Ski lodgeish Sing

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ski lodgeish Sing

Ski lodgeish Single Write

You are shuffling up leaves on a normal fall day. Suddenly, when you kick up an especially brightly colored group, the leaves

submitted by Min, NoOnEkNoWs!
(November 17, 2016 - 1:20 pm)

I have flipped the fortune telling coin! Well actually, I fliped a barrette because there were no coins arm distance from me. And it probably can't tell fortunes. TAILS! You trust the strangers! Thank you very much, we will now continue...

submitted by Min
(December 14, 2016 - 8:47 am)

You can call me strytllr. Or STRYTLLR. Thank you for asking!

(December 14, 2016 - 8:58 am)

Fall Leaves

88888888 88888888 

UNSUSPCTINGSTRYTLLR surveyed the area around her. It was altogether unerving how the scenery had changed in a matter of minutes. She certainly had not been expecting this. She was in her CBer form and on the edge of a cliff. A couple minutes ago, she was walking home from school on a normal side walk. What was happening? Was she seeing illusions? As if to prove her point, a swaking chken suddenly appeared in her arms. She rolled her eyes. Silent, her CAPTHCA continuously was making noise. But as she stroked the black feathers of her chicken, she realized she could feel them. She jumped back from the cliff's edge. Her Luna, Defiance, had just appeared next to her and seemed to be thinking the same thing as it led her away from the cilff's edge. If this wasn't an illusion and she fell of that cliff, she would be done. As she stepped away from the pecarious edge, she realized she was not alone, and apparently they had just realized that too! They all looked at each other, studying the faces and each, she knew, was thinking the same thing. They were all so familier in some way. She couldn't put her finger on it. Three dragons, a girl with a large magnificent black cat, a girl holding a kitten, a girl forming a snowflake, and a girl with ginger hair and a fairy on her shoulder. They all had an essence that seemed to have the same properties. Silent launched into a rant about how she demended cupcakes right now and she was going to fight for it. But UNSUSUPCTINGSTYTLLR paid no mind. She definently had not expecting this.

submitted by Min, NoOnEkNoWs!
(December 14, 2016 - 9:15 am)

Wow, Min, this is great! Are you... Kestrel? Leafpool (I think that's how you spell it...) sorry I didn't guess before. Can't wait to read the next part! Also, in my description I posted on here, I think I said dark leather jacket instead of dark red leather jacket. *smacks forehead* ugh sorry I am the queen of mess ups. Anyway, have a good night! 

submitted by Ember
(December 16, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

Wow! I love this! I didn't know you knew about Lunas! Oh, I'm guessing you will next ask me if I am going to trust, harm, hide from or be suspicious of these people. I say, hmm... be suspicious. I can't wait for the next part! 

(December 14, 2016 - 2:36 pm)

Hello Ember! Your guesses are incorrect, but thank you for guessing! It makes this much more interesting. Your guesses have complemented me beyond belief! 

For the record, I think I am more worthy of those compliments. 

Here we go again... 

submitted by Min & Co., NoOnEkNoWs!
(December 16, 2016 - 8:36 pm)

Hmmmmm... I love guessing games! And mysteries. Maybe cause I'm a mysterious person... Dun dun duh!!! Jk. I don't know if I am or not... Anyway, are you St. Owl or Rose Bud? Hmmmm.... *Tries to think.* 

I wouldn't do that! Remember the last time you tried to think...

True, but I thought we were never going to speak of that again?!


Yups? You mean yup? Man, Weeler, you're strange. Even for a talking wolf....


Amnt? You mean Amount? Or Am not? Probably am not. Anyway,  sorry for my CRAZY AE and CAPTCHA. Bye!!


submitted by Ember
(December 16, 2016 - 9:51 pm)

Thank you STRYTLLR. We will now continue...

Fall Leaves

88888888 88888888

Icy surveyed the area around her. She wasn't in bed, neither in her backyard. Where was she? She looked down at her hands and saw that she was holding a snowflake. she stared in wonder at the beautiful crystal contraption as it shimmered in the sun. Had she made it? She was wearing all pale blue, exactly how she'd envisioned herself in CBer form! Was she in her Cber form? There were others with her. A girl with a yellow light near her shoulder and a chicken, a tall and skinny girl with emerald eyes and a large cat, three dragons, a girl in a dark red denim jacket and a fairy, and a girl gazing torward the sky who cradeled a tiny kitten.They were all standing together on a cliff. Wait, A CLIFF?! Icy took a step back from the edge. She was standing on a cliff! She looked around at the other people, many of whom seemed to be having the same realization. The three dragons, who were they? And why did the large black dragon seem so familiar?

Okay Icy, choose now if you will harm, hide from, be suspicious of, or trust these people. And if you couldn't tell, I made your personality curious. Hope you like this, and tell me if you want something different.

submitted by Min, NoOnEkNoWs!
(December 17, 2016 - 6:20 pm)

Hey Ember! Thank you once again for guessing! I wish I was as good as St. Owl or Rosebud! But thank you!

Oooh, Min, I think Rain's gone missssing.

What?!?! Quick! After her before she eats all of the choclate pudding! 

submitted by Min, NoOnEkNoWs!
(December 17, 2016 - 6:23 pm)

No problem like I said before I love mysteries! Ok I'm going to make one more guess for now... Ice Wolf? (I think that's how it's said) Anyway, have a good day!! 

submitted by Ember
(December 18, 2016 - 12:14 pm)

Poke pokity poke poke

submitted by Top!
(December 20, 2016 - 1:18 pm)
submitted by Peak and merry X-mas, break everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
(December 20, 2016 - 8:25 pm)

This is so good! Keep writing! Also, why are you putting 'fall leaves' before your writing? 

submitted by Claaws
(December 21, 2016 - 4:12 pm)

*runs into the room, breathless and panting* Thank goodness, we stopped her.

Yeah, ifff we didn't, shhhe'd be talking like a CAPTCHA. 



Other. People. In. Here. Listening.


Well anyways, Rain has decided to take a vacation(basically having her as an AE got a bit out of hand so she's gone now). Why do I put "Fall Leaves" at the beggining of every post? Because-

Because thhhat's how it all ssstarted!

Uh! Wind! Don't interupt! Sorry Claaws. so basically Rain is gone also because when she came in, wind lost his personality. Now, it's back *sighs* as you can see. 


submitted by Min & Co., NoOnEkNoWs!
(December 21, 2016 - 6:56 pm)
submitted by peak
(December 26, 2016 - 7:23 pm)