Who Likes Making

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Who Likes Making

Who Likes Making Up Characters?


My name is Lucy, if you can't already tell.  I just wanted to say that if you like having "imaginary" friends or characters that were made by you or a friend, comment on this thread and tell me some info about them.  If I get enough characters, I will write a short story about them and their adventures!  If you comment about a character, write at least these few things about your character:




Distinguishing Features

Favorite Weapon (if they have one)





Note: if you do not write a part of this list, I will fill in the details myself!  When I get a comment, I will reply to you to tell you any missing informatioon and what I've used to fill in the blanks, and if your character will be in the story.  Thanks a bunch in advance if you plan to submit a character!

cll=====> Lucy B., signing OUT! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(November 23, 2016 - 5:07 pm)

Well, often times in school I end up drawing a random person or strange animal in math class. Then, I spend the rest of the day coming up with a story to go with them. Also, at night when I can't fall asleep, I come up with characters and then run them in the most ridiculous scenarios.

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(November 28, 2016 - 4:28 pm)

Name: Tresk

Age: 8

Species: mY FaVORiTe aNimAL (gryphon)

Distinguishing Features: Red-brown feathers which thin near his head, tail is perpetually curled up, long thin chicken legs (no feathers on his legs), large build and rusty fur, sharp, upward-facing beak, orange eyes

Favorite Weapon (if they have one): He's never gotten close enough to a weapon to familiarize himself with them.

Friends: A couple of other gryphons near his age, Blyrr, who is older at 9 1/4, and Rejacc, at 7 11/12.

Enemies: Lavendess. Young gryphon rivalries are obviously not very powerful, but Lavendess seems to always be there to point out things Tresk has done wrong. Being not very old, and also very judgemental, he sees gryphons as either friends or enemies. 

Strengths: He's pretty powerful, but for the majority of his life he's never had to fight anyone. Still, once when he was younger he knocked over one of his peers and there paw was damaged for a short while afterwards, so his parents and teachers have made sure to keep this in check.

Weaknesses: He's really, really bad at being quiet. Most places he walks he knocks something over. He never likes to play hide and seek because of this. Also, he can't take insults. If this was back in 1804 he would have challenged a bunch of people to duels (Hamilton reference).

submitted by Cryyptic, age 11, Fawn Forest
(November 28, 2016 - 3:51 pm)

Okey Doke.  Do you want me to put your friends Blyrr and Rejacc and your enemy Lavenders in there?  It's not a problem if you do.  Just give me more info on them.

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 2, 2016 - 5:52 pm)

Yay! If there is still time, I would like to make a charrie. And can I make two?? If not, just chose one. 

Name: Ira Opal

Age: 13

Appearance: thick, wavy, sandy, orange-blonde hair that falls to the middle of her back. Really vivid blue eyes and tanned skin. She has freckles sprinkled across her nose, and is about average hight for her age. Loves to wear T-shirt and board shorts over her swimsuit in the summer, and lots of light blue clothes when she isn't on the beach. 

Personality: Caring and funny, doesn't worry about little things that might keep her from smiling. She likes to be free, whatever the word means in the situation that she is in. For her bubbling personality, she is not very brave and is scared of heights and of getting lost. She tries to overcome her fears by trying new things.

Distinguishing features: Ira loves sandcastle building! Growing up on the beach, she always wanted to learn how to surf, but was afraid that the rushing water would pull her under, and there was no one to teach her.

Strengths: Small kids, she has a seven-year-old  brother and five-year-old sister. Also a strong swimmer, and quick-thinking.

Weaknesses: Can be ignorant.

Species: human, but if you want, tiny bit of mermaid blood.

Friends: Rosalyn Trask 

Enemies: Herself.

Charrie two (if allowed)!

Name: Oaks Ontarion 

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Close-cropped black hair, brown eyes*, dark skin, typically intense expression, short for his age. 


Other: Oakes means "dweller by the oak tree" or something like that.

Age: 7

Personality: Shy with adults, not especially talkative. His mind has no field; and he loves to think about things that would make sense to older kids, but are wonders to him.


Strengths: Climbing. He can climb trees, fences, and things like that very well, but not rock.


Weaknesses: Emotions. He doesn't know what to do with them.


Species: You can decide.

Friends: None.

Enemies: Everyone except himself.

*I looked up common eye color, and guys, guess what? My eyes are the least common color in the world (according to a particular website)! Yay! My eyes are decidedly green.  

submitted by Rose bud
(November 28, 2016 - 5:59 pm)

Both of your carries are in!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 2, 2016 - 5:54 pm)

Thumbs up!!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 2, 2016 - 5:56 pm)


submitted by Rose bud
(November 30, 2016 - 9:58 am)
submitted by Toppity toppity!, age TOOOOPPER!, TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!
(December 4, 2016 - 1:46 pm)

Top! May we read the story once you've written it?

submitted by Rose bud
(December 5, 2016 - 1:20 pm)

I want to do one!

Name: Flintclaw 

Age: 11

Gender: female 

Species: gryphon

Personality: she's NOT shy, she has a tonge that could leave marks in trees, blunt, and unsyphetic she's not know for her cuddly ness.  

Distinguishing Features: her head is a coppery, brown color, her beack is gray, she has huge amber eyes, she has a brown-tan back, her wings a mixture of white and brown and copper and black.

Favorite Weapon: her claws, talons, beak, and her scathing remarkes.

Friends: she rides the winds, and has no friends.

Enemies: hunters

Strengths: flying, witty remarkes, her skill in battle

Weaknesses: she's dying, slowly but surly... She ate a piosonous plant that has been killing her for 10 years, when she turns 12 she dies. She only has 7 days left to find the antadote...

And one more!

Name: Windchacer

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Species: gryphon

Personality: shy, symphetic, clumsy, but wanting to do the right thing.

Distinguishing Features: his head is a dull dark gray, with hints of black at the tips, he has pale blue eyes, with a solid black beak, his back is a warm gray color, his wings a dark black, with hints of purple. 

Favorite Weapon: his claws, talons, beak but he perfers not to fight

Friends: none

Enemies: none (so far)

Strengths: he can talk murder out of a murderer. He can convinse the most bent killer into taking a picnic. He's good with words.

Weaknesses: a certan female gryphon, Flintclaw. He's been trying to talk to her for years! (A bit of romance if possible)

That's all! 


submitted by A Person, age Ageless, Under the Sea
(December 5, 2016 - 5:55 pm)

Howdy! Sorry I wasn't on the CB last week, but your charries are good to go! Thanks!

Lucy B., Signing OUT!! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 16, 2016 - 4:43 pm)


Hey guys, I just wanted to say. . . Only four spots left! I already have fifteen people, but I need nineteen!

My charrie:

Name: Sketch Paint

Age: fifteen

Species: half human, half skeleton (like from Undertale)

Distinguishing features: brown hair in lazy bum, left eye changes color and shape depending on mood, other eye is normal.  Hates girly girls.

Favorite weapon: giant pencil and/or ballpoint pen

Friends: good charries

Enemies: bad charries

Strengths: fast, interuniversal traveler

Weaknesses: gullible, prefers to work alone

Thank you all!! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 20, 2016 - 6:15 pm)

Here's another charrie for you!

Name: Alabaster Arathor (son of Heidi and Ryder senior)

Age: 13

Species: Wizard.  

Appearance: Shaggy black hair and bright blue eyes. He is really tall and thin.

Personality: Alabaster isn't talkative, but he is creative and mischeivious. He teases and plays pranks and is hard to catch.

Favorite weapon: Wand.  

Strengths: Quick-thinking, speed, resourcefulness...

Weaknesses: Err...he's a bit of a social butterfly and finds it impossible to get attached to anyone (not sure if that's a weakness), and he's also scared of the water (but not of heights). 


submitted by Top!
(December 27, 2016 - 11:23 am)

You're good to go!!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(December 30, 2016 - 8:51 pm)

Uh. . . Hey y'all. . .

I am starting the story now since NOBODY is posting any new charries or whatever you all call them.   It has been 2 weeks since there has been a comment, and it was by ME.  THE CREATOR.  See what I mean?

Now, I don't have all the ideas that I need, so I might turn this into an RP, even though I am part of the story myself.  Look for the thread "RANDOM TALE RP" to read the first part of the story.  I do not know if I can stop the changing storyline at all, so watch out for that as well.

Sorry, y'all. . . But I have to start! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(January 13, 2017 - 9:31 pm)