Solo Write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo Write

Solo Write
Hey guys! So I really want to do a solo write for an idea I have, but since I'm new, could use some help. If you have ideas or want to help, please just let me know! I would like a limit of eight people to enter with (sorry) only one character each. Basically it's set in this fantasy world called Elfrim. this would be in a rebel group called the Leers (if you have better ideas for the names, please PLEASE let me know. I'm terrible with names.) who go against the Banshees, basically a dictatorship government. The people are basically the elves from Lord of the Rings (can't think of another example) except they have wings and some have powers. Sorry if this is confussing, I'm still figuring it all out.  There are a few rules
Rule 1: No Op characters. One power each, if any.
Rule 2: Please don't get upset at how your character is portrayed. If you have any problems with it, just let me know.
Rule 3: Have fun! Also let me know if you have a ny ideas or changes you'd like made to your character.
Here's the cahrrie sheets' format:
Age: (I'd like teens to early twenties)
Background: (Most of the Leers would have had some terrorizing from the Banshees in their past)
Hobbies: (Please also include if you want them to have friends, crushes, ect.)
The main characters are Korrana Fable (leader of the group), Aaron Dagor (her second in command), and Marissa Carathers (the only full human in the group) i'll post their charries soon. Thank you so much if you participate!!
submitted by Ember, age 13
(November 16, 2016 - 10:05 am)
Oh, and I forgot to put Appearance as well. Please put that in there as well! Thank you!
submitted by Ember, age 13
(November 16, 2016 - 11:45 am)

Ok, here's Korrana:


Name: Korrana (Korra) Fable

Age: 17

Appearance: Long blond hair, pulled into a tight braid, olive green eyes, tanned skin, with silver wings. Usually wears a brown head piece on her forehead, along with a dark purple shirt witha pattern of dragon scales (fish scales) with a dark purple skirt with the same pattern as well as gray opon toed boots. Has a long chain earing and silver cuffs on her arms and wrists.

Personality: Serious, only made to smile by a few people. Very stern, especially with the Leers. loves nature and the solace of the wind blowing through the trees.  

Background: Her parents were killed by the Banshees when she was nine. She went on the run and into hiding, eventually meeting others like her. She became the leader of a rebel group, the Leers.

Hobbies: Training with Aaron (more about him soon) specifically in archery and knife-throwing. Hiking, and being with nature.

Powers: (undiscovered) Ice powers, basically. Is very skilled in sowrdsmandry (I don't know how to spell that.) and hand to hand combat.

Strengths: Loyalty of the Leers, friendship with Aaron.

Weaknesses: her overseriousness, and her emotional inability to be vulnerable or to trust.


I will do Aaron and Marissa's charries sometime either later today or tomorrow.



submitted by Ember, age 13
(November 16, 2016 - 12:09 pm)


submitted by Leafpool
(November 19, 2016 - 3:49 pm)

Hey are you still joining? Just wonderin' :)

submitted by @Leafpool-Ember
(November 24, 2016 - 10:37 am)
Ok, so i didn't really like the original idea for the names and i'm working out the story. Here's the new story description:
This story is set in the fantasy world of Elfrim. The people there are basically like the elves in Lord of the rings and Narania (Sorry couldn't think of a different example). The government is run by a misterious dictator whose military is called the Elfin Guard. They (The government) Is hunting what they call Castaways. Castaways are Elves who have wings and the ability to get natural-born powers and basically the elemental powers.
The Resistance are Castaways who are on the run from the Elfin Guard and their assassin, Red Winter. She is a castaway herself and has the power of ice. The leader of the Resistance is Korrana Fable. Her parents were killed when she was ten, leaving her homeless and on the run until she met the Dagors (Aaron ((power of fire)) and Sora ((Can detect danger))). after that thhe three of them met Tanya Rathbone, another castaway with the power of earth. Since then they were on the lookout for other castaways to join them. On the way they met Pirk Tornic (has the ability to manipulate metal and machinery), Nabali Rika (healing power), and Marissa Carathers, a human who had accidentaly crossed through the dimensional portal connecting our world to Elfrim. Upon arriving she got the abililty to control plants and talk to animals.
Phew, that was a lot to write. If you have any questions, please let me know. Here's the cahracteres I need:
Medics (2)
Warriors (5)
Administrative (A head one and 1 assistant.)
Machinery (3)
I think that's all, but if you have any questions let me know. Thank you in advance for joining!  
submitted by Ember
(November 24, 2016 - 10:36 am)

Name: Silverfrost


Personality: rough and tough "let's do this!" kind of person.

I'll write the rest of this later. 

submitted by Riverfrost
(November 25, 2016 - 8:54 pm)

Lol you actually put "Let's do this!" ? You're funny ;-) sorry I'm weird. But you already knew that. La-la-la-la-la-LALALAL ok I'll stop now. (Sheepish grin) 

submitted by Ember
(November 26, 2016 - 9:07 am)

Good morning, Em. 

submitted by Riverfrost
(November 26, 2016 - 9:13 am)

Mornin'! Lol, we were on at the same time.

submitted by Ember
(November 26, 2016 - 10:17 am)