The RP Project

Chatterbox: Inkwell

The RP Project

The RP Project

So, awhile ago there was a thread (I don't remember who made it, Danie or Brooke, maybe) that was made to basically call attention to the increasing RP problem. See, not so very long ago on the CB, RPs were well thought out, planned, written, and finished. Sadly, these days, new RPs seem to be constantly popping up, and many of them die after a few pages. Most of them die after a few posts. Some never start. I don't know the true intent of the makers of any RPs, but some seem to be made simply for the sake of making them. The purpose of that thread was to ask everyone to, instead of making new RPs, to try and finish the ones we have going. Or, if you're going to make an RP, put some thought into it, and actually make it happen, try not to just let it die. 

I think that what happens oftentimes is this: someone has what seems to be a brilliant RP idea. They start a thread for it, and lots of people flock to the RP, filling out sheets, sometimes making avatars or drawings or their charries. Everyone's excited to start. Everyone's ready to write from the POV of their Charrie. And then the first post comes in. And another person posts. And then a few more. Everyone's off to a good start. And then the posts start coming in slower. You forget to post. Maybe you don't know what to write. Your mind goes blank. You lose interest and forget about the RP, and it sinks to the bottom where no one thinks of it again for a long time. If it was a really good RP, there might be a reboot of it. Maybe even two or three. But even those usually die.

Anyway, when I saw that thread, I fully agreed with it. So I guess this is a sort of remake. I'm asking of all you CBers now: please try to finish our wonderful RPs. Don't let them die. Even if you don't know quite what's going on or quite what to write, write something. Even if it's short. Even if you don't think it's good. Contribute a bit to the story. 

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no one should make any new RPs. But I think maybe we should slow down just a little until we finish some of the ones we have. I hope none of you take this the wrong way. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, be that making too many RPs, or letting them die. Trust me, I'm not perfect, and it isn't easy. All the RPs I've ever made have died, and I know how it feels to think, huh, I wish that could've gone further. I know how it is to feel guilty about not posting on an RP because you're busy, or forgot.

So please just think about this. Keep it in mind. Our RPs have a right to finish, or at least go further than they have as of yet. Let's change the way RPs die. Let's put more thought and effort into our writing.

Thank you for listening to my ramblings.  


submitted by Leeli
(December 30, 2017 - 8:18 pm)

Yes, Leeli, I agree with you COMPLETELY. I haven't been on here for a long while, but back when I was here, the RPs were so well planned out! The ideas were super interesting, and the original post was very long and detailed. There were no grammar/spelling/capitalization mistakes (I HATE texting language.) Sometimes they could even last for 10 or more pages! Now, RPs very rarely have so many pages. And when I look at the RPs now, coming back more than a year later, they just seem . . . well, unimaginative. Not as . . . what's the word? Good as before.

I'm so sorry if I sound really criticizing, but it's really true. Please try to work harder on your RPs. Please don't make SO many new ones. Please work very hard on your new ones to make sure they are GOOD. Please make sure you are dedicated to the ones you ARE in and make sure THEY are good. Try to finish them!!!! Can't wait to see improvement next time I pop back in and visit. 

submitted by Someone
(December 31, 2017 - 5:23 am)

I agree totally with that. I hate to see an RP posted that has a great central idea, but no plot or worldbuilding, and a description is that is a tiny paragraph. Now, it's great that people are making RPs and trying to be creative, but I think it would be nice if they waited a bit until they could really build on their ideas, because many of those RPs that don't seem well thought out could potentially be a really great, well thought out RP, with a plot and everything. 

submitted by Leeli
(December 31, 2017 - 10:58 am)

I have an RP right now, and I would consider it good. The plot is moving along nicely, and I worked very hard on it. It's not my fault that there are a lot of RPs out right now. Maybe you should try joining an RP and move the plot along.

submitted by ..., age @Someone
(December 31, 2017 - 5:17 pm)

I know this wasn't to me, but I'd just like to say that I think you may have misunderstood Someone's post. I don't think they meant that you shouldn't have RPs or that all of our RPs aren't good. Maybe I'm wrong about this, but personally, I think it's great that you have an active RP! And maybe Somone has already joined an RP and is moving the plot along. Let's try to keep things from heating up here. :)

submitted by Leeli
(December 31, 2017 - 7:08 pm)

Yes, I agree completely! I only made one RP, it was a while ago, and it didn't have a plot. Needless to say, it never even started. Now, some RPs never start because the person that's running them disappears. Some get too complicated and people chicken out. And some die simply because people are too busy. Part if this could be fixed if there were less RPs and the ones we had were more thought out. The other part, though, could only be fixed by people paying attention to it.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is pay attention to your RPs! 

submitted by Kitten
(December 31, 2017 - 11:36 am)

go to save the to learn more. (that's not a real website by the way.)

submitted by SAVE THE RPS!!!, age i'm Catscl, i approve this messag
(December 31, 2017 - 12:49 pm)

I just joined, so I have no idea about this problem, but I just wanted to share something motivational I do. I just imagine I was the character. People always say to do this, but they're talking about basic roleplaying. What I'm talking about is to think like the characters. Literally walk around a park or open area, imagining that you're the character you created. Or do it when you're trying to fall asleep. Trust me, it's much more exciting than counting sheep.

submitted by Secret
(January 3, 2018 - 10:44 pm)

I also just joined, but I've noticed the RP problem too. Like yesterday, when I found a really awesome RP, the Warriors RPG by Aspen, and I created a really awesome charrie, only to figure out that the (very short) RP had died. I love the Chatterbox RPs and I really wish they wouldn't all die so soon. SAVE THE RPS!!!! 

P.S. I kind of want to help things along by starting my own RP, but I don't really know how,so... can someone help me out here? Thanks!!

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified, Classified
(April 18, 2018 - 3:17 pm)


submitted by Elle
(April 18, 2018 - 4:39 pm)


submitted by Elle
(April 18, 2018 - 4:39 pm)

Okay, Catsclaw here, and i have an idea. Before we post any RPs, we post the plot of the RP on a specially designed thread for this, and then other people could then give ideas and say if they would join and be able to post a lot. If enough people for the RP say yes, then it will be posted.


Also, @Admins, if people like this idea, it would be nice to make it a feature of the Chatterbox, and not just a thread that would need to be constantly topped. Thanks!

submitted by Catsclaw, age 11, The Library
(April 21, 2018 - 10:54 pm)

That sounds cool, but how many people is "enough"? 

(April 23, 2018 - 12:15 pm)
submitted by TOPsclaw, age Nudge,, Poke,
(April 22, 2018 - 9:26 pm)