Chatterbox: Inkwell


Yet ANOTHER RP . . . .

Well, SU hasn't been popular, the Peculiar one died, the GF one didn't even start, colors seem too boring, random characters will seem kind of weird, insane people seems like a weird topic, no one uses the Chinese Zodiacs, pretty much everything's been done already, what will this RP be about?

The answer: EVERYTHING.

An everything crossover.  Books, movies, TV shows, everything and anything you can think of!

Here's the charrie sheet:







Powers/weapon (If any):


My charrie:

Name: Lorella

Age: 15

Fandom: How To Train Your Dragon francise

Gender/Pronouns: Female/she, her

Personality: Kind, caring, sweet but serious when she needs to be

Appearance: Asian, brown hair in two low buns, fair skin, nice smile, tall, wears a torn green dress.

Powers/weapon (If any): small hand axe

Other: has a TimberJack named Firewood. 

Again, you can use ANY fandom you want.

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(June 5, 2017 - 2:48 am)

Oh oops. 

submitted by Kitten
(July 16, 2017 - 11:43 am)

Sorry I was kind of busy so I didn't have time to post.


I look down over the underside of Firewood to see the wild ocean below us.  I look up again, and suddenly there's an island - or another country, for that matter - in front of us.  I search the land for a good place to land, but all I can see are the tops of dull, grey buildings.  I find one that is large enough to land on, I whisper, "Alright, Firewood, we're gonna land there."  I point to the rectangular surface.

I tug hard on the reins, crying, "Woah, woah, woah!  I know this is new territory, but we don't know if this is uninhabited!" I almost scream as I am thrown off her back as she comes to a much-anticipated stop.  I don't let go of the reins as Firewood throws me over her head, narrowly missing the edge of the next building.  

I glance down, and gulp.  It's so high up.  I glare up at Firewood, and growl, "Why," to which she snorts and stomps her foot.  "Flip me back up NOW or I will let go."

I can see that she tries, but this time, when I am flipped back up, my foot hits the edge.  Hard.  I land on her back, and I slide off on the wrong side, just because going off on the left side will hurt.  "I'm sure that was an accident, right?" I ask.  Firewood turns away from me and scrapes her foot on the ground. 

submitted by Lucy B., age 13, California
(July 15, 2017 - 10:03 pm)

NOTE: I'm typing on my iPad, so this has to be short.

Andi~ I lean against a wall to catch my breath. If what that kid said is true, then it's before, or just beginning, the dictatorship of America. Well, technically it's still called a democracy, but anyone with half a brain knows it's not. I go over and find the newspaper the kid- I think their name was Phoenix- dropped. "Aaa-guh-ss-t. August. Um... two... thousand... one- hang on- seventeen."

Slowly working through the newspaper, I see hints this world- this past-  is a better place. I wonder... if everyone else could get here? Before I start figuring out how to get there, a screaming boy drops from the sky, hands on fire. I drag him under a nearby water fountain and shove his hands in. "Wha-" he notices his hands. "Oh, those? I'm Leo Valdez, baby. I don't feel fire." He winks at me. I punch him in the eye. "Ay! What are you doing!"

I shrug. "I never trust someone with fire hands, and I hate when people wink at me.".               "You're crazy, bro."                

"Everyone is." 

submitted by Andi, age 11, Portland Oregon
(July 16, 2017 - 10:40 am)

Admins, how come Kitten's post isn't posted yet? I've been waiting a while for it to post so I could make another without it turning into a solo write. Sorry I'm jumping on your head about this- this is my first RP and I don't know how long it usually takes.

Is it posted now? I'm going in order. I have other things to do besides Chatterbox, so sometimes it may take up to a day or so.


submitted by Lightning
(July 22, 2017 - 1:46 pm)

It's not posted... it's been 10 days.


I'm sorry. I don't know what may have happened. Please feel free to submit it again. I don't have any comments waiting to be posted at the moment.


submitted by Lightning!
(July 24, 2017 - 3:56 pm)

I don't know what to post about so I'll just make a picture of Andi on Rinmaru and post it! :)

submitted by Lightning
(July 25, 2017 - 9:30 am)

I'm super bored!

submitted by Someonepostonhere, already!
(August 5, 2017 - 11:14 am)