Chatterbox: Inkwell



Yes, I'm bring back Whisper Stone RP! No one really joined the first time, and I'm hoping more will, and continue out with it. 

Whisper Stone RP

Since my last one went down in purple flames....*starts singing purple rain*

Here is my new one! But trust me, this will be fun! We can figure out each CBers Whisper stone!

Now what is a whisper stone? A whisper stone is what describes your personality. It guides your future, whether you should be trusting or wise, strong or quiet. The Whisper stones are also shaped like animals. Each animal represents something different. And in this RP they are chosen by the ancestors, spirits of the people in this RP. But really, we will decide each other's Whisper stone and when we start RPing we will say the spirits chose it. Kapeshe? Kapeshe. The different Whisper stones are;

Falcon of wits

Beaver of determination

Bear of love

Owl of wisdom

Wolf of loyalty

Elk of patience

Deer of kindness

Moose of bravery

Fox of trickery

Cougar of unyielding

Squirrel of faith

Song bird of truth

Goose of defence

Ant of teamwork

Butterfly of change

Woodpecker of justice

Mammoth of sympathy

Saber-toothed tiger of fierceness

Dodo of openmind

Fish of obay (following others)

Stark of observing

Egal of leading

Hawk of Tolerance

Mustang of hope

Badger of creativity

Lynx of beauty

Racoon of humor

Skunk of humility

If I'm forgetting a trait, please add it in! And no, don't decide each other's Whisper Stones on the animals. Pick what traits you think is best for them!

Plot: You got your Whispertone chosen. You either love it, or hate it. But then you do something terrible on purpose or not, and the spirits change something. They either change your stone, change your personality, or change your appearance. Whatever they do is to teach you a lesson. But the lesson doesn't always work.

You were fine for the changes until they started backfiring (losing friends, they don't recognize you, won't accept you, caused you brother's death, etc.) You must reach the top of Electric peak to change back. On the way you meet the others like you, all from different tribes. Together you journey to the Electric peak, where the ancestors will touch down and change you back. But that is extremely far away, weeks, if not months of walking. Will you change your ways on the long journey? Or will the spirits not accept you?

Charrie sheet, please don’t fill all of it out now, we will redo the charrie sheets once everyone has found their Whisper Stone. The once with the * by it please don’t fill out until we find your Whisper Stone:

Name (CB plz!):

Age (16-17):

*What they changed (personality, Whispertone, appearance (not big changes but for appearance you can be changed fully into your Whisper Stone animal):

Before they changed (what the thing they changed was before Whispertone, personality, appearance) you can just write your appearance and personality:

*Whisper Stone (We can start naming each other's Whisper Stones right away and will end up voting on each other's Whisper Stones a little ways in) PEOPLE CAN HAVE THE SAME WHISPER STONE:

*Personality (after they changed):

*Appearance (after they changed):

Tribe (mammoth tribe, fishing tribe, etc. This factor doesn't really matter) you can be from the same tribe, but only 2 or 3 people per tribe:

*Background (what did you do that changed whatever the spirits changed? What drove you from your tribe?)


Name: Claaws

Age: 16

What they changed:

Before: Was a short tan girl, with grey-green eyes and dark brown silky hair to her midback. Her personality was, Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, that's called cliff diving.

Whisper stone:

Personality (this is after the changes):

Appearance (after the changes):

Tribe: Wolfpack tribe


Other?: N/A

Please join guys! I know it looks a little long, but please read through most of it to reduce further confusion. I really hope this one goes better then the first...

submitted by Claaws
(December 10, 2016 - 4:39 pm)

Thank you. *Formally bows and falls facefirst into chocolate fountain*

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(January 19, 2017 - 9:52 pm)

New charrie sheet!!!

Name: Starbringer

Age: 16

What they changed: personality (and a bit of appearance) 

Before: Personality (mostly copied from last sheet)- pretty friendly and social, laughs a lot. She unfortunately can be a bit sarcastic and easy to get annoyed. Very loyal, loves books and music. Overall, really tries to be nice.

Appearance- almost elbow length sandy blonde hair usually in a ponytail, dark blue eyes, average height

Whisper Stone: Hawk of Tolerance

After: Personality- incredibly shy, scared of heights, deep water, groups, being alone, spiders, the dark, skeletons, large things, etc. etc. She talks quietly and with a stutter,  but will listen to someone attentively until she sees something she's frightened of (which is basically everything). A huge invert.

Appearance- same as before except her hair is messy and left down and her eyes, now light, light, light blue, look cracked and shallow

Tribe: Cougar

Background: she was surprised, along with the rest of the tribe, when she recieved the Hawk, but accepted it. Everything was normal after that for a few months, until she and her best friend got into a sudden argument. One of her friend's remarks during it was that maybe she didn't deserve her stone, because she definitely wasn't tolerant, she started the argument in the first place. Star's temper snapped. She threw her stone on the ground and replied that maybe she didn't, but she really didn't care anyway. They both stormed off after that, Star leaving her stone on the ground. The next morning, she was suddenly changed. She was suddenly afraid of everything, couldn't express her words, and was patient as anything. Her friends didn't recognize the stuttering, scaredy-cat she'd become, and she soon found herseld completely alone. In desperation, she left her tribe to figure out what exactly happened to her.

Other: nothing. When should everyone meet up? 

submitted by Starbringer
(December 29, 2016 - 11:33 am)
submitted by Top
(December 30, 2016 - 1:25 pm)

Oh, so sorry Starbringer! Yes, it stands for Wings of Fire, great series, lots of dragons, though for mostly middle school kids like the Warriors series. Im gonna read the last two books of the current series then stop, and ive already stopped with the Warriors series (i know, i know, doom on me) 

And Random Person, no one really seems like in the voting mood, so maybe choose the one you like between the ones I sujested for you and we can start?

Also, I'm just gonna do the Moose of Bravery (if everyones alright with that) bevause it was origonally the one voted....i just cant count. ;) So...what that looks like...

A moose head made of solid brown limestone, with large eyes and small ears. Has large horns that connect to a moose hide leather rope, and the chest has a furry look to it. Large snout with visible nose holes. 

New and improved charrie sheet!

Name: Claaws

Age: 16 

What they changed: Human into Animal

Before: Was a short tan girl, with grey-green eyes and dark brown silky hair to her midback. Her personality was, Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, that's called cliff diving. 

Whisper stone: Moose of Bravery

Personality (this is after the changes): Same as before. Shy at first, but once she gets to know you, sarcastic, and can be snappy if you get on her nerves. Bold. You know the saying "if your friend jumps off a cliff would you follow?" She would be the friend who jumped off the cliff. And for the record, that's called cliff diving. 

Appearance (after the changes): A large moose with fur the same color of her skin. A light tan, like a goldin hued milk chocolate bar. Has small, furry horns, like that of a younge male moose, that has five 'branches' on each horn, and is the dark, foresty brown of her hair. Her hooves are the same color. Has the same eye color: grey green large eyes. The Moose of Bravery is tied in a knot around her neck, forever stuck, for she has no hands and cannot reach with her horns. Is a small moose, the same size as the tallest man. 

Tribe: Wolfpack tribe

Background: When she came to get her whisperstone, she suspected to get something with, claws. Because, her name is Claaws, after all. Maybe even a wolf, because thats the tribe she was in. Instead she found a moose. At first she was outraged, but then she learned to except it. A few days past, and something strange happened to one of girls in her tribe. And one day, a moose attacked her tribe. She went after it, outraged that she had the whisperstone of this foul beast. And, she sucessfully killed it. But something strange happened. She was at the top of a mountain, and suddenly she was knocked out. By merily the wind. When she woke...she was surrounded by strange people....

Other?: N/A


so i thought maybe everyone would already been met up when we start, as in everyone happened to wonder into the same clearing. Its your choise how you react. ;)  

submitted by Claaws
(December 30, 2016 - 2:38 pm)

Great idea! And I'm adding Wings of Fire to my list of books to read, it sounds really good. 

submitted by Starbringer
(December 31, 2016 - 9:59 am)


Just kidding. But rreally, it is AWESOME! *Starts dancing because of the awesomeness of it*


submitted by Chinchilla
(December 31, 2016 - 3:06 pm)

LOL, Chinchilla. you just made me put it at the top of the list. I hope you're happy :-)

submitted by Starbringer
(December 31, 2016 - 4:14 pm)

Oooooooh, I like that!

Hm. I'd like to maybe be changed into a Raccoon, that's the change. I like Raccoons. And, you know, I think the Racoon of Humor (Hee hee hee) is my WhispeStone. =)

Hmmm........ are we starting? Because I almost forgot what my character's name was and then I remembered that technically I can't because I'm playing my CBer self. Let us let you puzzle over that confusing piece of advice. (Hee hee hee) 

submitted by Chinchilla, age HeeHeeHee!, Hee hee hee
(December 31, 2016 - 3:11 pm)
submitted by PEAK
(January 1, 2017 - 10:41 am)
submitted by top
(January 1, 2017 - 3:36 pm)

Top. Tip-tap-top-tap-dance-toppity-toop-tip-tap-tep-typ-type


submitted by Chinchilla, On A Laptop Not mine
(January 1, 2017 - 3:46 pm)
submitted by WeCanStart
(January 1, 2017 - 4:02 pm)
submitted by YAY
(January 2, 2017 - 3:46 pm)

Okay! We can start, good. I was waitin' for dat sentence forEVER.

Oookay, one question, Claaws, are all our Charries starting on the mountai, right after everyone has changed? Because if so, all you will see of me is a disgruntled Raccoon with an amulet and the slight ability to talk. WILL we be able to talk if we Change into, like, our Whisperstone animals? 

submitted by Chinchilla
(January 2, 2017 - 3:52 pm)

Yep. And nope on the being able to talk with humans, just to make it difficult for you. ;) Here, ill start and you guys can take it away from there. 


I woke to a shinning sun and glimmering stones, and sparkling snow. I slowly blinked open my eyes and shook my head, which felt heaveyer then it should have. I shakly looked around from where I was laying, and spotted a bunch of other humans and some animals laying limply on a mountain. 

Howd we get on a mountain? 

I wondered, glancing around. Better see if they have a clue...

I shakily try and get to my feet, but collapse in a pittyfull effort. What is wronge with me? 

Then I looked down into the lake that was convineatly placed bellow the mountain at an angle where all of the people were capibal of seeing themselves. I saw a moose staring down at the lake also, and glanced around for one. I couldnt find it and looked back at the lake. I tryed to get to my feet again, and to my astonishment the moose in the reflection did also. She fell, and I did too. At the same time. I looked down at my hands in shock, peicing the peices together. More like hooves. 

"Ah!" I moose-talked, whatever mooses do. "Im a moose! A no-good moose! First its my whisperstone, and now im a moose!" 

I try to get to my feet-hooves, and half walk half crawl across the clearing to the nearest human. "Help!" I yelled, trying to prod them awake. But when they did wake, all they did was scream.  

submitted by Claaws
(January 3, 2017 - 12:37 am)