Solo Write ~

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Solo Write ~

Solo Write ~ Dungeons and Dragons!

Hoo boy, I've written, what, two D&D-based solo writes already? Making this my 3rd!

The Wizard:

Name: Illaeara

Gender: Female

Personality: Reserved. Very secretive. Intelligent, and loves her friends, despite not showing it. Seems unemotional and competitive to any outsider's point of view. Is desensitized to all violence. Very self-deprecating and insecure, despite being the most powerful member of the party besides maybe Westward (see Westward's bio). Has a highly androgynous voice, but appears somewhat more female than male due to the almost dress-like robes.

Appearance: Wears a white dress/robe with a jagged hem and a hood. Wears white gloves and grey boots. No one can see beyond her hood. She has a collar that casts an impenetrable darkness inside of her cloak, preventing people from seeing within. She casts Dancing Lights to make two spheres of light inside her cloak that look like eyes. In reality, she is a reformed Dark Elf (aka Drow) with dark grey skin, white hair and silver eyes. 5' tall. Thin.

Species: Elf, drow/dark elf 

Alignment: Neutral Good

Stats: INT=18, WIS=16, STR=9, CHA=10, DEX=14, CON=10 


The Bard:

Name: Eris Summerland

Gender: Female 

Personality: Very aggressive. Overcompensates for being very short. (3' 10") Very hostile to the spellcasters of the party (Illaeara and Westward). Very hotheaded, yells a lot. Is simulatenously secretly very sensitive. Not your typical "cute" bard. Often crying and shouting at the same time. Wants to be a Barbarian but is physically weak. Frustrated with herself. Can be surprisingly charming if she tries.

Appearance: Wears a midriff top and capri pants in bright red. Carries a lute around over her shoulders. Has spiky, messy black hair and bright blue eyes. Very pale. Has a small dagger and is saving up to buy a battle-axe. VERY short due to her species, frustrated. Looks constantly irked.

Species: Half human, half halfling

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Stats: INT=15, WIS=11, STR=5, CHA=18, DEX=16, CON=10


The Cleric:

Name: West Warding (goes by Westward)

Gender: Male

Personality: Very strict and detached, lawful good to the max. Takes his job very seriously as a Cleric of Tyr. Dislikes Eris strongly, keeps her around because of her bardic skills. Very strict about never stealing or cheating (blah,blah,blah) and such, to the annoyance of his fellow party members. Worried about breaking any laws, even keeping off the grass. A stick in the mud. Secretly loves his fellow party members. Is fascinated by Illaeara, wonders what she is. VERY blunt.

Appearance: Heavy armor with Tyr's emblem on it. Missing a hand. Has blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Scowls almost constantly. Has very pink pale skin. Dark circles under his eyes. Wears an amulet shaped like a sword. Uses a long sword with a leather-wrapped hilt. Has a red shirt on under his armor, plus leather slacks. Has a fur neckline.

Species: human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Stats: Int=15, WIS=18, STR=15, CHA=8, DEX=10, CON=15


The Fighter:

Name: Esthaenie G

Gender: Female

Appearance: Medium height, with waist-length red hair in a
complicated braided crown around her head. Gray/green eyes framed by large,
dark purple glasses. Wears a simple purple gown. Has huge white angel wings.

Personality: Quiet and introverted, but friendly. Very
smart. Stubborn at times. Seems courageous, but really insecure.

Species: Avariel/winged elf

Alignment: Neutral Good


The Rogue:

Name: Danielle Amora

Gender: Female

Appearance: Bright green hair cut in a bob, brown eyes with
a mischevious glint, short in height. Her ears are normal but a bit on the
large side.  Wears a black cloak with green markings, with the sleeves
rolled up to her elbow. Baggy pants and a shirt with no sleeves. Large brown
boots that go right below her knees.

Personality: Bold, has strong opinions, and protective.
Tries too hard to be cool, is more intelligent than you might think, but can
come off as annoying and rather rude. Rather witty, has a good sense of humor
but is still on the sensitive side.

Species: Half elf

Alignment: Chaotic Good 


Name: Starflower
Appearance: Long, thick, black hair, tan skin, brown eyes with flecks of gold in them, a simple white dress, bare feet, and pointed ears.  Sometimes wears a cape made of animal skins.

Personality: Sweet and friendly, but strong-willed. She loves animals, especially dogs and wolves.  She's imaginative, and an excellent writer.  She's always willing to stand up for ones weaker than her.

Class: Druid 


Heck yeah, I'm re-using these characters! Esthaenie is based on elementgirl, and Danie is Danie (clearly). I'm not sure if Starflower is still on the CB but I'm way too attached to her character!

So I'll bet you're wondering: "Gee, Brookeira, you seem to have all of the character spots filled? Wherever can I stick my characters?"

So here's the catch: If you submit a character, they must be a villain or a well-developed side character.

I knooow I'm going to get ~pushback~, but it's my story and I have the right to create the main characters.

Secondary characters will still have big roles!

Secondary Character Spots open: at least 16 or so

Villain Character Spots open: at leat 8-10.

Major Villain Spots open: two

I will update weekly or so! Here is the character sheet:


Species (elf/dwarf/human):

Villain or Secondary Character (or could your charrie be either one?):




Preferred Role:

Best trait:

Worst trait:

Favorite color: 


I reserve the right to lightly edit your character sheets. :)

Happy character-building! 


submitted by Brookeira
(October 9, 2017 - 8:13 pm)

SIGN ME UP!!! I reserve one of the major villian spots!

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(October 10, 2017 - 9:00 am)

Name: Adelram

Species (elf/dwarf/human): A kenku (a bird person search it up)

Villain or Secondary Character (or could your charrie be either one?): Secondary character

Gender/pronouns: Male

Personality: Adelram 

Appearance: A short humanoid raven with a plain brown cloth 

Preferred Role: Monk

Best trait: Being able to get people out of sticky situations

Worst trait: unwilling to make unecessary deaths if possible

Favorite color: Gray

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(October 10, 2017 - 9:20 am)

Geez, what a dead thread...

submitted by Top!
(October 10, 2017 - 7:33 pm)

YES! I loved this story! Can't wait for it to start!

submitted by Danie
(October 11, 2017 - 11:21 am)

Brook!! Your back!! Hullo!! I remember this! I 'twas just thinking about this SW like, a day ago. 

Name: Corinth Scarburral

Species: Human

Villain or secondary character: Major villain

Gender: Male

Personality: Daring, quick on his feet, headstrong, courageous (although he's a villain..), strong,  adventures, bold. Sarcastic, smart, taunting. Can get on someone's nerves, but he likes that. Hates it when someone else tells him what to do, but loves bossing others. Enjoys seeing people suffer. Can be crewel, but he has a soft side too. Charming. Does whatever he wants and doesn't care about anyone else. 

Appearance: 6'1", dark brown hair slightly turning grey, has slight stubble,wears dark grey slacks, a button up shirt that he buttons up until the neck with brown suspenders.

Preferred role: Major Villain

Best trait: Mmm... 

Worst trait: he is basically that kinda guy you don't want to mess with, or else he'll do something he'll regret... or not.

Fav color??: Grey? 

submitted by Esquire of Rohan, Revived
(October 11, 2017 - 3:30 pm)

Name: Renna

Species: Elf

Villian or Secondary Character: Secondary character.

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: Shy, underspoken, loves nature. Hates to see people being picked on and considers herself a protector of all things that need protecting.

Appearance: Light strawberry blonde hair down to her shoulders, petite, slim build, wears a green dress and white cloak.

Preferred Role: I don't know much about dungeons and dragons, so that's up to you.

Best Trait: Will always try to stand up for someone.

Worst Trait: Doesn't know when it's a good time for something. Like, she'll attempt to crack a joke when she's on the edge of a cliff, or become afraid of heights in a meadow.

Favorite Color: Green.


Like I said, I don't know much about dungeons and dragons, so please edit this if you know what you're doing. 

submitted by Quill, age Infinite, Sky
(October 11, 2017 - 4:59 pm)

RESERVEDDD. I'll post my sheet when I get home/sometime over the weekend.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 13, 2017 - 10:43 am)

Hellooo I am back. Sorry this took me so long!

Name: Shaiduyn 

Species (elf/dwarf/human): Elf

Villain or Secondary Character (or could your charrie be either one?): Main Villian

Gender/pronouns: Male

Personality: He's cruel and scornful and hard-hearted and wicked...he hates humans (he has a twisted view of them: he thinks they're plotting to overthrow the elves and he thinks they want all his treasure....etc) (although he hates elves too) but he's also a little vain, too...and a little self-conscious. He hoards treasure kind of like a dragon, and is very protective of all of it. 

Appearance: He has short, straight black hair. He's tall and slender. He wears dark cloaks with hoods all the time, as well as one thin golden chain...more on that in a minute.... He has a squarish jaw and a small goatee of the same color of his hair. The necklace: so, his necklace, the very thin golden chain, is a very old, very valuable piece of jewelry called the Aythrim. It has a long, bloody history of greedy owners and it has some very particular magic that gives him a lot of his strength and sword skills, as well as other strengths. Without it, he's not much of a powerful villian. Which is why he keeps it tucked inside his shirt most of the time. 

Preferred Role: Huh? Um, villian? Main villian.

Best trait: He's very skilled with a sword, and has unnatural strength. But that's attributed to the Aythrim.

Worst trait: His vanity and sensitivity.

Favorite color:, I guess. 

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(October 13, 2017 - 4:35 pm)

Ackkk. I completely forgot the elf parts of his appearance. He's a Wood Elf, I think.

submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(October 13, 2017 - 4:36 pm)

Hey Leafpool, if you can see this, I'm making your character (really cool charrie BTW!) act a bit more charismatic to fit the story. He's still hateful and hates humans, but he hides it well until he can't take it anymore. 

Also, congrats! He's going to be one of the biggest villains! 

submitted by New thread/we start!, I'm Brookeira
(October 24, 2017 - 8:15 am)


submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(November 3, 2017 - 3:18 pm)

We need to learn how to play actual D&D in this house of mine . . .

Name: Kuole (cue-ohl-lay)

Species: Elf

Villain/Secondary Character: Villain, mess around with this however you'd like

Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary - they/them

Personality: Kuole was born to an independent family of elves that had kept separate from the general population of people for centuries. Kuole's parents lived just long enough to raise Kuole to five; then they died of diseases easy to catch in the wild. Kuole was forced to raise themselves, and learn about life by their own terms. Kuole is detatched and shy for this reason. Kuole can't understand a lot of things most can - Kuole is completely illeterate, barely ever speaks, and has no comprehension of politenes, courtesy, interaction, or even the value of life. Kuole runs on the animal instincts of nature: if it is dangerous, attack. If it is suspicious, attack. Trust must be earned. Kuole has come to be known as a mysterious terror that hunts their woods, trying to survive, but completely misunderstood.

Appearance: Seems to be built for the forest. Kuole's hair is a green that matches leaves in summertime, grown long and tangled from no care, usually tucked behind Kuole's ears or tied up in some sort of unconventional way. Kuole's eyes are a dull brown. Kuole's skin, already dark, seems darker because of mud and filth caked onto it; the only time Kuole bathes, after all, is when Kuole comes in contact with water of some sort, which is rare. Infected wounds have left Kuole's skin blotchy and scarred. Kuole is tall and very lean, almost unhealthily so, because Kuole can't always get enough to eat. 

Preferred Role: I don't think this applies to villains, correct me if I'm wrong.

Best Trait: A drive to survive and a determination to succeed

Worst Trait: A complete and utter lack of trust

Favorite Color: Kuole can't comprehend this concept.

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(October 15, 2017 - 7:08 pm)

We'll start soon!

submitted by Brookeira
(October 16, 2017 - 8:10 pm)


submitted by Leafpool, age Eternal, Hidden in the forest
(October 20, 2017 - 1:10 pm)

I have made a new thread to house the story itself. You can still submit characters!

submitted by New thread/we start!
(October 24, 2017 - 8:12 am)