Weird laws!!! That's

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Weird laws!!! That's

Weird laws!!! That's what this thread is about!! Do you have any weird laws in your state? Do you know of any? I know one that's really weird!!!!

In New York, it is illegal to walk around with an ice-cream cone in your pocket.....But only on Sundays!!!!! 

How weird is that!!! Tell me if you know of any others.....

O.K. Smiley story time!!


That is sooo immature!!


No you are!!

Tongue out

Can't we  all get along!!


That's a weird law!!


Hahahahaha!! That's funny!!


Umm, I have never done that!!!


But what about that one time when you-

Foot in mouth

Hey!!! Mmmmummft!! 


Who me?? I did nothing.


submitted by Emma O., age 12, Oregon
(May 16, 2009 - 1:02 pm)

Where are those laws from anyway?

OK, here goes,

In Alabama

- it is illegal to play dominoes on Sunday

-It is illegal to sell peanuts in Lee County after sundown on Wednesday

- Masks may not be worn in public

- In Anniston Alabama you may not wear blue jeans down Noble Street

IN Minnesota

- It is illegal to stand around a building without a good reason to be there.

-A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.

-In Minneapolis red cars may not drive down Lake Street


submitted by Nitehawlk, age 13, Somewhere out t
(May 23, 2009 - 2:10 pm)

I like the not being allowed to cross state lines with a duck on your head. Logical law, that.





submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(May 23, 2009 - 4:04 pm)

I was walking down Noble Street in Alabama dressed in blue jeans when a peddler came up to me and asked me if I wanted to buy some quality masks that were confisicated by the police from non-law abiding citizens. I bought the one adorned with feathers, toesters and armadillos playing hand games. I continued walking when I came across people playing dominoes. You are not allowed to play dominoes on a Sunday so I called the police. Turns out it was a Saturday and I got arrested for wearing blue jeans and a mask in public. They gave me a five-year jail sentence and proceeded to confiscate my confiscated mask. I called the police on myself. The moral of this story is: never read this thread and then write a story. This is considered illegal in all 50 states of America plus Canada and some places in Puerto Rico. OMG the police are ringing the doorbell!! * gives a sneaky look* I was not here.

submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 23, 2009 - 9:56 pm)


submitted by Lena
(May 24, 2009 - 8:34 am)

Admin, I knew that there are actually 50 states!!!!!! I was JOKING!!!!!


Good, I'm glad you know. I just didn't want anyone else to say they learned the wrong number on the Chattebox!


submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 24, 2009 - 3:42 pm)

But you DID say 50.

submitted by Lena
(May 25, 2009 - 7:46 am)

Maybe she had a different number, but the Admin changed it to 50.

submitted by Nitehawlk, age 13, somewhere out t
(May 25, 2009 - 5:07 pm)

Excactly Nighthawk!!!! I originally said 57. Tee hee

submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(May 25, 2009 - 9:15 pm)

There is this one law somewhere in FL, that says that your vehicle has to have windshield wipers (even if your vehicle dosen't even have a wind shield on it) :P

submitted by nitehawlk, age 3.25, somewhere out t
(May 31, 2009 - 8:30 pm)

Nice! Umm, nitehawk?? *sacastic* Your 3.25 years old, huh? Talk about baby geniuses!!

Another one!

In Alabama it is illegal to wear a fake mustache that couses laughter in church.



submitted by Emma O.
(June 1, 2009 - 7:15 pm)

Yes, correct. I have had 3.25 birthdays. (: I was born on Feb. 29th, which just so happens to only occur every four years. So, I suppose I am 13 YEARS old, but technically I am just 3.25. (The .25 isn't exact, but I am .25 birthdays older every time I have a birthday.)

Look at the calendars from 2007 and 2008 if you don't get this.

submitted by Nitehawlk, age 3.25, somewhere out t
(June 2, 2009 - 3:22 pm)

Oh, ya this dosen't really have much to do with this thread, but I was wondering why on one page all the posts seem to get skinnier as they go down.


Each time you hit "Reply," your post is skinnier than the one above. If you instead add a new comment, it will not appear in skinny form. We may one day try to figure out how to do something about this. One idea was to eliminate altogether the "Reply" option, but we haven't decided on that yet.


submitted by nitehawlk, age 3.25, on the top of a
(June 3, 2009 - 10:03 pm)

I would suggest color coding the boxes surrounding the posts - alternate, say, blue and red posts, and when you respond to a post, it's the same color. Like, Nitehawlk says "I like mashed potatoes" and it gets colored blue. Then Mary W. makes a new post that says "When is Father's Day, anyway?" and that's red. Then, when someone responds to Nitehawlk and says, "I like mashed potatoes too, but not gravy," their post is blue, but you don't have to change its size. That would be easy to sort visually, but wouldn't make problems because this post, for example, is going to be something like ten characters wide. And please don't eliminate "reply" - it's very useful, and the Chatterbox would be a very confusing place without it.



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(June 5, 2009 - 2:43 pm)

I can't even eat potatoes. ):

(I am allergic to them.)

submitted by Nitehawlk, age 3.25, Somewhere out t
(June 5, 2009 - 8:04 pm)

Example, Nitehawlk, example. *sighs tragically* (just kidding. I'm sorry you can't.)

submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(June 7, 2009 - 3:58 pm)