Apocolypse RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Apocolypse RP!

Apocolypse RP!

Welcome to the beginning. The beginning of the end. The aliens have landed. The mutants are coming. The robots are on the hunt. All because of one meteorite. On June 14 of 2026, the asteroid Colossus finally stuck Earth. The people knew this day would come. With the asteroid came the ship. And with the ship came The Corruption. The Corruption snuck it's way into the wires of the new lines of robot soldiers creating a new mission: wipe out humanity. The animals were not spared either, The Corruption taking them as well, giving them the new instict: the instinct to kill. And then came The Outsiders from their Dreadnoughts, bringing their Corruption to Earth with one goal: No survivors.

Years later, in the year of 2030, humankind has still been fending for itself, living in bunkers, scavanging for food and water as much as they scavenge for sanity. Using whatever they can to protect themselves from the end of the world as we know it. 

You are one of those survivors.

And you will fight till the end.   


OK, so I've been wanting to do something like this for a very long time. Basically, there was an asteroid that hit Earth, and a bunch of aliens called The Outsiders landed in it, bringing with them a force called The Corruption, which took over machines and animals, mutating and controlling them.The Outsiders never reveal themselves, exploring the Earth's surface in large iron mechs. You are going to play as some of the last of the human race, living in fear, adn hiding from the forces that threaten to destroy us.

A couple rules:

1. Characters CAN die, but only if the author wishes them to.

2. The only limit on characters is that they must be human with normal life spans, and that they cannot be OP.

3. Password: Armaggedon

4. Keep in mind, this does take place in the future, so there will be some technological advancments (eg: Cryogenic containers, artifiialintelligence, etc.), but not too much. So no laser guns or spaceships.


The Charrie sheets (try to make them as detailed as possible):

Full Name:

Age (diverse please):





Home Country (real place on Earth):

Weapon of choice (could be anything from a sub-machine gun to a giant metal door that you surf on):



I will post mine as soon as I can. I'm excited!


submitted by General Waffleson, age -456, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(December 16, 2017 - 3:25 pm)

OK. That's fine, I guess.

submitted by General Waffleson
(December 19, 2017 - 7:09 pm)


The mornings are the worst. Those are the times I have to interract with people. I suppose a person must eat and drink, even at the expense of leaving their refuge from the dangers of the real and social world. We haven't had an attack in days, which is awfully strange sinse the Windsor faction is one of the largest groups of people (apart from London) in all of New Britainia (which was formerly known as Southern England). 

I groggily pull my head up from the table and walk over to the lab door. I press my fingerprint to the scanner, enter the 18-digit passcode, say the voice password, and then walk out the door. I see some people walking down to the breakfast hall, and look at one of their watches out of the corner of my eye. It's 5:27. AM. No wonder there's so few people. I walk down to the breakfast hall, grab my food from the cooks, and sit down to eat it. Looks like Danny is out hunting again. Good. Means I can get more bits off of those ruddy machines.

As I'm eating, I hear the sound of a chair being pulled out from under a table and a very heavy body sit down. "Delphus Murphy," comes the voice of General Smith.

"General Smith, sir," I say, looking up from my food, "to what reason do you owe me this visit?"

"We have a job for you. You've heard of the London Unit, I assume?"

"Yes. The foaction in London who are trying to claim Windsor as an exterior territory, correct?"

"Correct. We need you to go undercover there to gather information on the leader, Bethany Alder."

"If you don't mind me asking, sir, why me? Why not some other, more qualified espionage member?"

"Your friend Danniel tells me you're good with machines. We need you to build something to aquire a certain device they have."

"Why do we need it?"

"Because it might be the only thing capable of stopping the Corruption." 

submitted by GW- WE'RE STARTING!, age -456, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(December 21, 2017 - 6:24 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 21, 2017 - 9:16 pm)
submitted by TOPPLESY TOP TOP!
(December 22, 2017 - 10:07 am)


I sit in the dark, the only light a faint candle flickering. The noise of me sharpening my blade echoes throughout the abandoned house, but I sharpen it quietly, not wanting to wake Maddie.  It’s still dark out, the eerie and dull orange street lights illuminating anything that moves. 

I hear Maddie stir to my left, but I keep on sharpening the blade.  

“Where are we?” she grunts sleepily.  

“Windsor,” I reply quietly, looking out from the window seat. “The outskirts of it at least.” My voice comes out in more of a whisper. I don’t like talking.

But I’m right. We’re not into the abandoned city where an entire faction of people are surviving. We’re on the outside at the bigger town, where everything is abandoned. Maddie and I are lucky we found this house. It’s old and falling apart, but it’s two stories and has a window seat that we use as a look out post. It’s been helpful so far. 

But I notice something off. 

The sun is starting to rise, and I assume it must be around six in the morning by now. But I would hear distant machine clacking from the city. Instead, I hear silence. 

Dead silence.  

Maddie is still waking up when I look closer towards the border of the town. The faded lamps reveal the outline of people. A large group of people. And they’re headed towards the abandoned marketplace, which is in the town square. 

“Maddie,” I whisper. 

She looks towards me and I look towards the window as she moves to look outside. Her eyes widen at her observation, and I look outside with her. They are getting closer. 

“It’s the London Unit,” she whispers. 

“What?” I ask. 

“The London Unit,” she repeats. “You can tell, they wear their symbol on their jackets proudly.” 

I suddenly understand. There was a unit like that in Japan, and they banded with the southern side of Korea while China and the north of Korea banded together. I heard about it from one of my contacts. It’s turning into a war zone there. 

“But why do they want Windsor?” she asks, more to herself. 

“These are fraught times,” I whisper. “They’ll take any resources they can get.”

We quickly but quietly move down stairs. I take out my bow and arrows while she takes out her gun. We look out the foggy window on the door and see their members spread out, searching places. They’re eventually going to come here. 

“We need to leave,” Maddie says. I nod in agreement. 



submitted by Doctor Who?, age The 13th , The Blue Giraffe
(December 22, 2017 - 1:05 pm)

Just curious, how are all of our characters going to meet?

Also, she calls the robot that used to be her friend Robbie. Btw, he wasn't really a robot but more of AI in her head. When the corruption happened he was able to leave her head partly to take control of a robot soldier.

* * *

Irene crouched against the broken wall, breathing heavily. She heard the telltale creak of metal about 5 feet behind the wall, slowly becoming louder. At least it was slower; Thank god this baseball bat did any damage.

Why the heck did she fall for that dumb trap? She thought she would be able to help these people. She should have just stuck to her plan.

As she continued cursing at herself, something like a light switch turned on her brain, tuning to a familiar channel. Robbie. Heya Irene! I'm surprised you aren't dead yet. How's Fulham doing for ya? You visited that ancient stadium there yet? It's pretty cool. Irene did her complete best to ignore everything he was saying. Hey, could you do me a favor and just give up? You won't be able to destroy them all. Come on, Irene, die already, please. Do it for me!... Or, actually, better idea, since you're a complete selfish coward, join us! Irene inwardly groaned. She tried to filter out his voice, but it droned out everything. It was like a bug she could hear but couldn't swat, and instead of buzzing it made a sound like nails on chalkboard.

Aw, I didn't think you hated the sound of my voice that much. Irene could her the metal machine stop. She readied her baseball bat. I mean, you had to deal with it for so long I thought at least you got used to it! Irene heard the whistle of wind above his voice, sounding empty and silent.

Hey, did you know that 2 out of 5 people ages 18 to 30 die from-- BAM. Irene swung the Basebat, the clang of metal resonanting in her ears. Something sizzled and beeped, like a broken toaster in water. Irene swung again, and this time something clattered to the floor.  She assumed it was its arm.

She felt the air in front of her push forward, and she instinctively ducked. Too slow. Her forehead jutted backward as the robot hit her. Ears ringing, she fell down onto her back. Her forehead throbbed, and she held a palm against it.

Hey, since you seem to be almost dead, are you enjoying the view I have? Irene held the baseball bat in front of her like a shield, just as the robot slammed an arm down. The poor wooden thing broke into two pieces.

The fire, the screams you can't hear. Buildings crashing down. Death nearly everywhere. This sort of chaos you can only find in the cities long forgotten. The cities no one cares about. Irene held on of the shards of the baseball bat and rammed it into the machine with all her might. She heard it step back, then rear back forward for another punch. Irene desperately covered this with  an arm. A pain like fire zipped through it, and she cried out in pain as she realized it was broken. 

It's such a feeling of amazement being out here. It's truly real, more real than I could imagine. Irene, in one swift and frantic action, pulled out her gun and shot at where she hoped was the robot.

Like a fire that's been put out, a sound cuts into the air. The loud thump of metal revealed to Irene that it was dead.  

You killed it. Wow. I don't believe it. Irene looked around, dropping her broken baseball bat to the ground. She's exhausted. The family, if they existed or were just conjurered up by Robbie, had to wait. In fact, she might just need the help of those idiotic London units. 

She stumbled into a broken building and slide down the wall. Then, with a sigh, she went to sleep.

* * *

Btw, Fulham is an area in west London. I'm assuming not all of London is safe from the robots. 



submitted by Danie
(December 22, 2017 - 3:58 pm)

Do the characters all need to meet? I'm not sure if that's  necessary to create a good story. Although it probaby is best if they do...

submitted by General Waffleson
(December 22, 2017 - 9:19 pm)

Is it too late for me to join?

If I can still join here's my charrie: 

Name: Aoefa (that's pronounced EE-fa) Tory

Age: 28

Gender: Female 

Appearance: tall, lanky, black hair with (obviously fake) red highlights, wears an old, beat-up leather jacket with a green velour hoodie underneath and black ripped jeans, scuffed dark green combat boots

Personality: Tough but sometimes very sensitive

Background: Was kidnapped at age 20 or so, manipulated so that certain trigger words would make her snap and turn aggressive, so you still have to be very careful in what words you use around her

Home country: Ireland 

Weapon of choice: She can turn just about anything into a weapon but she carries around a dagger and a machine gun  

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Classified
(April 21, 2018 - 2:23 pm)

Oh, I forgot to put in an "other" section:

Other: lives in an abandoned warehouse, open to shipping

Also I think it's a good idea for the characters to meet. I'm not entirely sure how they should meet, but I think the RP would get kind of boring if we were all just writing about our own character's storylines and the other charries never came into it. 

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 21, 2018 - 4:12 pm)

Ok, before I start my story, I need to make an amendment to my charrie sheet. (I made a new one but it won't load.) I just figured out that my charrie's name is actually spelled "Aoife". Oops!

Here's my story: 

I was sharpening my dagger when it happened. I knew there was a robot behind me. I knew it would think I was vulnerable, and I knew that I could use that to my advantage. But somehow I was still just sitting there when I heard its footsteps just inches behind me. I had waited too long. So I only had a few seconds to roll into a pile of rubble as the robot swung its arm in a powerful attack. I hit a sharp piece of metal and grimaced. Combat training, survival instincts, everything I had learned living during the Corruption, hit me like a blow from a robot's arm, like the one I saw coming towards my face. I jumped out of the way just seconds before it landed in the pile of rubble I had been crouching in.

Why was I being so slow?

I somersaulted out of the robot's way, grabbing my machine gun off of a broken bureau. I fired it at the robot until the digital display on top of the barrel (a modification I had been working on for the past few weeks) flashed red. 

I was almost out of ammo. 

I swore in Irish, crouching behind the broken bureau and fumbling in my combat boots for a pack of extra ammo. Before I could find any, I heard a muffled beeping noise from the other side of the bureau. Then the bureau broke.

I swore again and fired the gun. When the bullet hit the robot, its eyes turned red. Uh-oh. It lumbered towards me, and I fired the gun again and again. One bullet left... I took a deep breath. 

And fired.

I closed my eyes, preparing for my life to end. But nothing happened. Slowly, carefully, I opened my eyes. The robot was dead. 

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 21, 2018 - 4:46 pm)

Is it too late for me to join?

If I can still join here's my charrie: 

Name: Aoife (that's pronounced EE-fa) Tory

Age: 28

Gender: Female 

Appearance: tall, lanky, wavy black hair with (obviously fake) red highlights, green eyes, wears an old, beat-up leather jacket with a green velour hoodie underneath and black ripped jeans, scuffed dark green combat boots

Personality: Tough but sometimes very sensitive

Background: Was kidnapped at age 20 or so, manipulated so that certain trigger words would make her snap and turn aggressive, so you still have to be very careful in what words you use around her

Home country: Ireland, Dublin to be exact

Weapon of choice: She can turn just about anything into a weapon but she carries around a dagger and a machine gun  



submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Classified
(April 21, 2018 - 4:04 pm)

I think it's too late to join, judging that this rp has already started, and it's five months old.

submitted by ...
(April 22, 2018 - 11:32 am)

Darn it!

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 23, 2018 - 11:33 am)

Not to mention it is also dead.

submitted by General Waffleson, age -456, The Breakfast Kingdom
(April 23, 2018 - 4:21 pm)

I don't mean to sound mean but START IT UP AGAIN!!!

submitted by theincrediblehulk, classified
(April 23, 2018 - 4:57 pm)