AE School RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

AE School RP

AE School RP      

So, in this RP, you don't have to fill in a charrie sheet, you just post your AE's identity sheet. You may use up to three AEs each. 

I thought we agreed it was four!

We never said that, Gem. I'm doing the talking.

Anyway, I'm bringing Gem and Shappire.

So, one day you get a letter in the mail addressed to your AE/s.

Dear AE, 

You are one of the lucky few to get an invitation to the one and only International School For All AEs. CBers not aloud. Only AEs. To sign up, please contact BookBug before the 17th of January. Yours sincerely, BookBugUnderCover

This is Gem:

Name: Gem

Age: Ageless

Gender: Girl

Appearance: Long, goldy-brown hair and bright green eyes. 

Personality: Stubborn, annoying, thinks she's funny, but she had her good moments.

Speaks in: Bold

Crushes: Jarnen

This is Sapphire:

Name: Sapphire

Age: Ageless

Gender: Girl

Appearance: long, wavy silvery-blue hair and sapphire blue eyes.

Personality: Quiet and shy unless she is with Gem, when she is rude and hyper.

Speaks in: italics

Crushes: Basil 

Do you guys want to go?

Are you kidding??? They'll be OTHER PEOPLE!!! *hides behind pillow*

*sighs* What about you, Gem?

sure, as long as I get a break from you!

Ok, guys lets just go. See you there! 

submitted by BookBug
(January 13, 2017 - 7:22 pm)

Awesome! Sparkle Girl Junior is coming! *heaves her out the door*

Ok, here's her AE sheet:

Name: Sparkle Girl Junior

Gender: Girl

Apearance: Long, blue hair tied up in a pony tail. Pale skin with a blue-ish tinge to it and sparkly blue eyes.

Personality: Loud, hyper, rude and stubborn.

Speaks in: italics

Crushes: none!!!

Do you want to go, Sparkle?

*shrugs and continues playing on her iPad*

submitted by Sparkle Girl
(January 13, 2017 - 9:35 pm)
submitted by Top
(January 13, 2017 - 9:38 pm)

Sounds fun!! 

Name: Style

Age: Ageless 

Gender: Girl 

Appearance: dark chocolate brown hair usually in a ponytail or side braid, large grey-blue eyes, pale skin, pretty features

Personality: very loud and outspoken, a bit insensitive at times. A queen bee in social life. Though sometimes obnoxious, she really cares about her friends. Very loyal.

Speaks In: Italics

Crushes: no idea 

New AE!!!!!!!!

Name: Tristan

Age: Ageless 

Gender: Boy

Appearance: light blonde hair, hazel eyes, tall, a bit awkward

Personality: shy at first, but friendly in his own fashion. He's more talkative with his friends, but overall he comes across as quiet. Sweet personality.

Speaks In: Bold

Crushes: Style I guess? 




submitted by Starbringer
(January 13, 2017 - 10:20 pm)

Gabe is coming! Soooooo excited!!!

Name: Gabe

Gender: Boy

Appearance: Tall, with brown hair and brown eyes.

Personality: Smart, Annoying, and pretty chilled.

Speaks in: Bold Italics

Crushes: None, really. He doesn't care that much. 

submitted by Random Person
(January 13, 2017 - 10:22 pm)
submitted by 5 so far...
(January 14, 2017 - 2:28 am)

Name: Jammira

Age: I look about 16

Gender: F

Appearance: Red curly hair which I keep in a bun, green eyes magnified by my glasses, fair skin. I wear a red Harvard sweatshirt and patched jeans, and I have inky black wings. I always carry a crossbow.

Personality: I'm friendly! And optimistic! You scare me. You can be rather intimidating at times, Jami...

Speaks in: Italics!

Crushes: Not saying. She doesn't have any yet. I'm trying to set her up with someone, though...

Now for Basil!

Yay! A school!

Name: Basil

Age: I look about 16, but I act far more civilized than Jammira.

Gender: M

Appearance: I'm and african american boy with dark brown curly hair and dark eyes. I wear a green t-shirt and jeans, and I'm always carrying a book.

Personality: Studious, kind. Know it all.

Speaks in: Bold

Crushes: None, yet...


submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(January 14, 2017 - 6:43 am)

Jamie's in!

How 'bout I write it.

Name: Jamie!

Age: er... 13

Gender: Male

Appearance: Long brown hair that sometimes gets in my eyes, short bangs, brown eyes, I like to wear green, am never without my green hoodie and trusty Nerd's Guide to Literally Everything on my DB.

Personality:Laid back, movie and video game nerd, likes to quote things a lot. Loud, not afraid to eexpress himself, but supresses when he thinks nescassary.

Speaks in: Itallics

Crushes: Idk... haven't been around that much. Jeez, you shouldn't make people put stuff like this on the internet for everyone to see.

Other:  Wears a sleek, black data bracelet that allows him to carry data and pull up a browser useing a holographic screen.

This could be fun, meeting new people! exploring new places! It's about time we got the spotlight!


submitted by General TOPPleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(January 14, 2017 - 10:33 am)

Name: Secret

Speaks In: Bold

Crushes: z-Nobody!

Age: Ageless, looks almost 17

Apperance: Black waist-length hair, Blue eyes, Red jacket, Jean shorts, roller skates

Gender: female


Name: Pseudonym

Apperance: blond hair, blue eyes, other than that, undecided

Speaks in: Bold Italics

Age: ageless, looks 17 

Gender: male

Other: Secret's Twin


Name: Cilantro

Speaks in: Italics

Apperance: Short Brown hair, Green eyes, capris, striped lavender t-shirt

Age: ageless, looks 14

Gender: female

Crush: Umm, well- She likes Frosty.





submitted by Pepper Star & Co.
(January 14, 2017 - 12:20 pm)

Here are my AEs

Name: Grey

Gender: Boy

Crushes: Siriracha


Name: Niccolai

Gender: Umm... no one is really sure what gender Nick is

Crushes: None, he/she hates crushes


Name: Doublock

Gender: Girl

Crushes: Used to have a crush on bolton but he left so she needs a new one.


submitted by Nebula and Co.
(January 14, 2017 - 3:06 pm)

Your AEs recieve a new letter:

Dear lucky AE, 

Due to the fact that BookBug typed in the wrong date on the original leter, we will be starting term 2 days earlier on January the 15th. Please pack all AEs lunch and a water bottle and extra if theyre in an after school club. Due to unidentified trouble makers, there may be a little trouble caused during lunch time. If you have any idea who the culprits might be, contact BookBugUnderCover or her assistants, GemAndSapphireUnderCover. ASSISTANT???           

Yours sincerely,


Ps. You may sign up for after school clubs on January 15th. 

submitted by BookBugUnderCover
(January 14, 2017 - 3:30 pm)

Am joining! Will sign up my Æs tomorrow!

submitted by Leafpool
(January 14, 2017 - 4:30 pm)

COMING. I have to make sure Gem doesn't move in on my man. He was MINE before she came along.

Name: Chilly, the most-popular-CAPTCHAE-around, but, please call me Chilly.

Age: Ageless

Gender: Girl

Appearance: Beautiful blonde hair put into a beautiful side braid that she beautifully flips. 

Personality: Sassy. POPULAR. I WILL BE POPULAR. Sassy, all sass, but has some depressed and weak moments. Pretty courageous. 

Speaks in: Italics


submitted by Chilly
(January 14, 2017 - 6:44 pm)

Wow! You sound just like Papyrus from UNDERTALE!

I WILL BE THE ONE! I MUST BE THE ONE! I WILL BE THE FIRST TO CAPTURE A HUMAN! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHE! I WILL GET WHAT I FINALLY DESERVE! RESPECT. RECOCNITION. I WILL BE POPULAR! SOSOSOSOSO POPULAR! I WILL BATHE IN A SHOWER OF KISSES EVERY MORNING!~A quote from Papyrus. sound familliar? Try to keep up with the Gaming Community. It's pretty hard though, so dont stress too much. Ther's a ton of news coming in.


A skele-ton Wink

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Nexus of All Reality!
(January 14, 2017 - 7:54 pm)

Yay! First day of school!

I'm so excited right now, you have no idea. 

I'm in the fencing club and drama club afterschool. What about you, Basil?

MUN, chess club, and I'm trying out for the soccer team.

Wow. Just wow.

submitted by Jammira & Basil
(January 15, 2017 - 8:00 am)

We'll see about that, MWA HA HA HA!

Gem, calm down! 

submitted by BookBug&Gem
(January 15, 2017 - 4:36 am)