)