Chatterbox: Inkwell



It's a set of solo writes!  I'm going to write a set of short stories accoring to a set of 50 charries I will be needing.

The reason for 50 charries is that it is the United States became turned into personified human beings, with different personalities.  The name must be the state, in some way, shape, or form.



Age (according to the size of the state):


Personality (include some "characteristics" of the state"):

Appearance (again, include characteristics):

Weapon (optional):



*This will be decided when all charries are in! 

And my charrie:

Name: Cali "California" Forne

Age (according to the size of the state): 12

Gender: F

Personality (include some "characteristics" of the state"): Moody, creative, silly, wry, short-tempered, unpredictable, obnoxious

Appearance (again, include characteristics): silver-dyed hair shaved on HER right side (our left, her right) with the other side going over her left eye, the left eye is green, the right eye is ocean blue, wears a vertically striped shirt and a thin, flowy yellow skirt.

Weapon (optional): a deck of cards

*Friends: unknown

*Enemies: unknown

OH!!  I almost forgot, "pair" states, or states that are in a "North" and "South" etc. position, mustbe the same age and created by the same person. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 2, 2017 - 12:19 am)

Matthias works because Maryland's name is Joseph

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 3, 2017 - 11:51 pm)


1: We are changing the age thingy to the actual age of the state! 

2: We can make as many charries as we want!

3: Not all stories will have all charries!

4: Changing Cali's age to 14!

submitted by Lucy @Everyone, age 12, California
(May 3, 2017 - 11:50 pm)

Oh thank goodness, no one wants Oregon... 

Name: Oregano * "Ore" or "Oregon" 

*yes, I know it's not spelled the same...

Age: 11 

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm, relaxed, very friendly, loves books and blueberries, interested in history and science... has unpredictable mood storms that can be triggered by anything... 

Appearance: Always wears a dark green shirt with a blue checkered pattern and grey pants, brown hair with a streak of green on their right side--our left, their right--and grey-blue eyes. 

Weapon: Mmm... an axe.

*Friends: Unknown.

*Enemies: Unknown...

I hope this charrie is all right... 


submitted by Nianad
(May 4, 2017 - 12:38 am)

Name: Riley "Rhode Island" Siland

Age: Wait... Okay, 19 

Gender: Female

Personality: Talkative, outgoing, hard worker. Loves her state and the ocean. Spunky. Stubborn.

Appearance:Short and small, but very strong. Green/gray eyes like the sea, sun-bleached white blond hair in a braid down her back. Tanned skin. Wears, normally, a torn blue sweatshirt that says Rhode Island on it and jeans.

Weapon (optional): Clam rake

*Friends: Matthew, Floria

*Enemies: Ari, Nina


Name: Matthew "Massachusettts" Chosett

Age: 19

Gender: Male 

Personality: Quiet, outdoorsy, intelligent, very aware of his surroundings, even though he doesn't let on.

Appearance:Tall, with slightly curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. Wears simple clothing. 

Weapon (optional):None.

*Friends: Riley

*Enemies: Nina


Name: Nina "New Mexico" Mexon

Age: 19, I guess

Gender: F

Personality: Very hipster. A bit pushy, thinks she's so pretty. Stereotypical Hispanic popular girl, pretty much

Appearance: Long, thick dark hair, with the bottom half dyed pink, dark eyes, darkish skin. Wears lots of makeup. Always wears the most "fashionable" clothes.

Weapon (optional): No.

*Friends: Ari, Cali?

*Enemies: Matthew


Name: Ari "Arizona" Zonne

Age: 19

Gender: M

Personality: Dry, humorless. Tough, a bit mean, but not completely. Introverted, but has a few close friends.

Appearance: Tall, with slicked-back black hair and blue eyes. Wears shorts and various T-shirts, usually.

Weapon (optional): Pet rattlesnake

*Friends: Nina, Cain

*Enemies: Riley


And, at Merikaconi's request....

Name: Ora "Oregon" Gonne

Age: Like, 14? Yeah, that sounds about right.

Gender: F

Personality: Loves nature, and tries to save the environment. Very stubborn and brave

Appearance: Medium height, very thin and wiry, has dark auburn curls down her back. Green eyes. Wears shirts with environmental slogans on them and jeans

Weapon (optional): Hatchet

*Friends: Warren

*Enemies:Anyone who treats the environment badly


I did NE and SW pairs? Is that what I was supposed to do?

If anyone's charrie who I put for Friends does not want that to happen, tell me!

submitted by elementgirl18917
(May 4, 2017 - 7:27 am)

So Joseph would be 229? Okay, changing his weapon from cuteness to being super smart. Not really a weapon, I know, but if he was in a fight that's what he would use.

submitted by Impunity Jane
(May 4, 2017 - 7:03 pm)

Okay, let's see, Washington and Oregon and California are taken, so I'll go with Idaho.

Name: Ida "Idaho" Oo

Age: I don't know how old Idaho is

Gender: F

Personality: I don't really know what Idaho is like... shy and cares a lot about herself (maybe)

Appearance: Brown eyes, small, likes to wear long green dresses

Weapon: She doesn't tell anyone what her weapon is

So am I supposed to do a southern state now? Has anyone done Montana yet? I'll have to look it up though because I don't really know much about it. 


submitted by Kitten
(May 5, 2017 - 10:43 am)

Just realized that Montana isn't south! I'll do Nevada instead.

submitted by Kitten
(May 17, 2017 - 10:13 am)

Has anyone done Virginia? 

Name: Virginia (It's an actual name) Staten

Age: Virginia's pretty old.... 16?

Gender: F

Personality: outgoing, friendly, likes to talk to people. Can be very serious and freaks out about small details. If she's in a group project, she'll try to take the lead (bossy!). Stubborn but doesn't realize it. Nice in a welcoming way. Sometimes she'll switch from serious to YOLO whatever, but rarely. Always has to have the newest and "best" things.

Tbh I have no idea what this state's like even though I live there. If any other Virginians could help?

Appearance: curly light brown hair, blue-hazel eyes, slight tan, freckles, usually has a serious/calm expression. She switches from fashion to fashion pretty quick, but likes stylish jeans. 

Weapon: has a knife hidden in her pocket

Friends: Floria I guess?

Enemies: Cain, Marina (no offense) 






submitted by Cecilia S.
(May 5, 2017 - 7:06 pm)


Virginia + West Virginia

North Carolina + South Carolina

North Dakota + South Dakota

If I missed any, let me know! 

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 6, 2017 - 1:29 am)

Oh I'm so sorry!! I forgot the twin state rule!! I can probably do West Virginia tomorrow.

submitted by Cecilia S.
(May 6, 2017 - 4:10 pm)

Here's a list of all the states and which ones have been chosen!

California - Cali "California" Forne

Florida - Floria "Florida" Idaf

Hawaii -

Massachussets (@admins, if I spelled that wrong, can you fix it?) - Matthew "Massachusettts" Chosett

Texas -

Alaska - Alas "Alaska" Kal

Pennsylvania -

Alabama -

Michigan -

Minnesota -

Georgia -

North Carolina -

South Carolina -

Ohio -

New Jersey -

Virginia - Virginia Staten

West Virginia - Reserved for Cecilia S. 

Colorado -

Illinois -

Kentucky - Reserved for Leeli

Wisconson -

Arizona -  Ari "Arizona" Zonne

Tennessee - Reserved for Leeli

Oregon - Since there are two of you, I might need you to make a compromise.  And EG, you might want to let Nianad do it since you already have 4 charries. . .

Nebraska -

Maryland - Joseph Annapolis

Washington - Warren "Washington" Hartton

Oklahoma -

Connecticut -

New York - Matthias York

Louisiana - Louisa-ann "Louisiana" Hyman

Missouri -

Indiana -

Utah -

Montana -

Rhode Island - Riley "Rhode Island" Siland

New Hampshire -

Nevada - Naeve "Nevada" Atta 

Kansas - Cain "Kansas" Sal

Mississippi -

Arkansas - 

Iowa -

New Mexico - Nina "New Mexico" Mexon

Maine - Marina "Maine" Barker 

Wyoming -

Vermont -

North Dakota -

South Dakota -

Delaware -

Idaho - Ida "Idaho" Oo

. . .  And that's it!!  It toook me like 15 minutes to go through all 50, but, yay, at least I got it done! 

submitted by Lucy @Everyone, age 12, California
(May 7, 2017 - 1:29 am)

I will do one... but question first: What do I have to do after I make a character? I have never been in a solo write before.


Here is Texas: 


Name: Terry Examo

Age: I want to say 182... but I don't know my history on Texas, so I'm not sure...?


Personality (include some "characteristics" of the state"): Hot headed, fiery, fierce, aloof, wild.  

Appearance (again, include characteristics):Blond hair, blue eyes, tall, langly. 

Weapon (optional):Uhhhh? Gun?

*Friends: I know not. 

*Enemies:I know not.


What did I do wrong? 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(May 7, 2017 - 4:32 pm)

Read the story the creator writes about the character!

submitted by Lucy B., age 12, California
(May 7, 2017 - 8:00 pm)


Name: Lu Lu Wii (like Hauna Lulu)

Age (according to the size of the state): Idk, 15?

Gender: F

Personality (include some "characteristics" of the state"): happy sunny/bright spearited, can eaisly get angry and have tsunumies of emotions.

Appearance (again, include characteristics): blonde hair, tan skin one blue eye one grey. short sleeve shirt and a nrmal person length skirt.

Weapon (optional): dagger



Name: Penny Vaina (pensilvania) Pls don't judge my spelling

Age (according to the size of the state): 15 ish?


Personality (include some "characteristics" of the state"): you can chose

Appearance (again, include characteristics): white hair, born with it. and it's like leget white. pale skine, baby blue and light pink and light violet cloths

Weapon (optional):



submitted by Annabeth c
(May 7, 2017 - 10:30 pm)
submitted by TOP
(May 13, 2017 - 5:28 pm)