Original Character Cafe!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Original Character Cafe!!

Original Character Cafe!!!


This is mainly for those doing NanoWriMo to help them develop their characters a bit more, but I think it would be useful for everyone! So, the plot? Our OCs stumble upon a gateway from their world into a mysterious cafe. Actors, think of this like an improv game. How would your character think? Feel? Act? Say? Do? How would your character correspond with others? How do they respond to love? Grief? Sadness? Happiness? Embarrassment? You can write as many characters as you want to, but I highly recommend introducing your characters one at a time, so that we can have new people to react to when the action starts to simmer down.


Okay! So, here's a little example using a character from my NaNo story named Crystal. So far, she's been the basic herowin (I'm so sorry, I'm a horrible speller) , so I'm hoping to devolope her a bit more. This isn't exactly her "voice" for the novel, since I'm still working on what that will sound like. 


I set the last carton of Cheriope eggs on the cart. The eggs rattle and settle in their pockets. As I slowly push the cart forward, I cringe at each bump; every jostle, hoping that I wouldn't see clear, slimy egg whites slipping and oozing out of any of the boxes. "Every broken egg is a broken profit," my father says. The short stretch of sidewalk seems to go on for miles. My hands begin to shake from the effort of carefully controlling the cart; curbing its desire to leap away and shake off its burdens. 

I don't blame it. 


Finally, finally, after a tense few seconds, the open, crinkled-metal doors of the barn welcome me in. Bright, flourescnet light swoops over my eyelids to replace the early morning shadows. A refreshing coolness rushes against my face. I give a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the light before continuing to push the creaking cart back to the refriderator. But suddenly, something twists in the back of my head, and the world seems to flie out from around me. My seaty hands are wrenched from the handle of the cart by a rushing force. A random thought snags inside the chaos of my mind..."I wonder if this is what Emma and the others feel like when they're on a ship leaving port..." Then the panick sets in and I have to bight my lip to keep from screaming as the world continues to turn around me. 

And then everything is still. I find myself in a crouching position. Slowly, I stand up. 

submitted by Rose bud
(November 2, 2017 - 5:28 pm)



submitted by Chinchilla
(December 21, 2017 - 4:25 pm)


submitted by Chinchilla
(December 23, 2017 - 4:56 pm)


submitted by Chinchilla
(December 23, 2017 - 5:01 pm)

Pleeease doooon't diiiiieee....

Pweeeeeseee..... Survive! Survive! Live again! 

Or will you die in darkness, the unfufilled potential forever forgotten to rot in the darkness of history? Will you, a shining and painfully small spark of life stutter and die, never turning into the full flame of a story to warm the world? Ending before it had begun? But then again, Death is simply doing his job, and is blameless as a farmer scything down wheat in the golden field of life. Dying before it had a chance to live? The End before Once Upon A Time?

Ah well, such is the cycle of life (Or rather death). Ah well, I say, and sadly walk off into the picturesque sunset across the rippling fields of wheat. 

The breeze softly playing with the golden heads of ripe wheat.

The mountains striking starkly against the golden-red sunset as I walk off alone.

As I walk off alone through the rippling, golden field of wheat, the mountains a backdrop against them. The valley golden and waving in the breeze. The sun setting picturesqely as I trip and comepletely ruin the scene. 



submitted by Chinchilla
(December 23, 2017 - 5:27 pm)

I WOULD write more, but here's the thing:

I CAN'T INTRODUCE OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS.  I'm always scared that I'll get the personality wrong or something.  So would you mind writing your character (I can't remember the name) interacting with Grace (my character) yourself?  I'm just asking, I can totally write it if you can't write conversation or something. 

submitted by Lucy @Chinchilla, age 13, Emmilvien
(December 23, 2017 - 9:36 pm)


Lucy, my charrie's name is Nightshade, he is a talking raven from a world where the gravity is slightly lighter therefore dragons can scientiphically exist (It's complicated), and he's relatively polite and tries to talk in a, ah, princely tone, but will probably slip up and end up saying things like: "WHAT? Your world doesn't have Kitsune? Shape-shifters? Ohmygosh that's so weird!"

I'll write moy character interacting werth yer cherrie! Wait, cherry? I mean charrie! Stupid fake accent!


Nightshade~A slightly bigger-than-average raven with silky black feathers, with a slight build. 


Slowly people continue to talk, and everybody starts to ignore me. Well. This is interesting. I rustle my feathers slightly and hop to the left to get a better view of things. This.... building... seems to be packed with all sorts of creatures that all look vaugely human-like. I cock my head, and scan the room for Kitsune. (Kitsune are originally a Japanese/Chinese myth of foxes who can transform into humans in disguise and cause trouble. These Kitsunes that I'm talking about are different and are my design)

Nope, no red-headed people with fox ears and a swishy tail. Nope, no grey-blue fur showing Wolf Kitsunes. Nope, no dragons in human disguise walking around with a slightly haughty look about them. No, nothing from my world.... it seems. I sigh, and spot a grouchy-looking human-I assume it's human-sitting at a table. Maybe I could talk with her. I flap up slightly and notice the gravity here seems to be slightly higher than in my world. No matter, I can still fly.

I flap upwards above the crowds the people and  assume a leisurely glide above their heads. I spot pointy ears with a matching set of wings-wait what? Wings? Interesting... Nobody here looks the same. I fly over a girl with a metal arm-why does the word cybernetic come to mind? Hmmm.... no one here looks like their from the same world. A general motley appearance about them makes me think this is an inter-world, situated between worlds and is in fact not actually a real world at all except the fact that it is. Ugh, world-science is so confusing.

I finally see the grouchy-looking person and quietly flap down in front of her onto the table.

She gasps when she sees me and then immediately assumes a look of defiance. "Hello. My name is Nightshade, and I am from the Iles of Aut, (Sorry bad names) in a world that is usually refered to as Roc. Who are you?" I say. The reaction is immediate. She gasps, scoots her chair as far away from me as a possible, and then stares at me as if my wings have detached themselves from me and are now fluttering around the room.  "Erm, is that the usual custom here? Am I doing something wrong? Are you okay? Is it normal for your species to be very white in the face? Why are you so grouchy-looking? Am I annoying you? I mean, sorry for scaring you. Are you okay?"

She assumes a more grouchy face. "I'm not scared. You just surprised me. Usually bords don't speak in my world."


Sorry that's so short, I just don't know what your character's personality is, and I don't want to hget it wrong. =) 


submitted by Chinchilla
(December 24, 2017 - 3:45 pm)

Okay! I also have problems with writing conversations too! Just give me maybe a description of your character and a few personality traits.


After a few moments, a few people go back to talking, but a few continue to watch me with curiosity. Well. This is awkward.

I rustle my feathers and hop to the left to get a better view. There is a motley collection of people, I see pointy ears, wings, bionic arms, all sorts. Interesting. There are too many variables here. It looks like this is a.. in between world. There are so many different people, and none of them look like they belong here. Hmmm...

Strange. I flap upwards slightly and start to fly across the room. Somebody's hand flails upwards and I am neatly smacked in the beak. I sigh and veer upwards slightly, gliding in a liesurely way over everyone's heads. If only there was someone who I could talk to and figure out where I am....

Ah. There, a grouchy-looking human sitting at a deserted table. hmm.... this resturant (What? How do I know that word?) distorts quite a bit of space by the looks of it... this place shouldn't be big enough to hold all these people.......

Strange. I veer downwards and land neatly (Though I do say so myself-All that warrior training helps with controlling muscle response, which happily means being much less clumsy) atop the table in front of the human. "Hello. Oh, are you supposed to turn that shade of white? Sorry, i didn't introduce myself. My name is Nightshade. Who are youi?" The reaction is instantaneous. As soon as I speak the human scoots back in the chair several feet and has turned a amazing shade of white.

She collects herself and scowls at me. "My name's Grace. How can you talk? How is that even possible?"


Sorry gotta go i hope you got that see ya 

submitted by Chinchilla
(December 24, 2017 - 6:51 pm)