CB Training Academy

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CB Training Academy

CB Training Academy Finals I

"Ladies and gentlemen! Come one, come all to the most spectacular display of talent that anyone has ever seen since Clouded Leopards Spirit Solo Write! Please come right through this gate - go ahead and fill up the stands - that's the way! Allow me to introduce myself. I am St.Owl, the principal of this training academy, along with my tutors Devil Owl - "

"Feather - "

"Welcome and good luck to all!"
And Cú Chulainn."
"Dia dhuit, everyone!"

"Allow me to give you some context. These contestants are recent graduates from our Jedi Training Academy. They've gone through a great many milestones to get to this point, and now you get to see with your very own eyes their Final Test.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Maze."


1. Congratulations! You're about to be a graduate of the Jedi Training Academy. All you have to do is get through the Maze. Want to give it a try? Sign up below! AEs and CAPTCHAEs/AECHAs are welcome too, but no CAPTCHAs, please.

2. Your prowess will be determined almost entirely by a randomizer.

3. This will update daily with each student's standing. I will accept FIFTEEN STUDENTS, maybe a few more because I am soft-hearted, who will attempt to complete the Maze. If not enough join, I'll start in two days, on the 11th.

4. This is a game. Not everyone will complete the Maze - in fact, in the end, there will be one singular winner.

5. During your time in the Maze, you will encounter other students. If this happens, you are required to take part in a Lightsaber Fencing Match (inspired by the Jedi Academy books). Nobody dies during this match; if the lightsaber touches you, you are OUT and disqualified from the Maze. The winner of these tournaments are randomized.

6. There are many ways to get OUT, including by Tutor Devil Owl's die rolls. Every three days, Dev will roll his dice to find out what the students must face. This challenges what they have learned in the Academy. The final results of these die rolls will be determined by a randomizer. A maximum of five people can be put OUT during one of Dev's die rolls.

7. During the Finals, you are allowed to write diary entries about what is happening in the Maze as you go along. Minor plot points can be developed in these entries, such as friendships or enemities. If the Tutors are particularly impressed by an entry, the randomizer may be strangely in your favor.

8. At the beginning of the Maze, you only have a lightsaber to help you. However, every day, two random people will recieve some sort of weapon to assist them, which will factor into anything they come across. These weapons include stun blasters, Force concentrators, and small starships.

9. You don't need to know anything about Star Wars to participate! However, if you want to join, but really are not interested in this fandom, good news - this will be a monthly thing, each time a different theme!

10. On the first day, a number of students' paths will cross and lead to an epic lightsaber fencing battle. I'll use a randomizer to determine how many and who will take part in this. A maximum of thirteen people will join in, and a maximum of nine will get OUT.

11. The winner of the Finals gets a personalized graphic made by me celebrating their victory!

"Well? What are you waiting for? Students, line up!

"Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?"


(@Admins: I hope this fits my original idea while being more CB-appropriate!)

Yes, indeed! Thank you.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 11, 2017 - 11:41 am)

Is this an RP or a Solo Write?

submitted by ?
(April 11, 2017 - 12:29 pm)

A little bit of both. I'll be doing most of the writing, but others can contribute very minorly, which may (or may not) impact the results of the randomizer.


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 11, 2017 - 3:45 pm)
submitted by Spot Reserved , Noel Roseblood
(April 11, 2017 - 3:58 pm)



Shifting: Mleh. 

Shifting isn't partaking, but Volcano and I are!  Shifting is probably gonna be spectating if she can-

submitted by Somebody and Co.
(April 11, 2017 - 4:47 pm)

Oh! I'll join! Do I need to fill out a sheet?

submitted by Danie
(April 11, 2017 - 5:15 pm)

Nope! No charrie sheets necessary. Just you.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 11, 2017 - 7:17 pm)

I would love to join!

I'm a'coming! 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(April 11, 2017 - 8:25 pm)


Grey: This shall indeed be an epic thread.


Niccolai: Can I assassinate anyone while we are in the maze? 

submitted by Nebula and Co.Grey:
(April 11, 2017 - 8:50 pm)

Joan: We're in!

Puck: "We" meaning myself, Joan, Ariel, and Diovald. I do hope that is ok... 

Ariel: Whoah, who signed me up? I'm more the "quiet" type, not the fighting type.

Puck: Fine, just Joan, Diovald and me then.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(April 11, 2017 - 9:09 pm)

I'll join! There is a possible chance of my earrings being deadly though. I hope you don't mind.

Diary Entry No. One-

I'm attending a Jedi a.k.a. Cber training course. We're going to be going through some sort of maze with a few other CBers. I honestly hope we can have allies, it'll be much easier to win with them. Though they're going to have to be eliminated eventually . . . no idea how I'll deal with that. Pretty much the only weapons we'll get are Star Wars themed. i have no idea how to work a light saber. Or the controls of anything Star Wars. No idea who will win.

- Random Person (RP) 

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(April 11, 2017 - 9:52 pm)

Gaaah! Headdesk. If not enough people join, I'm starting on the THIRTEENTH, not the eleventh. Whoops.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 11, 2017 - 9:57 pm)

If there's still space, I'm joining. 

submitted by Mirax T., age 12, The Pulsar Skate
(April 11, 2017 - 10:12 pm)
Oh, cool!  I'm coming!
submitted by The Booksy Baker
(April 11, 2017 - 10:14 pm)


"Welcome, welcome students! I'm so glad to see everyone could make it. Please line up by your numbers below. Let me just review:

1- Noel Roseblood

2- Somebody

3- Volcano Flame

4- Danie

5- Booksy Owly

6- Wordsy Owly

7- Nebula

8- Grey

9- Doublock

10- Niccolai

11- Joan B. of Arc

12- Puck

13- Diovald

14- Random Person

15- Mirax T.

16- The Booksy Baker

"Ladies and gentlemen, you know what comes first. Who will take part in the epic lightsaber fencing match?

"Dev's die says . . . SEVEN PEOPLE! Who will these people be?

"Looks like it's Wordsy Owly, Puck, Noel Roseblood, The Booksy Baker, Joan B., Somebody, and Danie! This is going to be an epic match.

"Well, Puck isn't doing too good out there. I think she stuck her lightsaber in her bag of pranks, but now she can't find it! That's a serious disadvantage. She's run herself right into the corner. No wonder Wordsy got her OUT so quickly.

"Speaking of Wordsy . . . haha, nice victory dance you've got there! But LOOK OUT - ahh, there you go, folks. Let your guard down, and Somebody gets you OUT. Guess that's it for Wordsy.

"Is Somebody going to continue that spree? Hmm, looks like not - Danie's got her tied up for the moment. No, I think Joan's the one we should be watching. This battle between her and Noel is looking pretty impressive, but I must say her extra training gives her the upper han - ooh, or not. With a nice move from Noel, Joan is OUT of the game.

"Speaking of Noel . . . a good battle can certainly leave you tired, but that's no reason to lean against the wall like that! The Booksy Baker got them OUT good and easy.

"Well, Danie and Somebody's battle is going good and well, but it seems like both of them are getting a bit wiped out. Will they be able to continue?

"Looks like no. Somebody's taken off. These remaining students are just too good - they're trying, but you can't get past those wonderful fencing skills. They're dispersing.

"And, ladies and gentlemen, everyone is officially in the maze!"

"Hello! This is Feather's less violent update for the day.

"I'm going to start with Volcano Flame, who we haven't heard anything about yet. When she got into the maze, she started to wander around. Fascinating. I wonder if she's got any sort of strategy? Poor planning otherwise."

"Feather, concentrate."

"Next is Booksy Owly. She's got a more purposeful path, and went right down the straight fork. Where will that lead her?

"Nebula! Come to think of it, her whole gang didn't take part in our fencing tournament. Coincidence? - okay, I'll stop. Nebula took the right fork, which leads her straight to another one! Looks like she's pretty inconsistent - turned left the second time.

"Meanwhile, Grey took the opposite path - left, then right.

"Great minds think alike . . . or perhaps AEs and their CBers do. Doublock took exactly the same path as Nebula. I wonder if they'll be confronting each other tomorrow?

"Meanwhile, lastly for the Nebuli, Niccolai goes straight, just like Booksy. Different forks, though. I doubt they'll come together, but you never know.

"Diovald's next on my list. He, too, goes straight.

"Random person? They go left, then right. Perhaps they'll meet up with Grey. You can never tell.

"And lastly for today, we've got Mirax. There's no lack of originality here - right, then left. Gee, I wonder who's done that before?"


"What's that? A small clatter by Diovald's foot. He looks down, curious, to see a small, peculiar item, made of metal, circular in shape. He grins: it's a Force concentrator. Perfect for gaining the upper hand."

"You have to do it twice anyway."

"The Booksy Baker, proud of their accomplishments, is strutting down the Maze. Suddenly, something heavy begins to weigh on their belt. They look down to find a hurley dragging on the ground. Ugh! What improper use of the best weapon money can buy!"

"That's it for day one, ladies and gentlemen! To recap - and for those of you who were too lazy to read through the whole thing:

"Wordsy Owly, Puck, Noel Roseblood, The Booksy Baker, Joan B., Somebody, and Danie had a sudden confrontation for our epic lightsaber battle. In it, Wordsy easily gets Puck OUT before being sent OUT herself by Somebody; Noel knocks Joan OUT after an epic match; and The Booksy Baker has an easy OUT when Noel gets too tired to move away from the fray. For this, the lucky baker gets a free hurley, while Diovald recieves a Force concentrator. 

"I hope this cleared up how the rounds will work, students. I'll see you all tomorrow for Day Two."



submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(April 12, 2017 - 10:11 am)

Is there still space for me? I wouldn't miss this for the WORLD! If you still have room that is...

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Playing Xbox with Hawkeye
(April 12, 2017 - 3:35 pm)