Evernaught City RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Evernaught City RP

Evernaught City RP


You never meant to move here. Beneath the facade of the bustling work city you live in, there lies a plague: a plague of crime. In the stone labyrinth that is Evernaught city, five vigilantes have risen up to take on the crime.

The vigilantes don't have superpowers, aren't even all perfect. They wear masks. They have code names. They fight crime. The similarities to superheroes stop there.

Seven people can join. The positions are:

5 vigilantes

2 main villains



No superpowers under any circumstances.

No OPness or impossile tech (like invisibility cloaks, none of that).


Name: Willomena Zora Bartholomew

Name as a "superhero": Will o' Wisp


submitted by Brookeira
(September 11, 2016 - 9:46 am)

Yes, he is dying right now. He got stabbed.

Still, I don't think I'll kill him off. I haven't really decided yet. I might leave it up to if The Riddler thinks of something convincing about why he should live. 

submitted by Zeus, Idaho
(June 10, 2017 - 4:34 pm)
submitted by Top! Please post!
(June 15, 2017 - 2:39 pm)
submitted by Toptoptoptoptoptop
(June 15, 2017 - 2:39 pm)
submitted by Toptoptoptoptoptop
(June 15, 2017 - 2:40 pm)
submitted by TOP
(June 15, 2017 - 2:40 pm)
submitted by TOP
(June 15, 2017 - 2:40 pm)
submitted by TOP
(June 15, 2017 - 2:41 pm)

Top! How superglued are you, thread? 

submitted by TOPPPPPPPP
(June 15, 2017 - 2:41 pm)
submitted by TOP! PLEASE POST!
(June 15, 2017 - 2:41 pm)

Sorry, I'll try to post soon. I'll have time now it's summer! Keep toppin' all, and try to write if you can. I'm Cockleburr, by the way.

submitted by Top
(June 16, 2017 - 2:56 pm)

I'm just a casual observer, but I read this RP obsessively for weeks and nearly cried when there was no ending. Please keep posting, this thread is amazing! What happens next? I MUST KNOW.

submitted by A Casual Observer, Here and There
(June 26, 2017 - 9:09 am)

I'm trying! I'm so glad you enjoyed our writing! That makes me so happy because I love this story and how far we've taken it. Burr (I) will try to post soon. 

submitted by Top
(June 26, 2017 - 8:59 pm)


My eyes open slowly at first. They’re so tired, so heavy, it takes an effort just to pry them apart, and eventually I give up and let them stay shut for just a little while longer. The darkness is safe, like maybe I could stay here in sleep, dreamless, until the rest of the world has moved on and I can finally come out. There are muted voices in the distance. I try to listen for a bit, but my thought are slow and muddled, and concentrating hurts. I must have moved around or let out some sort of sound, because the next thing I feel is something over my face, and I drift off into the peaceful world of sleep once again.

The next time I awake, my thoughts are clearer, and I remember to keep my breathing patterns the same in order to appear to still be asleep. A couple clips of hushed conversation float past, but this time I am able to hear a few. I catch “broken arm” and “bullet” and “exhaustion”, and I hear questions being asked, about jail, about parents, about school, and I wonder what they are going to do with my life, what I am going to do. And then, someone mentions Andy. My eyes jerk open, then immediately squint against the bright hospital light. Three people are standing at the side of the room, a man and two women. I am in a hospital bed. My arm has now been properly bound up, and I can feel bandages on my side where I was shot.

One of the people, the older woman, comes over to the bed once she notices I’m awake. Her name tag reads Dr. Kowalski, and she looks to be about forty. She looks like she is about to speak, but I beat her to it. “Where’s Andy?” I ask desperately. The last time I saw him he was hurt. “Is he okay?

Dr. Kowalski looks slightly wary - I would guess she was nervous to be talking to a criminal - but replies. “I am not authorized to release the medical information of other patients unless they have the proper qualifications. I can tell you that he is suffering from a knife wound to the stomach, which has been determined to be quite severe. He has lost blood, but unless something goes very wrong we hope that he will be able to survive.”

“Well of course you hope he will be able to survive!” I say, my voice cracking a little. I think of all the days before my world was destroyed, sunny days running across rooftops, rainy days floating paper boats in puddles, snowy days surprising him with an handful of snow in the face. All these years I had forgotten how much I wanted it back. I don’t know what I would do if Andy died. I’m not sure if I could survive years of prison knowing that there would be nothing for me once I got out. “I need you to tell me, for sure, if he will survive this.”

The doctor looks at me sadly. “We don’t know.”


Over the next few days I ask about Andy constantly, but Dr. Kowalski and her stupid “qualifications” don’t allow her to tell me much other than the fact that he has been stabbed. She won’t even tell me about the other vigilantes, and Gem, refusing to accept that I might have been working with them. She treats me with a cold sort of distance, like she is horrified that I even exist but is trying not to show it out of the pure obligation of politeness, but she isn’t doing a very good job at it. Hey, I don’t like it either.

After five days I am able to get up and walk about on my own without too much pain, but of course, I am supposed to be in prison, so they don’t allow me to go about where I like. It isn’t like I’m going to go off and murder everyone - it’s not as if I like the fact that I’ve killed before. So the only thing I can do is stay in my room and watch Star Wars, which was the only thing they had that wasn’t a disney princess movie, a little kids show about trucks, or some weird looking movie from the 80’s that kids sometimes have to watch because their parents used to like it. I read all the books that they have, all five of them, three of which are depressing, one of which is incredibly stupid, and the other of which was really sappy and romantic and annoyingly optimistic. Eventually I got so fidgety and restless, the doctors were convinced I was alright to leave the hospital. They gave me enough time to talk to whoever I wanted before I went to prison. You can guess who I picked.


I had one hour, and it didn’t even feel like enough. But I could finally see Andy. And we could be alone, for a bit. They brought me to his room and opened the door, and I went in hoping with everything I could that he would be okay.


*Ok, so that’s all I can do. If you did not see my post on CaC, I will be going to sleep away camp for three and a half weeks and will not be able to post. Please, please, please keep this rp alive, we’ve invested too much into it to let it die. I’ll try and post as soon as I can once I get back. You guys are awesome!

Also, this is unrelated to the rest of the post, but I think Gem should become a vigilante. She would be great at it with all her martial arts and it would solve the problem of what will happen to her.

Charles says irny. Irony? What's ironic? 

submitted by The Riddler
(June 27, 2017 - 10:15 pm)


submitted by A Casual Observer, Here and There
(June 28, 2017 - 12:21 pm)

Oh wow I have no idea what to write... Thank you so much Riddler! (And I don't mean that sarcastically at all, your post was great.) Anyway, this cannot die! 


submitted by Don't die! Top!
(June 30, 2017 - 7:14 pm)