Boarding School Single

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Boarding School Single

Boarding School Single Writer

This time its realistic fiction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BAisicly, were our characters go to Middle School, and have crushes, and fail horribly at interacting with people.

With, of course, a few twists.

First of all, we are all going to a Boarding School. (The one a few people know and love)

Second: This is a Boarding School for academics. But there was a mistake, and some less-academic students have been admitted.

Third: You can shout advice at me. Tell me what you want to happen.

Character Sheet:


Age (12/13)



Academic or not?

Favorite subject:


Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting)

Best Friend



Ok, I will be juggling this and Nano, but I will still make this work. 

submitted by Gared
(November 2, 2016 - 9:19 pm)

Can you not have red eyes? Please? And a different name?

Also, you know that I will be writing the story? I will be deciding some crushes/friends. You said there was something about your backstory as well... 

submitted by Gared
(November 4, 2016 - 11:36 pm)

Here is my Idea. Draw randomly out of  hat.

submitted by Pepper Star
(November 5, 2016 - 8:16 am)

Weird question: ADMIN/s, will you ever submit a character to a Singler Writer? 

submitted by Gared
(November 4, 2016 - 6:30 pm)

sorry Gared heres my charrie!


Name Lizbeth (Lizzy to her friends and Liz to her crush)

Age (12/13) 12 1'/2

Appearance long curly light golden hair with the lower half died blue, peircing amber/gray eyes, has light purple reading glasses, orange freckles, silver painted nails, Golden owl necklace she never takes off, normally wears tennis shoes. 

PErsonality genel and kind to her friends but to her enemy (later) she is snarky and mean, she one of thoses people who play teases her crush, and she funny and extreamly smart

Academic or not? very academic the smartest one at her old school 

Favorite subject: Math/English/Band

BAckstory: her olw necklace is the only thing she as of her deceased mother, her father isn't the nicest, and is a bit abusive, to her and her brother (who I might make...) sothing seriouse though, so when she got the letter af admission she was thrilled, her crush, (who will be down below) is in a layed back relashtionship with her enemy (who will also be below) but she and her crush are in a friend relasonship since they knew each other in kindergarten and she tries to relate to him by acting a bit tomboyish but you will catch her in a skirt and tanktop, and a dress for a dance. since both of them are magory into greek mytholagy, they sometimes call each other meanatar lik minatar, but in a playfully teasing way. 

Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting) she is constently bullied by her crushes best friend, but doesnt't tell anyone

Best Friend Abigale (if she's okay with it)

Crushes Jack 

Other she is terrified of spiders

Name  Jack

Age (12/13) 12 5/12

Appearance short brown hair, chocolately brown eyes, almost invisable freckles. always wearing a a sport something shirt (whether its a foot ball team or a brand like nike)

PErsonality a bit annoying in a cute way very funny and layed back, sweet and understanding and has always been there for Liz 

Academic or not? very academic but not as much as Lizbeth

Favorite subject: PE/but he's great in math and english

BAckstory he also has a younger brother who is scarcly like him, he has know his girlfriend for a few years less than he has know Liz, umm i think that it all at more every now and then

Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting) has cormferted Liz when her dad was being ___ since he is the only one besides Liz's brother who knows about it. 

Best Friend Charles

Crushes Maggie

Other  is secrectly terrified that Liz's father will break her (mentelly)

Name  Maggie

Age (12/13)12 1/2 

Appearance long wavy dirty blonde hair that is normaly in a ponytail thinks shes the most beutiful thing to walk the earth when she's really just advarage

PErsonality egotisticalX2000000 anoying and witty brownnoser to all the teaches and then will spread rumors like the plaige behind you back,

Academic or not? advage, not very good in math

Favorite subject: PE

BAckstory she has the out line of a perfect life, she's rich lives in a masion and has everything she could ever hope for

Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting) is secretly jelouse of Lizbeth's and Jack's relation ship and is only 'dating'
Jack to get back on Lizbeth

Best Friend anyone who is evil but hides it in a mask of fake cheerfulness

Crushes Charles

Other also bullies Liz but only when Jack isn't around

submitted by Annabeth C., age 13, boarding school
(November 4, 2016 - 11:10 pm)
oh sorry I ment to ask this is this an RP?
submitted by Annabeth C., age 13, boarding school
(November 4, 2016 - 11:15 pm)

No, a single writer.

submitted by Gared
(November 5, 2016 - 8:51 am)

Ooh, looks fun! 

Name: Autumn 

Age (12/13): 13

Appearance: Long, auburn hair, hazel eyes, usually wears fall clothing/boots. 

Personality: When around friends, fangirlish, over the top, excited. When by myself, quiet, anxious, artistic, thoughtful. 

Academic or not?: Very. Would love school except for the fact that it steals free time. 

Favorite subject: Band! Plays the clarinet. 

Backstory: Grew up in a very musical home, listening to all types of music. (Classical and jazz as well as other things.) Came to this school because the whole "academics" thing.

Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting) Fine. She is a huge, HUGE whovian. She has a sonic screwdriver, a tardis text alert, the Dr. Who theme ringtone, a tardis phonecase (alas, all of these things are not true....yet). She's terrified that someone will find out. Because, I'm pretty sure that liking a show that much would be considered "nerdy". XD

Best Friend: How about Rose. 

Crushes: None, at the moment. Feel free to give me one. 


Name: Will

Age (12/13) 13

Appearance: Dark brown eyes, light brown hair, tan skin. Usually wears t-shirts and converses. 

Personality: Kind, helpful, sweet. He would never let anyone seriously hurt someone else. (Although he does love fighting with duct tape swords)

Academic or not? So-so. He tries his best, but he's not exactly a star puple. (He's also not dumb)

Favorite subject: Art. 

Backstory: Grew up in a home with five brothers. His dad was always competitive, and wanting him to play some sort of sport. He kept his love of art a secret, and when he heard about this school begged to go. His dad happily agreed, as it was good to get such a "disappointment" out of the house. 

Biggest Secret (ANd make it something interesting) He HATES sports. If anyone starts talking about it, he will find an excuse to leave the room.  

Best Friend Idk yet. 

Crushes: Azalea maybe?

Luna says "mwyi" That's the second time! I think she wants to meet Pussywillow. 

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, Floating on the breeze
(November 5, 2016 - 8:57 am)

Oops, hehe, sorry, I meant to put Sasha under Will's crush. My bad! 

submitted by Autumn Leaves , age 13, Floating on the breeze
(November 5, 2016 - 4:05 pm)

uh..Gared? could I oh, I don't know be an assisntet reader, I had plans for a charrie of mine *evil grin*

submitted by Annabeth C., age 13, CA Sacramento
(November 5, 2016 - 11:33 am)

No, here is why:

I can't understand your writing. Your grammar and spelling are very difficult to understand.

ANd this is for everyone: I am fione with fan-fiction, but I will be the only one writing and official story from now on. 

submitted by Gared
(November 6, 2016 - 10:51 am)

If Marceline isn't here, FINN LIKES KEIRA.

submitted by Rose bud
(November 5, 2016 - 7:34 pm)

Ok, guys. I have done a lot of my NANO novel, so I will start this soon.

submitted by Gared
(November 6, 2016 - 10:47 am)

Cleo walked through the school campus. It was amazing. Tall trees. Everything was amaz-

The sun flickered off. THe ground seemed to grow more and more pixelated. Then, suddenly, there was a loud crash.

Suddenly, everything snapped back to: a large hotel. A man in a blue suit with a black bowtie came up.

“Hello.” He said. “Welcome to the home of the evil murd- oops, sorry. Welcome to the Hollywood Tower hotel*.”

“My parents aren't going to like this!!!!” Maggie yelled. “I was invited to a boarding school!! Not a Twilight Zone episode.”

“Actually, Ms, this is an Alfred Hitchcock Presents episode.” A new voice said, in a british accent.

“And who is this!!” Maggie continued to shriek.

“I am simply a plot device, Madame.” The man said, and disappeared into a puff of smoke, which quickly dissipated.

“Included in the hotel is a free collection of Twilight Zone episodes in each room. Also included is many small closets for the murderer to hide in.” The first man said.

“This clearly isn’t a very good story.” Cleo thought.

Suddenly, the CBs who created the characters in this story appeared, and ran to the side of the characters they created.

Soon, everyone had been lead into a large ballroom for dinner.

Suddenly, there was a crash of thunder. The lights went out. A minute later, the lights turned on again. And Jack lay dead.

Everyone was immediately ushered up to their rooms by a crew of well-dressed squirrels.

Death Toll: One

submitted by Gared
(November 6, 2016 - 7:41 pm)


submitted by New Installment
(November 6, 2016 - 9:35 pm)

I thought it was going to be the boarding school with Thomas and Abby and rivalries and dances and stuff... you didn't say it would be a ski lodge.

submitted by Rose bud
(November 7, 2016 - 7:10 am)