Chatterbox: Inkwell



A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Cue the SW music!

*Starts playing the Star Wars theme*

Pretty self explanatory, EXCEPT that it’s placed IN the resistance time period. Here’s the cherrie sheet!



Status (Grey-Jedi, trooper, council person, etc.): 



Good, bad or neutral:


Habits (optional): 

Skills (optional): 


I’ll post mine when this shows up. 

You ready for this? Because it’s gonna be awesome.

submitted by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Guess me!
(November 7, 2017 - 10:07 pm)

I like the sound of what Codesmith said. So our characters will replace the main ones in The Force Awakens, I suppose? @ Obi Wan Kenobi, are you Tyberious?

submitted by Aspen
(November 16, 2017 - 6:27 pm)

They won't replace the main character in the force awkens. The RP is just set in the main resistance time period just before the force awakens.

submitted by Codesmith , age The Force , Naboo
(November 17, 2017 - 1:21 pm)

Thats a good idea Codesmith. Will start in a few days!

submitted by Obi-Wan Kenobi
(November 17, 2017 - 5:17 pm)

Then how do we have a conflict?

submitted by Aspen
(November 17, 2017 - 5:49 pm)

@Aspen, we have a conflict because the Resistance is fighting the First Order. They also have been in combat against the First Order for several years before the Force Awakens. So if some people character's are First Order/Sith then there's a conflict.



submitted by Codesmith , age The Force , Naboo
(November 18, 2017 - 10:55 am)

Ok thanks! @Obi Wan, are you General Waffleson?

submitted by Aspen
(November 19, 2017 - 4:56 pm)

@Obi Wan, when can we start the RP?

submitted by Codesmith , age The Force , Naboo
(November 19, 2017 - 8:08 pm)

Not General! And we shall start today, I’m going to start a little later if I have time, but y’all can start before I post if y’all want to.


submitted by Obi-Wan Kenobi
(November 20, 2017 - 5:00 pm)

Okay, well, I'll do my first post on Thursday. @Obi-Wan, I asked if you were Tyberious earlier. Are, let's see, um... dunno. I might have to give up soon...

submitted by Aspen
(November 21, 2017 - 2:24 pm)
submitted by Please join PPL!! , age Obi-Wan, We need more ppl
(November 21, 2017 - 3:48 pm)

Name:Ian Wilds


Status (Grey-Jedi, trooper, council person, etc.): grey jedi

Appearance: Dark skin, short, straight, dark brown hair, 5'4''


Good, bad or neutral: good

Story: orphan, that's about it.

Habits (optional): TBR

Skills (optional): Force, fighting, chess...i don't play with wookies, by the way.


submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(November 21, 2017 - 5:16 pm)


Master Jiquin (Ji-chin) has been training me harder than usual. I spend hours on end every day, practicing different techniques over and over again. He says it is for when he finally uses me in combat or a conflict. He says it is for when he showcases me to the galaxy.

I’ve discovered that no one knows of my existence, only of Master’s. That most Jedis or Resistance members or the Republic workers or random shopkeepers only know of a Master, but not of an Apprentice. I don’t mind. I’m just glad that we can continue my training before anything big happens. 

I get up and out of the cot in my room, and ignite my lightsaber, the red light intriguing my eye. So beautiful. I’m sure my cousin over at the other Academy is having fun and playing little Jedi apprentice games. At least being a Sith apprentice gives you a certain amount of respect. 

I sheath my lightsaber and crawl back in bed. Tomorrow is another full day of training, and it will be more brutal than today.  

submitted by Doctor Who?, age The 13th , The Blue Giraffe
(November 21, 2017 - 9:26 pm)
I hurry through the Resistance base on D'Qar bumping into droids and barely missing X-wing pilots in the crowded hallways. I'm late for my meeting with General Organa, I think as I collide into a JJ-06 astromech.  "Sorry," I apologize to the droid who beeps something not polite and scurries off.  I run through the command room and sprint into General Organa's office at the back of the base.  She is studying a large map in the back of the room and doesn't seem to notice me come in. "You called for me, General?" I ask to get her attention as I look around the room. I've never been inside her office before and I see that it is simply and tastefully decorated like the General herself.  She turns and notices me for the first time.  "Hello Captain Esil.  I'm glad to meet you finally.  I've heard great things about you and Shadow Squadron." the General says. She seems in control of herself but worn with time and worry. In charge but also able to understand the cares of the lowest soldier in her movement.  "General Organa, it's a great honor to meet you. Why did you call me?"
"Please call me Leia. In private at least. And I want you and your squad to undertake a special assignment for me."
"Um-General, I mean Leia, what special assignment? We're up for whatever task you give us."
"Astana, I've heard that Shadow squadron has been particularly successful at navigating the border sectors, in between New Republic and First Order control.  I want your squad to infiltrate some First Order territory without being traced by the New Republic or back to the Resistance.  This operation is under the radar but fairly crucial."
"What are we doing?"
"I've recently received intelligence that an attack on Resistance forces on Jendorn in the border regions is about to occur. I want to send your squad to reenforce them so they don't get slaughtered.  They were collecting some key information that could help us preempt First Order strikes...."
Leia then trails off suddenly. "You can refuse if you want to," she says.
"This mission is dangerous and if you're caught by either side, especially the New Republic, I can't claim responsibility. I'm not commanding you, I'm requesting your squad to go. But you can back out."
I think over her warning and then decide that this is too big to pass up. "Leia, Shadow Squad had faced much greater threats. Honestly, we are a bit bored hanging around the base right now. So we are definitely in with this mission.  And the First Order is going to go crying home. Can you please send us all the details? Our ship is at docking bay 527 right now."
Leia smiles warmly. "Thank you for doing this. It's very crucial. I'll send you the info."
I turn to leave. This is going to be one crazy week, I think.
"Oh and Astana?" Leia says before I go.
"Yes?" I turn around to face her.
"May the Force be with you." Leia softly says as I exit her office.
submitted by Codesmith , age The force, Naboo
(November 27, 2017 - 8:29 pm)

Don't let this die, please!!!


I lean back in a chair in a secluded corner of the cantina, feeling rather bored. A very average day it's been. No fights, no big bounties posted, no... anything, really. I suppose I better be heading back. I rise from my seat, toss a few coins onto the table for pay, and stalk out of the cantina towards my ship, a sleek, agile, black thing. As I settle into the cockpit and turn on the engine, a message alert pops up on the screen on the dashboard. I tap it, and a voice recording plays. "Sky Aeril, the First Order requires your services immediately, concerning a large bounty on an important rebel captain. Please report to the First Order base on Dantooine." The recording finishes and the message blurb disappears from the screen. Sweet. A brand new job and with the First Order, too. What a stroke of luck! I make ready for takeoff and the ship slowly begins to lift into the air. As I accelerate higher into the atmosphere, I reach over and hit the light speed switch and in a moment, streaks of blue light are blurring past the window. Finally, I leave lightspeed and descend down towards Dantooine. When my ship begins to enter the atmosphere of the planet, a voice comes over the speaker. "Identification requested if you wish to land." "Sky Aeril, bounty hunter, requesting permission to land." I say. "Permission granted." the speaker replies.~

submitted by Aspen, age 12.5-ish, Dantooine
(December 1, 2017 - 4:37 pm)

Now to the top!!

submitted by Aspen
(December 1, 2017 - 4:38 pm)