Chatterbox: Inkwell

Et Tacet Solo Write 


Warning: I highly advise you to read this before you join the solo write, or if nothing else the last two posts. It will help enormously with your understanding of characters you create and the entire world this is built in. Shouldn’t take more than an hour, but if you don’t I may not accept your character (at least as an MC).


Have you ever looked up at the stars and seen something other than innumerous white specks?

Well, we look down on them every day. We see them, moment after moment and second after second. We are the Overseers, the gods who keep the universe spinning… or at least we used to be. Something’s changed now, something internal. Something he doesn’t know about, and will refuse to admit. Why? Because he loves the system. He loves the way things work now, and doesn’t realize it may not be the same in the future. He’ll do—oh?

Who am I?

No one important.

Not really, anyways.

At any rate, I’m not the one who ought to be talking. My time is almost up--I’ll have to return soon. So until then…




“Are you sure about this?” they asked worriedly, blinking with concern. Their friend gulped nervously, a hand on their forehead.

“We have to,” they said, a slight tremor breaking their voice. “Otherwise we won’t fill our quota, and Nadav will be at our doorstep faster than I could count starmatter.  Besides, there’s billions of other stars and planets we could get. Earth 1 is so rare you might as well be searching for Rainan…”

“I know, I know,” the other replied heavily, steadying their nerves. “We might as well get to it, then.” Both the figures sucked in a quick breath and let the eyes on their foreheads pulse with bluish light, and in a moment a spherical hologram had appeared, revolving in between the two.

It only took a second for them to realize what planet was covered in mottled green and blue colors, and the next for it to process.

There was a sharp knock at the door.


Hello one and all! This is a follow-up to my ‘CB Spirit Solo Write’, which I hugely enjoyed writing and really wanted to take further. (Cquerria is so much fun to write about) Only 10 CBers will be allowed to join, though I may not stick to that rule too tightly because I’m way too nice.

Here’s the charrie sheet:



*NOTE* There were some people in my first write who may want to join again. You absolutely can, but you cannot use your character from the first write. (They might appear again at some point)



Name (The names Cquerrians have are largely Hebrew and Arabic-sounding. Choose along those lines, though nicknames can be anything related):

Appearance (Anything you like. Read the first write, but they are able to change their form to anything save the forehead-eye):


Extra (please know about what I’ve established on Cquerrians before adding this!):



Et tacet un linguam loquitur… see you soon…


submitted by Clouded Leopard, age Timeless, Continuing
(April 4, 2017 - 8:35 pm)


Name (The names Cquerrians have are largely Hebrew and Arabic-sounding. Choose along those lines, though nicknames can be anything related): Elisheba, goes by Elis


Appearance (Anything you like. Read the first write, but they are able to change their form to anything save the forehead-eye): Her favorite form is a little grey mouse with deep purple eyes. She's only comfortable in a small body, and feels like she's rattling around in a far-too-big shell in a big one.


Personality: She's very quiet, and will do literally anything for someone she loves. Other's don't notice her, and often to their loss because when someone she loves is at stake, she will do anything to make them happy. She is firm in her beliefs, but fairly gullible. Some people take her kindness as weakness and try to take advantage of her, but she is not weak. She will never hurt anyone for herself, but for another she is incredibly strong and can even be vengeful. 


Extra (please know about what I’ve established on Cquerrians before adding this!): She loves the stars and her life in the universe, and takes care of everyone and everything. She loves turning into small things and hiding for fun, and will often rapidly change form when scared. Um... I can't think of anything else. Anything else you'd like me to specify?


submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 4, 2017 - 9:33 pm)

Top, I said!

submitted by Topsy Owly
(April 4, 2017 - 11:26 pm)


submitted by Topsy Owly
(April 4, 2017 - 9:34 pm)

I reserve a spot!!!

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million, the Milky Way
(April 5, 2017 - 12:19 am)

Oh my wyrd. Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd Oh my wyrd!!!! I haven't gotten over the past story and a new one is startiinggg!!!!! YAY!

Name: Amren

Appearance: The form she is most often seen in is a deep, midnight blue wyvern with bright turquoise eyes.

Personality: Extremely devoted and loyal to those she cares for. When you first meet her, she often seems cold and uncaring, but she tends to show her kind, caring side with time. Self-confident, sarcastic, intelligent, intuitive, follows her heart, freedom is something very important to her, loathes unnecessary cruelty, greatly enjoys reading and travelling. She is very loyal to her friends and is willing to become a monster in order to protect them. 

Extra: Anything you decide to add or change for my charrie, feel free to do so.

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I can not wait to read this! I have no doubt that it will be spectacular. 

submitted by Kestrel
(April 5, 2017 - 7:22 am)

*Breathes Heavily*


Name: Haala

Appearance: She usually takes the form of a large slender bird with similarities to a phoenix, except instead of orange she is a grayish blue that swirls with different shades. Her eyes are a blue-purple.

Personality: Sharp, sarcastic, and incredibly intelligent. Not the bravest person and not very kind when you first meet her. Rather uncaring, and can't hold a grudge. She doesn't like taking the leader role and gets irritated when you are being really stupid. Has strong beliefs and is firm about them. More Practical than creative and a bit of an introvert. 

Extras: When she goes to Earth she will be fascinated with all things that can fly. It just amazes her.

submitted by Danie
(April 5, 2017 - 9:39 am)

*pauses* JOINGJOINGJOINGJOING *gasps for air*

*rubbs hands together* how shall I start? Ah, the name, the name is always good....

Name: Tawahhaj (nickname is Tawja though)

Apperance: The forehead eye is white with flecks of blue. Likes turning into ice-related creatures, or pale-furred creatures. The mark on shoulder is blueish white (if thats alright)

Personallity: Kind, but icy to those ranking above. Does not like being bossed around. Brave, loyal, kind, trustworthy. Can get a bit too stuborn though, and hates when having to submit to those ranking higher.  

Extra: hum.....a scar down tatooed eye from a quarel with a friend. 

submitted by Claaws
(April 5, 2017 - 3:25 pm)

Can I reserve a spot? If so, my character's name will be Tzipora, which means bird in Hebrew. It's my Hebrew name!

submitted by Cockleburr
(April 5, 2017 - 5:15 pm)

Oh my Claaws yes! (Sorry, Kyngdom saying). I'll follow the story, but I don't think I'll make a charrie...

submitted by Embers in the Ashes
(April 5, 2017 - 5:16 pm)

*Screaming/fangirling heard in the background*

Yup, it's me.


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(April 5, 2017 - 6:31 pm)

Name (The names Cquerrians have are largely Hebrew and Arabic-sounding. Choose along those lines, though nicknames can be anything related): Amira, goes by Miri


Appearance (Anything you like. Read the first write, but they are able to change their form to anything save the forehead-eye): Human: Tall, with olive skin and long, silky, dark brown hair. Piercing dark eyes. Can shapeshift into a kitsune or regular fox. 


Personality: Very stubborn, brave, sometimes to the point of stupidity, loyal to her friends but merciless to enemies. 


Extra (please know about what I’ve established on Cquerrians before adding this!): I will post this later. I need sleep.

submitted by elementgirl18917
(April 5, 2017 - 7:19 pm)

The kitsune/fox are white btw.


Connie says ipet. Yes, you are techincally my pet! 

submitted by elementgirl18917
(April 6, 2017 - 6:28 am)
submitted by Kitsunes can be both, red and white
(April 6, 2017 - 4:54 pm)

Name: Jenda


Appearance: Usually she takes the form of a jet black fox with flame patterns on the tip of her tail.


Personality: Sly and quiet. She is extremely clever and has no problem with breaking the law if it benefits her.


Extra: She is a nomad, travelling from town to town and trading in stories.



submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million, the Milky Way
(April 5, 2017 - 7:19 pm)
submitted by 2 spots left open!!
(April 5, 2017 - 10:16 pm)