Solo write continued! 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo write continued! 

Solo write continued! 

Ya, Im starting another thread for this because no one looks at the last one any longer. I also want some new people to get into this, but be warned, it may get deep.  

This solo write is called Doves in Hawks, two political parties gunning for the control of the country. The political leaders of each, the Queen of Doves and Emporer of Hawks, agreed to sivide the country. One side all doves, the other all hawks, and a wall seporating them. But they weren't done. Soon the Hawk emporer challanged the Dove queen. He sugested a war between them. And if she refused, he would attack anyway, for extra tarratory. She agreed.

Alright, so all the charries are childen 11 and up that were caught in this war. I AM ACCEPTING NO NEW CHARRIES. I am sticking with the charries that people already aplied with, and here are the origonal people bellow and their charries.



September- Catheryn

Daisy-Daisy, Matt





Icy-Reeana, Lee






Here is the link to the old one if you need catching up: 

Ill start this again soon!  




submitted by Claaws
(February 7, 2017 - 9:31 pm)
submitted by Top!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:03 pm)
submitted by PowerTop!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:03 pm)
submitted by Topitytop!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:04 pm)
submitted by PowerTop!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:04 pm)
submitted by ROARTOPTHIS!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:05 pm)
submitted by Top!
(February 7, 2017 - 10:06 pm)
submitted by Top?
(February 7, 2017 - 10:28 pm)

This looks cool! Do you mind posting the link again so I can read the old one? I'm at home sick and I want something to do. Thanks!

submitted by KtG
(February 8, 2017 - 11:59 am)

Ya, here it is, I'll start again soon, I have to study for a huge test comming up so I'll post over the weekend sometime.  

submitted by Claaws
(February 8, 2017 - 7:06 pm)

Ya, here it is, I'll start again soon, I have to study for a huge test comming up so I'll post over the weekend sometime.  

submitted by Claaws
(February 8, 2017 - 7:07 pm)

Oh, wow, I just got caught up, and I missed a lot!

submitted by The Riddler
(February 8, 2017 - 7:46 pm)
Lee wiped the blood from his eyes, following the military officer to get cleaned up. Matt was still clutching his stomach, looking like he was about to barf all over the military officer who was holding him firmly by the arm. The officer lead us into a small kitchen-like room with a few first-add kits stacked by the sinks. He put Matt in a corner next to him and gestured for me to stay by the door.
"You never know who could show up." He explained, opening the first aid kit with a clip of the latch. "And what can happen." He grasped a wrap and a disinfectant gel from out of the kit before clicking it shut again. "After all, you are just a bunch of kids who want to join a war." 
"Wait," Matt said as the officer turned to him. "Only kids wanted to join?" 
The man laughed. "Oh, no, no. There are only a few kids out of all the hawks who have signed up, last I checked." He reached up into the cabinet over the sink and grabbed a bottle of pills. "This with help with that stomach of yours. Take two." He thrust the bottle into Matt's hands. "You," he turned to me and smiled. "What's your name, kid?" 
"Uh, Lee." I responded a little hesitantly. 
"Lee. Well, kid, you have guts, that's for sure. That'll come in use in our war we're gonna play." I beamed. "Now, wash up as I take care of your friend." 
"Friend..." Matt snorted. "He wishes." 
I snarled at him as I turned on the sink and slowly bring a handful of water over my head. Dried dark blood and fresher crimson rushed down the sink with the crystal-like color of the water and the cloudier liquid of my sweat. The fresh water felt nice against my burning forehead, but it stung against my wound. I turned it off when I was satisfied with my cleaning. "Now wrap this around your forehead," the officer said, ripping a piece of the wrap off and handing it to me. 
I took it and cast a glance at Matt. His shins were wrapped in the same white wrap that I was holding in my hands, dried blood crusted his face from his bloody nose. He looked as if his stomach had ceased bothering him, those pills must have worked. I slowly started wrapping my head in the wrap, realizing it looked very much like a headband for girls. "Why do I have to wear this?" I asked, but continued wrapping it, this officer clearly knew what he was doing. 
"It will help you heal." He responded. "We don't want our soldiers dyeing of infection before they go onto the field." 
"The battlefield." Matt croaked, flexing his fists. "If you're man enough to make it there, asian." 
I flexed my own fists, cracking many knuckles. I glared him in the eye, which he clearly wasn't expecting, and quickly looked away from my gaze, just to the wall behind me so it seemed like he was still looking at me. I can tell when someone's hiding from my gaze. "You bet I am." 
I sighed, my shoulders slumping as I realized the hard truth. That owl had infact outsmarted me. Prudence was nowhere in this room, and was probably keen on not showing up at all. But, how could she? She now had a loving family, my loving family, the only thing that owl ever wanted and never had. 
She would pay. 
After this war, the first thing I would do would be to come back, battle scared, and give her a piece of me. The built from my gun. When it's owl verses hawk, the hawk always wins. Owls aren't there on fighting, they're more of an education type of political party. So taking her down will be easy. Suddenly I noticed someone approaching. It was a girl, a very familiar girl. I tensed, my hands curving into tight fists. She paused, but continued foward, keen on seeing me. "What do you want this time?" I snarled. "Your boyfriend isn't here to back you up, I see."
She snarled back, her eyes a blaze of fire. But then that fire cooled a tad, and she said instead, "Save it for the real thing. I'm not as dim-minded as my boyfriend is." 
I paused, confused. "So, why'd you come over here?" 
"Where's your stoic friend, the one who looks like a ghost?" 
Of course. She had to bring that up. "Non of your concern." I snarled. "For all I would tell you, she could be walking through these doors right now." 
Just then a pair of footsteps echoed through the room. I turned, half expecting that traitor to be walking through those doors. But instead it was a young looking girl, maybe 12ish, that looked kind of out of place in this war-like environment. Her hair was neatly tied in a bun, her sweater was stained by, were those paint spots? And she had a pencil behind her ear. It looks as if she showed up for an art thingy and was instead handed a war. 
She glanced absently around at us, twirling her hands, before making her way to the back of the room with a small bench. I turned back to Reina, who had gotten uncomfortably closer. "Look, I'm really trying to get along, alright? We're gonna be on the same team, so unless you choose to go to the Doves side, there is really no reason to hate me." 
I paused. The idea swam in my head. Pushing against my disbelieves, but swimming with my hopes. That owl girl will pay, and here is an idea of how I could kill her and not get arrested. "You know, that's not a bad idea." 
Sorry this is so long Admins!  
submitted by CONTINUEING!!!!, Claaws
(February 12, 2017 - 12:09 am)
submitted by NEXTPARTOUT!
(February 12, 2017 - 12:25 am)
(February 13, 2017 - 12:07 am)
submitted by Clicknow:NEXTPARTOUT
(February 13, 2017 - 12:50 am)