The Lost Tribe

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The Lost Tribe

The Lost Tribe (Solo Write)

Paradise has four tribes. The Jungles, The Sands, and The Waters. The Jungles, as you may assume, lives in a large jungle with an array of different trees and grassy hills and valleys. The Sands live in one large dessert, with a few trees scattered about the watering holes. The Waters live in a large ocean next to the two other tribes, that turns to fresh water the closer to land they are.

On the other side of the ocean, conecting to the other side of the forest and deserts, are the mountains. There, the rulers are foretold to live. No one knows what these rulers look like, only that their tribe is made of dragons. The tribe in general are called The Flyters. 

Peace has rained across the tribes for as long as anyone can remember, with the Flyters always the ruling tribe. Each year a meeting is called so that the Flyters can anounce rules and make sure the tribes are in check.

But the meeting was cancled this year.

No tribe showed up. Not after the cheifs were told the prophecy. 

You see, each tribe has a relic that allows them protection and gives them special skills. Healing, fighting, super powerish stuff. Each relic comes with a pair of awsome superpowered gaurdains, too.

For the Jungles a light pink dimond elephant is hidden in an underground cave protected by the gaurdains. 

For the Waters an iridescent amathythis dolphin waits in an underwater cave gaurded by two burley gardains.

For the Sands a faded Jade cat sits in a cool, underground sandstone cave gaurded by shifting gaurdains. 

But what the tribes dont know is that the Flyters never had one.  

And that the prophocy promisses the doom of the relics and their life as they know it. 


Few that was boring. Now whos ready to make a charrie sheet! *crickets chirp* are the rules. 


1. This is a solo write. That means I write.

2. You can only have one charrie.

3. Well, I should tell you what charries ur choosing then. You can either be a cheif of one of the tribes (including the Flyters) or one of the prophotised (one from each tribe). Wow, thats only 8. Lets can be a gaurd of one of the tribes (like, big feirce creatures) or a uh no cant think of the Person-who-tells-cheif-what-the-best-options-are is that an Advisor? Or one of the prophotised family members or a moutanish creature. Like a wolf. 

4. The creatures of each tribe must resemble the creatures who live in that area modern day. Like a lion for the deserts or a tiger for the jungle.

5.  The guardians must be an ancient powerful creature. I won't give you examples cause I want you to be creative. 

6. Only one of each creature unless youre making a family member or the second guardian of a tribe.

7. The prophotised are younge, like teenagers in human years and cheifts tend to be older.  

Ah arent you so curious as to what the prophecy is? Well I guess you just have to read on then.

Feal free to ask any questions. I know this is confusing.

Now for the charrie sheet!

Name (make it something related to what tribe your in. I wont give you examples, as this can mean whatever you want it to mean):



What are you (prophotised, gaurdain...):


Appearance (can be different from your average tiger, as in different eyes, markings, etc. Just no hot pink anything):

Powers (nothing to extravagant, maybe you can heal surface wounds and can only heal a scratch before recharging): 

Background (daughter of a cheif, family died of sickness, ect): 


Have fun! 

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 9, 2017 - 4:25 pm)

Can I reserve a Waters spot? I'm on Mobile right now and it's really hard to type.

submitted by Elementgirl18917
(June 9, 2017 - 7:44 pm)
submitted by Flytodatop!
(June 9, 2017 - 8:02 pm)
(June 9, 2017 - 8:07 pm)


submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 9, 2017 - 10:02 pm)

May I reserve the prophesized Sands?

submitted by The Riddler
(June 9, 2017 - 10:17 pm)

Sorry Riddler, but Nebs beat ya to it. Maybe you could make the dragon phrophptized one? 

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 10, 2017 - 1:58 pm)

But isn't that the point of reserving spots? So that you get the spot that you want and do the charrie sheet later? I suppose I will be the sands chief then.

Oh yes, and like Icy, I do believe I know who you are :)

submitted by The Riddler
(June 10, 2017 - 8:21 pm)

Ah yes, but your timings were so close, and Nebs had the charrie sheet filled out...

*hides in closet* *whispers to wall* ah no they're onto me..... 

submitted by SJay , age 2020, High Country
(June 10, 2017 - 11:00 pm)


Name: Aja Sandpelt

Tribe: Desert

Species: Desert Cougar

What are you: Prophesized

Personality: Quiet and quick witted.

Appearance: Sandy fur and bright emerald green eyes.

Powers: She can manipulate fire. Not a lot, but enough to set things alight.

Background: Is an orphan, never knew her parents.

submitted by Nebula, age 1 Million, The Milky Way
(June 9, 2017 - 10:24 pm)

Uh, could you choose a different animal Nebs? Cougars are kinda a mountain thing (not saying that they don't live in the desert too), but I mean, they are kinda also called Mountain Lions. 

And guys, the phrophotized are going to be the main charries, but the other creatures are going to take a big part in it too. Like the chiefs and guardians and *cough cough* mountain creatures *cough cough cough* geeze I'm gonna hack up a lung! ;) 


submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 9, 2017 - 11:28 pm)

Shot!I thought the prophocied and guardians were the same thing! Can you please make it so my charrie (Planta Flos ) is the phrophocied of the Jungle Tribe instead of the guardian???? Sorry!!!! 

submitted by Zen, China
(June 10, 2017 - 1:17 pm)

I swear I remember a solo write like this, a long time ago...


Name (make it something related to what tribe your in. I wont give you examples, as this can mean whatever you want it to mean): Dew Drop

Tribe: Water

Species: Oh gosh...this is a hard choice...just something that lives in and out of the water? Hmm, probably an albino otter. Not really a salt water creature, but it's the best I can think of.

What are you (prophotised, gaurdain...): Prophetised. She's related to one of the Guardians, but she doesn't really care much for that and shuns the Guardians, honestly, for not sharing any of their power.

Personality: Outspoken about her ideas, talks about them and peace and plans and so many different ideas about better societies a bunch. But when someone's hurting, she normally stays quiet. She's good at reading emotions but horrible about speaking up when someone's hurting. She goes through strange quiet phases.

Appearance (can be different from your average tiger, as in different eyes, markings, etc. Just no hot pink anything): An albino otter. I don't really know how else to explain it?

Powers (nothing too extravagant, maybe you can heal surface wounds and can only heal a scratch before recharging): She can swim extremely quickly, almost like a bullet through the water, but after she uses it, she gets extremely slow and weak on land.

Background (daughter of a cheif, family died of sickness, ect): She keeps it to herself, but her parents honestly don't care about her and deny her existance. She's pretty sure they're insane.

Hmm, SJ, I believe I know who you truly are. 

submitted by Icy, age 12 & 1/2, The Forest
(June 10, 2017 - 10:28 am)

Hahaha, only a few will ever know who I truley am....(and yes I did make something  this before) 

You know what's really funny, only the people who joined you-know-what-RP-I'm-talking-about have commented on this. I wonder if they're on to me..... ;) 

I'm sorrta regretting changing my name, but I have reasons, maybe I'll come clean to everyone later?  

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 10, 2017 - 2:02 pm)

Name: (Translated to Latin) Planta Flos. (Means Tropical Flower,) 

Tribe: Jungle

Species: ....I kinda want her to be a person with wings.......I don't know if That is okay.....but....if not a human. 

What are you?:  guardian.

Personality: Not afraid to face danger, shy to her tribe though, would do anything to protect her famliy and home. Once you get her out of her shell she talks....A LOT, but let's them talk too. 

Appearence: Black hair in a bun, pale skin, like moonlight was pored onto her. Her wing's are marble-ish, the colors on her wings are: Light-lavender, light pink, then baby blue. She has smooth skin, with eyes that are electric blue, with gold flecks in them, she has a marking on her shoulder that is in the shape of a dragon. Has a long scar over her leg.

Powers: Can talk to animals. 

Backstory: Father died of a sickness, her mother never talks about her father, she is the only child.  


submitted by Zen, China
(June 10, 2017 - 1:13 pm)

Yes, you can be the prophotised Jungle, but just one thing, you cant be a human. So sorry I didnt mention it, I didnt think anyone would think humans are a part of it. And the only creature that's mythical are the gaurdains, and no ones really related to them. Sorry for the confusion. 

submitted by SJay, age 2020, High Country
(June 10, 2017 - 4:06 pm)