Villain Pub 

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Villain Pub 

Villain Pub 

In every town there is a wall. Just a regular brick wall. No door. No pipes. Just a wall. On that wall, there's a brick. Not just any brick. A brick with a symbol. An eye. An eye inside a circle of runes. If one were to tap that brick, just with your finger, mind you, one might find that nothing would happen. However, if one were a villain one might find the wall just... open. A passageway would open in the wall, lined with torches, flickering a dim, green light across thedarkness. At the end of the passageway, one would find a large iron door. One could try to force one's way through the door, but nothing would happen. Instead one must speak the password. "It feels good to be bad." The door would open. Inside, there would be a large room with masks and pictures along the walls. There would be a jukebox in the corner, loaded with villain themes and sinister songs. There would be a counter with a hooded bartender, another room with a saloon, a stage, and a movie theater, another room housing an arcade (don't touch the TRON cabinet, that's where the MCP lives), and various table scattered around the entire place. Above the counter, one would see a sign shaped like a skull and crossbones. 'Villain Pub- founded 342 AD'.


So you guys have all at least heard of Character Cafés, right? Welcome to
antoher Character Café! This one is kinda different though. Instead of a
nice, freindly place where typically heroes hangout, this is a nice,
(slightly less) freindly place for Villains only. You can bring any Original Character who is a villain into this thread, and they all basically hang out. I will make some cool stuff happen, like heroes trying to come in and thwart the evil or maybe Alien Karyoke or maybe even a scheming session. This is gonna be so much fun! You can make an Original Character for this thread, or you can borrow it from another one. It doesn't matter. There's just one rule. 





I will post my Villains after the first person posts. Have fun!!

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(June 2, 2017 - 7:38 am)

Yes, of course! No restrictions on villlains! You are free to do what you wish.

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 19, 2017 - 3:17 pm)

Name:Ivan Ermolai

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Alias (optional): None

Appearance: He wears a dark green jacket and dark green pants with brown boots, his brown hair is combed to the side and he has blue eyes

Personality: He doesn't care for anyone except other villains, when around them he can be very outgoing when talked to.

Weapon (Optional): Remington 1100

Nemesis (optional): None

If they work at the Pub, their occupation: None

Other: Has an addiction to LSD.


Ivan walked up to the wall, touched the eye, and made his way in. He slung his Remington over his shoulder as he approached the wall. "It feels good to be bad." He said, walking in as the door opened. He took a seat at an unoccupied table and reached into his pocket, taking out a bit of LSD and putting in his mouth, the effects took place almost instantly. He looked down at the floor at a halucination of a cartoonish chameleon wearing a tophat and gloves running around, "Hey little guy, what are you doing here?" He said to the chameleon, getting weird looks from some other patrons. He reached down and picked up the chameleon, "You can't be here, it's too dangerous." He said, drawing out the s for longer than he should have, "You have to be so quiet." He told the chameleon, which was constantly changing colors. He looked around at the other patrons, giving him weird looks. "We gotta go!" He told the chameleon, which was agreeing with him in Czech, even though he didn't know the language, he could understand him perfectly. He stood up and ran fo the arcade, tripping over a stool before running into the arcade.

submitted by Ahoy!, age 12, Colorado
(June 19, 2017 - 4:20 pm)

Hi guys! SO sorry for the absence; I've been a bit of a braindead mess lately and just haven't gotten around to writing something comprehensible. 

Mkay.... I'll try my best to catch up with things, but sorry if it's a bit short. I'm currently in a car on my way to swim lessons, so I may not be able to post it until later. Sorry.

Also, are we allowed to leave the pub? I mean, is the whole story supposed to stay in here, or can we leave to.... I dunno, let's say, another dimension? Or outside?  


Thorne watched Diable closely as she asked the bartender for a room. She noticed how she was able to perceive situations, percieve people, in the blink of an eye, and then turn them towards her with a smile or a few choice words. 

That would come in handy. Thorn was not much for dimplomacy.

Diable strode calmly up the stairs, stuck the key in the lock, and pushed the thick oak door open with a loud creak. Alistor stuck his head inside the door and laughed. Thorne rolled her eyes. "Alistor, put your head back on." Alistor shrugged, withdrew his arm from the room, and stuck his skull back on his neck. "Fine. Be boring if you must. Now, didn't we have some plans to discuss?" Thorne didn't bother to answer, just shoved past him and into the room. 

It was a bit like a room of requirement, except somehow more villainous. The walls were wooden and hung with various spoils of war, trophies, and maps. There were cracks spiderwebbing along the wall, and mold running along the edge of the baseboards. An oaken table sat in the center, with several plates and a loaf of bread on top of it. Alistor tapped the bread with a bony forefinger, and Diable grimaced at the rocklike sound it made. Thorne snorted. "Obviously, this place hasn't been used in a while. Awefully kind of that bartender. Now, bone man, you say you had a plan." Diable positioned herself on a hard wooden chair and rested her elbows demurely on the table. "Oui. Obviously, you have a plan." Alistor grinned, or as much as a skeleton can grin anyways. "All right then. Allons-y!"


Hehe. Anyways, sorry that was kinda short. I'd just like to hear Alistor's info before I continue.

Luna says "yewt" Ooh, like Newt from the Magic Thief? I love that book.  

submitted by Autumn Leaves, age 14, Floating on the breeze
(June 20, 2017 - 3:28 pm)

I think my brain has permanent dead mess, so I don't blame you in the slightest. So here was my idea about the whole 'Leving the Pub' thing. Perhaps I could ceate a separate thread like 'Villain Pub Spinoff' so Diable, Thorne, and Alistor could have their adventure on that thread, and the people who are still in the Pub can interact and have fun there. Speakin' of which, TONIGHT IS KARYOKE NIGHT AT THE PUB! ANY POST AFTER 7:00 PM Eastern Time is during Karyoke. Do whatever you want with it. Now, as for Alistor's information...

Alistor the Random Skeleton Who Likes To Take His Limbs Off and Blow Stuff Up~

"I found out where the Council of Time Masters meet. BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! I also found out that tomorrow, they are having a meeting to discuss something about the Quantum Whales' safety or something. Their Council Room seems completely unprotected from the outside, and first glance, there only seems to be ONE enterance via the front door, and we obviously can't go through there-"

"Cut to the chase, Bone Man," says Diable.

"Please, just Alistor. From many hours of searching and spying on the Council Building, I have discovered a small, iron trap door on the top they use for supply drops. The trap door leads straight into a supply room, which I can oly assume leads into the Council Room where the Time Masters meet. A couple genades through the room's door or maybe a couple assassinations and BOOM! Time Masters go bye-bye. My plan is pretty simple. We have to sneak into their Tower in the Libo unnoticed, climb up, or maybe we could fly," I said, glancing at Thorne, "Once we get up, all we have to do is go in the trap door, get rid the guards and then the Time Masters are all ours. The only way they could escape is through the Front Door, and I will have that covered with acidic waste, because why not. They can't Dimensionally Warp out of the room, because Diable will put Dimensional Dampeners around the inside. Any questions?"

"I have one," asks Throne, "What am I supposed to do?"

"You," I say, grinning, "will be in charge of clearing the guards. Once we're all done with our side jobs, we get rid of the Time Masters once and for all! And then we celebrate later with Cake!"

"Cake isn't evil, you moron," says Throne, trying to roll her eyes, but I can see she's trying very hard not to grin.

"So, who's ready to go kill some Time Masters?"

submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(June 21, 2017 - 6:57 am)

Is it okay if I invent the leader? If someone already had someone in mind, that is cool, maybe we could collaborate.

Tuerie Diable~

"Moi!" Tuerie put her hands on her hips.

"However, there is one flaw in this plan. If we effacer all of them, we have no way of stopping anything they've done. Say, they set something up; how will we savoir? How will we put an end to it?"

Alistor looked annoyed, but Thorne nodded.  

"She's right, Bone Head. We can't kill them all with no evidence."

"Well, fine, it's ALISTOR, but either way-" he turned to Diable-

"What do you suggest we do instead?"

Tuerie grinned maniacally; this was her favorite part. 

"We hold the leader otage. I happen to have some information confidentielle on him-" SHe pulled a large manila envelope from her cloak, revealing as she did several large silver daggers in the front of her sleeve. She put the envelope down on the table with a flourish, and Thorne immediately tried to pounce on it.

"Non, non!  I will show you." Diable pushed her hands away and opened the envelope.

"My dear friends, it appears that  Le leader estimé of this particular organization..." The two others leaned closer as Tuerie revealed a faded photograph of an evil looking man with white hair that was closely cropped to his head, tan skin, and strangely yellow eyes, covered with large spectacles. "Is none other than..." She opened a thick packet with the name scribbled accrowss the top; Alistor leaned close, trying to read it.

"Rire Maniake, himself. Yes, my friends, the insane child-killer who would destroy a home in seconds with no Plus de réflexion is, in fact, leading this series of missions."

"Um... how do you propose we capture him and keep him hostage alive without either killing him out of uncontrollable urge or being killed oursleves?" Thporne looked intruiged but skeptical. Diable rolled her eyes; she had this all figured out.

"Look, I know Maniake from... elsewhere. I have him down. After I fix up the dimension balivernes,  you two begin throwing grenades at the others, whatever it takes, until they are all dead. I will take him; once you have tué les autres, come and give me support. With Rire, it'll be good to have backup. Clear?"

"Clear." The other two said. 

"Magnifique!" Tuerie cried. "Now, let's start stocking up. You can look through that packet." With that, she stood up and began ransacling the cupboards, looking foir anything useful or edible.

submitted by SopranoTwo
(June 22, 2017 - 10:02 am)


The hooded bartender hands me my drink, and I take it. I walk away into the arcade and see if there is anything for me to wreck. I find an empty game with no markings on it. I sit at it, asuming it will become any game you'd want.  

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(June 21, 2017 - 1:43 pm)


I scroll down the list of horror games boredly.  I come to the end of the list, and sigh.  My game is nowhere to be found.  I get up and walk away, back through the saloon, through the main room, and out the gleaming steel doors.  They slam shut behind me. 


For the record, Brackets was looking for the game "Bendy and the Ink Machine."



submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(June 23, 2017 - 4:58 pm)


submitted by SopranoTwo
(July 1, 2017 - 5:52 pm)

Wait what do you mean by XD.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 2, 2017 - 9:31 pm)
(August 3, 2017 - 3:49 pm)

Bendy and the Ink Machine? XD

Also, if you don't know what 'XD' means, it's supposed to be a laughing face. 

submitted by SopranoTwo @ Lucy B.
(August 3, 2017 - 11:01 pm)