Murder Game

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Murder Game

Murder Game

Oh boy, I'm excited for this!

Ok, so on my Musical game thread, I recently mentioned my first Murder Game ( ) AKA Spectrum. We did have another Spectrum, but that one didn't really work out. Well, it's time for Spectrum 3!

Spectrum is a game where each of 6 detectives are assigned a color. There are also 9 items (which I will post when I assign colors). When anybody posts (In RP format, more detail and story will make it more fun!), at the end they must accuse a fellow detective of murder, matched with an item as a murder weapon. See the link for some awesome examples! If the detective gets both the person and item wrong, they lose a life. Each player starts with 2 lives (Representing sanity, I guess?). When both lives are gone, the player is eliminated. If a player is on to something and gets one of them right, I will reply saying so!

Once the murderer is confirmed (After checking the same person with 2 different items, and getting 1 of them right each time), The Murder Phase begins. The newly revealed murderer is then allowed to drop their investigation and murder 1 innocent detective each post, as long as they don't double-post. If all the remaining innocent detectives are eliminated during The Murder Phase, the murderer wins. But if an innocent detective matches the murderer with the correct murder weapon, the murderer is locked up and the detectives win. Again, the link goes to the first game of Spectrum, and this one has the same rules.

All you have to do to join is post saying so, and after we reach 6 people I will post the final 6 detectives and their colors, as well as the items and your scenario. Please join if you can, this will be really fun!  

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(November 28, 2017 - 5:00 pm)


submitted by top
(December 9, 2017 - 11:56 pm)

Oh no. Poor, unsuspecting Orange. She's gone now. There's nothing more we can do for her. But maybe I can stop Red and save the others. I run down a hallway and sit down in a chair, thinking. Something isn't quite right. I know there are only three items left, so I think hard, reaching as far into myself as I possibly can.

If there's a clue for me it will be in the kitchen. 

The words float through my mind. The kitchen.

I run as fast as I can down into the kitchen. I must look like I'm losing it as I rummage frantically through each of the drawers. I know how clever Red is. If the weapon is here, he will have hidden it. As I dig through a particularly large drawer, something catches my eye. It's a red spatula. I don't know how it would have happened; how it could have happened, with a spatula. But something in my gut makes me look closer. The metal appears to have been sharp. And is that a glint of blood? I don't pull it out into the light to look closer. There could be fingerprints on it, evidence. 

Did Red kill Norbert with the spatula? 

submitted by Leeli
(December 10, 2017 - 2:51 pm)

Yellow stares at the spatula with intrigue. It looked like the most convincing clue yet. As yellow reaches in her purse for a hankerchief or something of the sort to pick up the spatula, she instead turns around to find the murderer in person, Red.

Red, holding a fire axe over his head, swings down with a crazed expression. Yellow screams, rolling out of the way, and still clutching her hankerchief. Red draws back for another swing, but falls to the ground after a loud CLANG behind him. As Red collapses to the ground, Yellow looks to find Blue standing in the doorway, a cookie sheet in hand. Blue drops the sheet and wipes the sweat off her forehead.

"Whew! I almost thought we wouldn't catch this guy!" She remarks with a nervous chuckle.

Miraculously, the moment after Red's capture, the blizzard comes to an eerie stop. The servants manage to reach the nearby airport via Smoke Signal, and a very convenient vacant jet is sent to transport the servants and detectives to safety. Red, however, is given a comfortable ride on a military helicopter straight to the closest jail.


Awesome job everyone! I should be posting the next game soon, anybody is welcome to join. I have spots reserved for Cockleburr, Tux, and Kitten, if they're still here. 

submitted by Pete the Trollslayer, Murder Mansion
(December 10, 2017 - 5:53 pm)

Wow! I can't believe I actually got that! I kinda had a gut feeling about the spatula, but I thought it just because I was writing about my character having a gut feeling. Anyway, yay, we got him! Great job everyone! I would love to join in the next round if that's okay. 

submitted by Leeli
(December 10, 2017 - 8:50 pm)

Yup, still here! And I'd love to join, thank you for remembering! :) That was a really cool conclusion!

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 12, 2017 - 11:01 pm)