Rainbow RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Rainbow RP!

Rainbow RP!


*Hi! I'm Queen Isabella. I just joined the CB today, and I read through The Ultimate Guide to the CB, so I decided to make a Roleplay. I read through the original post of some RPs so I could see what a charrie sheet is.*


The plot: There are 8 characters, but there can be some side characters as well. Each of the 8 characters has one color of the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet). And each color of the rainbow has a special ability related to the color. The people who join can decide what their power is.

The "Rainbows" are the guardians of the world and all of the various dimensions. But, a war has started in the dimension "Earth", and the Rainbows don't know how to stop it. Anger and conflict is brewing in the Rainbows, but that can destroy all of the dimensions. What will they do?


Here is the charrie sheet:



Age (50+, they are immortal):






Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical):





Name: Dai Rone (pronounced D-iy R-oh-n) (that's not the actual pronunciation; I just like it)

Age (50+, they are immortal): 1,013, appears 17.

Gender: Non-binary (neither boy nor girl, goes by they/them/their)

Color: Blue

Power: Water

Personality: Calm; keeps the peace; sometimes introverted; very organized; "has their life together".

Appearance: Spiky, short, blue hair; deep blue eyes; slightly tanned; freckles; likes wearing pajamas.

Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical): Small dragon (blue, breathes water, about the size of a small dog, can fly)

Backstory/Other: Was born a female, but didn't feel that way, so they became non-binary. They hate when people refer to them as a boy or girl!


**I usually write female characters in my stories, so I decided to switch it up for my first RP. I think that if I ever make an AE, Dai will be it! Maybe I'll do that today?**



submitted by Queen Isabella, Ashai
(December 6, 2017 - 10:53 pm)
submitted by Reserving Indigo!, PinkPanther
(December 6, 2017 - 11:38 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 7, 2017 - 8:43 am)

I reserve green!

submitted by Aspen
(December 7, 2017 - 11:41 am)

Ohhh, this sounds fun!

Name: Emme Verden

Age: 375628, appears 16.

Gender: Female

Color: Green

Power: Plants

Personality: Loves nature, kind of introverted

Appearence: Pale skin, light brown hair, Green eyes, always wears a green dress

Familiar: Tiny, baby doe.

Backstory/Other: Peacemaker 


submitted by Allie, age 12, A Place
(December 7, 2017 - 11:15 am)

Oh whoops Allie actually took green before I tried to reserve it. Darn it guess I'll do violet.

name: Saera Darke

age: 102, looks 16

gender: female

power: shadow and mind reading (but not OP, she has her limits)

personality: Quiet, reserved, introverted, rather surly and sarcastic often, makes a dark joke occasionally, but very serious, moody, seems rather brooding sometimes, when she looks at you it feels like she's almost looking right into your soul at times

appearance: Dark brown hair to her waist, deep violet eyes, pale skin, wears black sweatshirts (but not ones that are very loose or baggy to say the least), and black pants that almost fit like leggings because she would rather represent black

familiar: a big, agile black wolf with violet eyes like Saera's

backstory/other: n/a 

submitted by Aspen
(December 7, 2017 - 1:09 pm)

Name: Audrey Fleming

Age (50+, they are immortal): 1476, appears 16

Gender: Female

Color: Red

Power: Fire

Personality: Sassy and bold. Very stubborn. Hot temper. Intelligent, tends to think others are idiotic. Extroverted, a bit naive and immature. Sarcastic and witty, loves to tease. Doesn't think before she acts. Headstrong. Tomboy. 

Appearance: Tall and thin, with a pale but freckled complexion. Grey eyes, and long, straight bright red hair. Wears loose red T-shirts and ripped(not intentionally/fashionably) jeans. 

Familiar: Piper the phoenix

Backstory/Other: Not much that is interesting

submitted by elementgirl18917
(December 7, 2017 - 8:17 pm)
submitted by TOP!!!!!, age TIPPITY, TOPPITY
(December 8, 2017 - 4:24 pm)


(December 10, 2017 - 8:31 am)

Name: Alana Rivers

Age: 214 (appears 16)

Gender: F

COlor: turquoise (or indigo if I have to stick to colors that are on the rainbow)

Power: hydrokinesis

Personality: hotheaded and fiery, strong and resilient. A good leader. Very bright, though she doesn't always show it. Good at assesing the situation during a crisis and determining the best course of action. Strong and a good fighter. A little bit rebellious simply because she doesn't like to be told what to do. Most think she's a bit rough around the edges, though she can actually be very kindhearted at times. Loves her friends with everything she has and is loyal till the end. Very stubborn and and determined. 

Appearance: tall and slim, with tanned skin and a few freckles. wavy brown hair dyed blueish greenish at the ends. Usually wears tshirts, jeans and high top converse. dark blue eyes that seem to notice everything. doesn't wear any makeup.

Familiar: I don't know what you mean by this. 

Backstory: none

submitted by Leafmist
(December 10, 2017 - 7:13 pm)

I’d ask Queen Isabella, as I am already going to make an Indigo charrie. 

submitted by @Leafmist, PinkPanther
(December 11, 2017 - 1:30 pm)

Ok, sorry PinkPanther! I didn't see your comment. I'll just go with turquoise unless I have to stick with colors of the rainbow. 

submitted by @PinkPanther, leafmist
(December 12, 2017 - 8:15 am)

No, no, it’s totally fine! And turquoise is a cool colour XD

submitted by PinkPanther
(December 12, 2017 - 10:48 am)

Sorry, I just realized that there are 7 characters, not 8!

submitted by Queen Isabella, Ashai
(December 11, 2017 - 8:27 am)
If Yellow is still open, this is my submission:
Name: Salvador 'Sal' Aurelian 
Age (50+, they are immortal): 1756, appears around 18
Gender: Male
Color: Yellow
Power: Most of his power comes in the form of his control of lightning, electricity, and storms. Can somewhat influence the weather, but it's very easy to lose control.
Personality: In contrast to his generally unstable and unpredictable powers, Sal is a pretty laid-back and Down to Earth (Ayyy) guy. Often cracks jokes, and is very comforting and understanding. However, under immense pressure or stress, Sal loses it a little bit. 
Appearance: Tall, slim, pretty pale skin. Wavy, bleached blonde hair, which he keeps pushed to the side. A tall sharp face, with thin lips, ginger-colored eyebrows, and canary yellow eyes.
Familiar (like a pet/sidekick, can be mythical): Fulton; A small, bright yellow snake. Usually resides in Sal's bag, but when needed, can travel through electric currents.
Backstory/Other: All that's known about is origin is that he emerged from one of the most chaotic dimensions.
submitted by Pete the Trollslayer
(December 12, 2017 - 12:56 pm)

Can I reserve orange, please? I already have my character figured out, I just need to post it.

submitted by Cockleburr
(December 12, 2017 - 3:14 pm)