Warriors RPG!!!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Warriors RPG!!!

Warriors RPG!!!

Yep, I couldn't resist it. *sighh* I know a lotnofbprevious Warriors RPs have died out, some have practically died before they even start. Buuuut... I am determined to see this one to the very end if I can help it. 

Now I'll stop making depressing reminiscences and get on with it. So! This RP will be with the regular four Clans, in the territory around the lake. Now.


1. You can have 3 charries max. I will make exceptions if we need more characters but I don't think that will be the case.

2. No killing off someone else's charrie unless you have their permission first.

3. And HAVE FUN!! :)

Annd  the charrie sheet...












Now my charries...

Name: Windstar

Age: 26 moons

Gender: female

Clan: WindClan

Rank: leader

Appearance: Short, silvery gray fur, dark gray left front paw, deep blue eyes

Personality: Not very talkative, and doesn't say as much but when she does, she makes it count. Extremely loyal to her Clan, fairly serious, fair minded, clever

Backstory: Nothing much out of the ordinary, really. Appointed to deputy and then became leader at a young age.

Shipping: Yes! I'd kinda like for her to have a forbidden romance...

Other: n/a


Name: Leafpaw

Age: 8 moons

Gender: F

Clan: WindClan

Rank: warrior apprentice

Appearance: Short, light brown tabby fur, green eyes, well-proportioned graceful build

Personality: Quiet, reserved, loyal, observant, very smart, agile, swift, a bit of a pushover about some things and stubborn about others, kinda shy

Backstory: Pretty normal, really, except that her father was killed by rogues when Leafpaw was only 7 moons old

Shipping: I'd prefer that it wait until she's older, like 11 moons or older.

Other: Snowpaw is her littermate


Name: Snowpaw

Age: 8 moons

Gender: F

Clan: WindClan

Rank: warrior apprentice

Appearance: Long, thick white fur with pale gray stripes, ears, and paws, amber eyes

Personality: Cheerful, bold, talkative, can be snarky at times, adventurous, curious

Backstory: See Leafpaw's

Shipping: Same goes for her as for Leafpaw

Other: n/a

Oh! And I almost forgot-- you can make rogues too. *coughaspossiblevillainscoughcough* 

I will post the prophecy later.

submitted by Aspen, age 12.5, Over Sea, Under Stone
(January 6, 2018 - 12:12 pm)

*clicks teeth* thought I could help it...guess not....*opsesstion takes over* I MUST JOINS! Also there are more then three cats here, I don’t have to RP all of them. 

Name: Ravenheart

Age: older warrior

Gender: M

Clan: ShadowClan

Rank: Duepty

Appearance: Dark grey Tom with faded darker grey stripes only visible on his hide and shoulders, but you can see the rest in moonlight. Striking amber eyes. Has a scar over his heart that sort of looks like a bird if you have a creative mind. 

Personality: Grouchy, especially towards kits. Some say he once had a mate and kits in a different clan, but someone found out and killed them, making him grouchy towards kits and queens. He’s stubborn, all brawn and no brains. But he is reasonable and has a soft side, especially to those who have suffered many wounds. Leaps before thinking, many think he should not become leader, or that he will grow wiser with age.

Backstory: Not quite known. Some say he had a mate in kits in a different clan, but they were killed, and now he hates all kits and queens because he lost his. Some say the scar over his heart represents the hole he hides. Everyone challenges his prefex  of heart, claiming he has the soul of a rat. Maybe Loststar saw through all this to a kind hearted Tom who just hurt inside but cared deeply about his clan. 

Other: his mate might still be alive....and might still have kits...

Ships: nope  


Name: Tigerfang

Age: older warrior

Gender: F

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Warrior

Apperance: White tabby with black stripes, some claim they glow gold in the sunlight like a tiger. Fire-green eyes. Chipped ear, covered in scars, fierce warrior.

Personality: a ferice feline. Will fight anyone who opposes her to the death. Fights for those who can’t. Self righteous. Ignorant and stubborn. Thick-skulled. More brawns then brain. fiercely loyal to her clan and her loved ones. Will not hesitate to kill.

Backstory: No one knows who the father of her kits was. She never admitted to anything. Despised having kits and being defenses, wanted to be a warrior. Everything changed when she had her kits, she would rather spend time taking care of them then fighting. Doesn’t want them to become warriors. She stopped talking to her mate at this time, telling him that if he didn’t care about the kits as much as she did, she wouldn’t love him. He wanted to kill the kits because they mixed clan blood. She turned her back on him, and he’s hated her ever since, telling her he would one day kill her kits and even herself. 

Other: it’s Ravenheart if you couldn’t tell.

Ships: probably not but those toms can try ;)


Name: Fireflypaw

Age: younge apprintance

Gender: F

Clan: RiverClan

Rank: Apprintance  

Apperance: beautiful light brown-reddish pelt, a lovley Carmel color, with faint grey tabby stripes. Dazzling amber eyes, some say dancing with the fire of fireflys themselves. 

Personality:  Sweet, kind but outspoken and won’t back down if she knows something isn’t right. Doesn’t want to be a warrior, hopes she’ll be chosen for Medicean cat apprintance. 

Backstory: mom’s Tigerfang, siblings are Beatlepaw and Emberpaw, doesn’t know who her dad is and to be honest, doesn’t really want to.  


ships: sure


Name: Beatlepaw

Age: young apprintance

Gender: M 

Clan: River

rank: Apprintance  

Apperance: strong built dark brown tabby with black stripes. Deep amber eyes, darker then his sisters. 

Personality: Shy, quiet, but can also be rowdy and loud. Thick skulled like his mum and extremely stubborn. The lights not always on. Really dumb. 

Backstory: Moms Tigerfang, siblings are Fireflypaw and Emberpaw, doesn’t know his father and hasn’t thought twice about it.


ships: sure 


Name: Emberpaw

Age: younge apprintance

Gender: M

Clan: River

rank: Apprintance

Appernace: completely white tabby with very faint light grey tabby stripes. Piercing red eyes. Never grew fur on the lower half of his back legs, which are a light pink, almost white and if you’re from afar you wouldn’t notice it. 

Personallity: shy, scared of everything, scared of what his red eyes mean, scared of the Medicean cat, scared they’ll banish them. He has a right to be scared, no one trusts him except his family. His mom has tried to coax him out of his shell, but he can tell that she doesn’t even know what his fate is. Very submissive. 

Backstory: From the second his eyes opened, there has been distrust in Riverclan. No one knows what his eyes mean. If someone got a message from Starclan, they haven’t shown it yet. Is often growled at and pushed away because cats are scared of him, causing his frightful personality. Wants to know who his father is.


ships: uh....sure 

submitted by Claaws, Class 2020
(April 20, 2018 - 1:57 pm)
Name: Mist
Age: 14 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: None
Rank: Kittypet
Appearance: She has short silver fur with a white muzzle, paws, tail tip, and belly. She has a pale green collar and stormy blue eyes
Personality: It takes a while to get to know Mist, but at the very least she's understanding and realistic. Of course she's also humorous, faithful and hardworking, but in a way they're lesser traits and tained by behaviors of being blunt as well. Her understanding nature though, this is what she's kind of cherished for. Friends usually count on this and her amusing nature especially when they need comforting or support.Nobody's perfect of course and Mist has plenty of lesser desired aspects too. Her cynical nature and pretentiousness aren't exactly fun to deal with, much to the annoyance of others, fortunately Her realism usually softens the worst of it. 
Backstory: She was originally from Windclan but she was taken by twolegs as a kit and has been raised as a kittypet ever scince. She only remembers her brother's name and his fur markings though because her mother died in giving birth to her and her brother who she believes is dead.
Shipping: Yes
Other: She likes to watch the clan cats wander around their borders from her twoleg's fence.
Name: Lichenshade
Age: 14 moons
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Warrior
Personality: Lichenshade is a wise and sweet little tom, having just been given his warrior name. He is in love with Fireflypaw a little, but he would never tell because she is still an apprentice. He is bright, bubbly, and happy. He's sweet, curious, brave and perhaps a little too immature. But there's more than meets the eye, not surprising for somebody with his position in the clan.
Backstory: He was origfinally from Windclan but he was taken by twolegs as a kit and has been raised as a kittypet ever scince. He only remembers his brother's name and his fur markings though because his mother died in giving birth to him and his sister who he believes is dead. 
Shipping: Yes
Other: His sister is Mist and he is an NPC.
Name: Batpaw
Age: 6 moons
Gender: Female
Clan: Windclan but is part Shadowclan
Rank: Just became an apprentice
Appearance: Batpaw has fine, bright onyx fur with charcoal markings and thick stripes. she also has has slitted eyes that are dark redwood-colored with a red tinge and she is smaller than the average cat and has a more delicate frame. Batpaw's's head is small that adds sweet look to her face. She has long, oddly shaped ears and her tail is long with a charcoal colored tip.
Personality:She is extremely introverted and does not have many friends because she is so shy. The rest is TBR because I am lazy and she also blends in with the shadows a lot
Backstory: TBR
Shipping: Yes and has a crush on Eagle whom she has seen while on patrol and talked to while she was hunting.
Other: Lichenshade is her mentor.
submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(April 20, 2018 - 10:11 pm)

Wait, my Eagle? The comical clumsy rogue (that I may or may not have forgotten about...?)That Eagle is the one that your charrie has a crush on? Sure, okay!


submitted by Starseeker@Darkking, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(April 22, 2018 - 6:23 pm)

That’s the one!

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(April 22, 2018 - 7:43 pm)


submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 23, 2018 - 11:32 am)

Alright, if Aspen will allow it, I'll make more rogue charries. There are only 3 currently and they're all mine, but I think the technical limit is 3 charries. @Aspen, is it alright with you?


submitted by Star@Aspen&Agent, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(April 24, 2018 - 9:03 pm)


Name: Hatch

Age: 20 Moons

Gender: M

Clan: None

Rank: Rouge

Appearance: He has a black pelt with brown squares of different shades including one that frames his face, with a square of dark brown n his forehead with a tilted-to-look-like-a-diamond square of light brown. He has striking lightblue eyes that seem to glow and enrapture. 

Personality: He is mostly silent, and has a kind heart. To mostclan cats, he is just a flash of black and brown or blue eyes, hich makes him pretty mysterious. He smells of pine and snow.

Backstory: He was born in the streets of a small town, in the north, he trveled a long while til he came to the forest. He has a strange accent, which hints that he is not from around here. (sounds like french) His bro is Quill.

Shipping: He was built for that. so YAH

Other: Mien Bro is Quill


Name: Quill

Age: 20 moons

Gender: M

Clan: None

Rank: Rouge

Appearance: He has marble gray fur, with a black tail and paws. He has amber eyes, that have the same effect as his brother's eyes do.

Personality: He wishes to understand a great deal of things, he is very intelectual, and passionate about things he bielieves in.

Backstory:  He was born in the streets of a small town, in the north, he trveled a long while til he came to the forest. He has a strange accent, which hints that he is not from around here. (sounds like french) His bro is Hatch.

Shipping: He was built for that. so YAH

Other: Mien Bro is Hatch.

Yes, Quill's name and personality is based off of hamilton, let me be hamiltrash XD (Im sick btw) Capcha tho "divz"

submitted by Ty Fire@Agent Winter, age XD, Its Tyberious
(April 23, 2018 - 9:30 pm)

Looks cool imma join

Name: Robinsong


Age: 20 moons


Gender: Male


Clan: Riverclan


Rank: Warrior


Appearance: Robinsong has wispy, very light ghost white fur with pale ash-blond stripes and markings on its hindquarters. He has flat eyes that are redwood-colored with dark flecks. Robinsong is unusually large. He has long, rough-edged ears with a long tail.


Personality: He is productive, wise, and extremely intelligent. RobinSong is mute to the point where he only talks when he has to or when he has an extremely important statement.


Backstory: He is a normal Riverclan cat who's mother was a rouge and left him with his current clan so because of this he became very closed off from everyone.


Shipping: Yes


Other: Mentors Fireflypaw 

submitted by Bookworm, age - less, Somewhere in existence.
(April 24, 2018 - 8:26 pm)
Name: Shadowfang
Age: 13 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Young warrior
Appearance: This very young cat has flat, ebony fur with dark ruddy brown ears and spots on his tail. This cat has slitted eyes that are very light iris, one of which is lighter than the other. He has a head that is heart-shaped with a smooth face with long, pointed ears. He also has a long tail with a dark brown tip.
Personality: He is hotheaded, kind, loyal, basicly a go getter with a hothead and a way with words and who is skilled at deceit
Backstory: He has told no cat his backstory and he subtly changes the topic if it starts to head twards backstories(basicly TBR).
Shipping: yes
Other: He has little to no self confidence and sees himself as extremely expendable and a burded to everyone but no cat has even cought a whiff of those traits because he hides it extremely well with is incredible acting skills.
Name: Owlclaw
Age: 58 moons
Gender: Male
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Senior warrior
Appearance: This cat has sparse, bright fawn fur with deep amber markings down his back and tail. This cat has gentle eyes that are electric blue. This cat is gigantic. This cat's head is square-shaped with a narrow face. This cat has wide, folded ears. This cat has a more than one tail that is carried high.
Personality: Cold, inteligent iceberg.
Backstory: Normal cat whose parents passed away of old age.
Shipping: Yes if you're his age and if you can melt is ice wall.
Other: Mentors Beetlepaw npc
submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(April 26, 2018 - 7:50 pm)
submitted by TOP, age TOPTOPTOP, TOPTOP
(May 1, 2018 - 2:07 pm)

Yes, that's completely fine! I'm glad this RP is getting more people and coming back!! At some point I may draw the line on the number of charries but in a Warriors RP lots of cats is good.

submitted by Aspen@Starseeker, age 154 moons, Silver on the Tree
(May 3, 2018 - 4:22 pm)

Great! I kind of have an entire band of rogues going now XD I think someone else has made some rogues as well, too.


submitted by Starseeker@Aspen, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(May 4, 2018 - 11:05 am)

When are we starting?

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(May 5, 2018 - 12:32 pm)

soon I hope

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(May 5, 2018 - 8:36 pm)

I have to drop out sorry just make my charrie a npc, SCHOOL SUCKS

submitted by Bookworm, age - less, Somewhere in existence
(May 6, 2018 - 9:57 am)